Do you and your significant other share religious beliefs?

by MelbaToast 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Athanasius

    My fiancee and I are both Christians, though we belong to different church families. She is Russian Orthodox and I am Anglo-Catholic (Episcopalian). Because the Orthodox observe Christmas and Easter a few weeks after we do, it enables my fiancee and I to attend services at both churches as a family.

  • Odrade

    hubby and I have similar morals and ethics, but he tends to be agnostic on his most spiritual days, while I lean pagan. It's interesting when it comes to conversations about energy and ceremony, but doesn't cause us issues like it does when one tries to mix a JW with some differing belief.

  • Pole

    Wife's a believer. We both used to be active JWs. As far as I can figure out, she prays but doesn't expect God to answer in any way, not even at the emotional level. I no longer believe in God. We used to have problems over those differences when I was losing faith. Now it's just fine. I guess I've managed to convince her that it's real people who count and not metaphysics and spiritual entities. That's what I think at least :).


  • TD

    My wife is a JW. Although there was a time when I was enamored with the JW's, my view has gradually evolved towards skepticism.

    We get along great by simply not discussing certain topics.

  • BrendaCloutier

    I could be "classified" as new age oriented (probably should be classified as certifiably nutz, but that's a different thread). My spousal unit is agnostic bordering athiest. Mostly, he doesn't care, but acknowledges there is pleanty he doesn't know nor hasn't experienced. His dad, a retired physician, is athiest, and mom, one of the M sects of protestantism, not active in church, but active in PEO, a christian young women's support charity.

    We discuss things when they come up, but only until they get a little heated, then drop it.

    Our cats belong to the Church of Catnip.



  • GentlyFeral

    My husband and I left the Spoof together. He "hit the ground running" as an atheist and I have morphed into a magic-working pagan . The kids (now grown) are more or less pagan too: my son rather new-agey and my daughter kind of indescribable industrial-punk-goth spiritualist.

    And we all have the bestest times together. I don't think our home has ever been happier.

    gently feral

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