Do you and your significant other share religious beliefs?

by MelbaToast 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    ours is very different.. i still believe in God and have faith in Jesus.. he totally believes there isnt a god and if there is he wants to have a " conversation" with him one on one.. ( very bitter and angry about being disabled so young)

    but on occasion he does call me an angel.. so he has a lil religion lol

  • redhotchilipepper

    Our religion is our children. We love them equally. Children are the best religion and medicine for that matter.

  • googlemagoogle

    not if one is a jw...

  • Sunnygal41

    My SO and I are very very opposite the end on the spectrum of religious belief.........he knows about my Dub past and my disenchantment with them and with Christianity...........he is a born again Christian.........however..........we both have tremendous respect for our right to our own belief system..........the only thing he has ever stressed about his belief was to ask me if I was baptized in water in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and I truthfully answered that yes, I had been, and he was like "okay, then, you're safe, you're saved." He knows that I cannot abide organized religion.......I do my praying or seeking "divine energy" thru nature and I have an altar at home in my den. We do discuss scripture from time to time, and I do encourage him to be spiritual, and he does the same with me. He, by the way, cannot believe that because of their religion, my former friends and family won't talk to me. In his words "that's plain wrong."........


  • jgnat

    I am a Christian that likes to go to church, my hubby is a JW who likes to go to the Kingdom Hall. Yes, it is tough to find the common ground, since he is taught that he is always right, and I am "worldly". We get through it with patience, communication, and giving each other lots of room for their own beliefs.

    Seriously, for both your sakes, talk things out with your hubby. I think you are not ready for the whole church thing, don't let yourself be pushed in to it. But perhaps you can work out with your hubby that it would be OK for your daughter to go. She does not have years of programming and hangups to overcome. Many churches have programs for the children, it can be an important social outlet.

    I find modern society to be very isolating. Many people barely know their neighbours. This becomes painfully obvious if a couple tries to complete a passport application or apply for foster care. Are there any couples in your life that are not family, that know you well and could vouch for your character? Such people are gold. Find them and keep them.

    Perhaps the both of you could compromise, and find a social outlet that is NOT church related. Like a softball league or something.

  • Insomniac

    I'm a goddess worshipping pagan, while my love is a deist (believes in God, has no church). It seems to work out ok, though, as we share the same core values, and have pretty much the same concept of what it means to lead a good life. We tend not to talk about religion, for the most part, and when we do, it's with the acknowledgement that neither of us has all the answers. I'm not sure how we'd deal with it if we were to have kids together, but fortunately we'll never have to face that issue.

  • redhotchilipepper

    Valis: That sounds like the best church I've ever heard of!!!!! How do I join that faith? Cause I'm in!

  • kwintestal
    That sounds like the best church I've ever heard of!!!!! How do I join that faith?

    You lie in bed yelling "Oh my God!" over and over. Then you feel the holy spirt enter you, and you're in!


  • JustTickledPink

    We share the same MORAL beliefs, not exact religious beliefs. Neither of us attend any church services, but we both believe in some type of higher power, and my hubby prays almost every night, which I think is sweet. I am more liberal and open minded than he is.

  • M.J.

    Wife is JW, and I am a churchgoing Christian. Things were pretty hairy at first and we still have unresolved and usually unspoken issues. But morally speaking we seem to share the same principles and sentiments much more often than not. We've learned to be much more tolerant & respectful of one another's beliefs. I even go to meetings once in a while and have been to an assembly, kind of as a "peace offering". But the dialogue continues for the simple fact that we need to resolve what will become of the children once they get old enough. Talking religion w/her is something I personally enjoy as much as getting a root canal. My primary aim really is to open her mind and demonstrate to her that other beliefs are justifiable and not simply "demonic" as she is taught. This is why I think she has learned to have more respect for my position. So I know where you're coming from when it comes to concern for your child. But take comfort in knowing at least that you're not in between a rock and the WTS.

    I agree that it is hard to determine how much religion should be taught to your child. Part of me feels like its wrong to simply teach an unquestioning, innocent little kid that "this is truth" when it happens to be someone's interpretation of truth. But I also see the value of the principles, appreciation of life, and sense of community that a religious upbringing can cultivate. I think there's a balance somewhere.

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