what is the purpose of this site, anyway?

by xochsi 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    Which part of "discussion board" don't you understand?

    It is for people interested in JW's. Whether active, inactive, never-a-member, disfellowshipped, disassociated, dissipated, disappointed, disillusioned, distinguished, disgruntled, diseased, and deelovely.

    Most are x-Witnesses who think it is a horrid nasty evil cult, or is that just me?

    So, depending on your point-of-view, it is either a place of bitter rumblings, or a valuable respource to people recovering from being in a cult.

  • seattleniceguy
    No, I'm not a JW but I believe that no matter how ridiculous their rules seem and strict a religion...they work. If you decided not to be a JW, you made a choice. You didn't agree with the teachings or principles, fine. Do you have doubts on your decision and this site helps when you talk to other disgruntled ex-JWs. Just don't get it. It's not comparable to a chat room for alcoholics.

    LOL...are you sure about that? To me you sound an awful lot like a current JW who is pretending to be an outsider so that you have a more unbiased voice.

    I guess you could say that Stalinism "worked" too, but the question is, did it really help people to live full and healthy lives?

    No, I don't have any doubts about my decision. I post here to help new ones and to enjoy conversation with friends. I'm not disgruntled. I hope my family and friends get out, but only because I want what's best for them.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    One of two things;

    One - you are an impostor - spy - for the WT

    Two - you have no idea the pain that the WT can inflict on those who leave - they bind and hold you in fear for perhaps decades - then turn on you like a vicious dog when you question the moral integrity of the organization - Result: no friends, no family, no idea at first what to do about it.

    I vote #1 -


  • xochsi

    Thanks to all who contributed to this thread.

    It is interesting how this forum means something different to each person.

    My question was obviously not a naive one. It's good to hear the perpectives of individuals who are at various stages of their lives after the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, and why they use this message board.

    Some really do appreciate it, others use it as an online status stroker, others use it share valuable information with others trying to leave the org or dealing with having left the org. Still others use it to get that kind of information. Me? I'm just here to learn.


  • shamus


    What do you care if we discuss these things? I think that if you have time to come on here and criticize us for discussing these things, then you should be the one getting a life.

    And what of the people who were baptized when very young? Did you even know that the WTBTS did that? Many here had absolutely no idea what they were getting into.

    If you don't like it, then you leave. We don't have to justify ourselves to you. If you want answers to your questions, I'm happy to answer them. If you're just here to criticize, then get lost. Be happy with your religion. We have no interest turning you away from your faith.

  • candidlynuts

    where else can we discuss doubts?

    if you go to the elders your immediately suspected of being an apostate. if you continue to press for answers you will be df'd.

    if you go to family they feel obligated to turn you into the elders for having doubts.

    myself, i'm already isolated from family, i've had my home, children and entire life taken away because i quit going to the hall and my congregation approved abusive ex husband stripped me of everything with their blessing.

    so having a place to discuss issues, whine about things that have happened because of being a jw, a place to question why, and a place to laugh and relax , has been a blessing. and like its been said..if you dont like it , dont come here. dont presume to know anyone here or their motives.

  • LittleToe

    You're a bad boy - go to my room!

    Btw, did you know that Under74 is a gurl?
    Am I the last person to know this???

    There was a thread similar to this, recently, here:

  • czarofmischief
    Whether active, inactive, never-a-member, disfellowshipped, disassociated, dissipated, disappointed, disillusioned, distinguished, disgruntled, diseased, and deelovely.



    ps: We also talk about Elsewhere's bowels a fair bit.

  • undercover
    Why do you all get so hot? What are you so mad about? (Undercover)

    I'm not mad...I did welcome you to the site afterall. But I do resent someone coming to the site and with their first post ever slam people who post here. That's rude no matter what forum you visit. Let's review what you said in your first post:

    All the answers you got seem fake or excuses for just wanting to talk negatively about the JW Christian religion for no reason other than trying to make themselves feel better.

    Great way to introduce yourself and make friends. Who are you to pop in here and judge anyone?

    But...stick around and learn something. Maybe you'll figure it out.

  • bebu

    xochi, this site was originally a db for JWs who wanted to discuss... but as they talked, shared, and began to investigate odd things in the religion... things really changed. It isn't the "inherent evils" of the internet that wrought that change; it is the access to more information that the internet provided, which brought re-evaluation of the WTS's claims. You might like reading the earlier posts and topics for fun.

    If you look at the thread for newbies, you will get up to speed.


    BTW, don't be put off by the tons of negative/pessimistic subjects in the active topics. There are a lot of positive people here as well. Just read what interests you.


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