The Watchtower's Dilemma

by metatron 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JeffT

    The issue of the world's failure to end was the one that started our exit. I began examining the matter and when I found out about all the false prophecies I was done.

    I've noticed a staleness about the witnesses lately. The other day we passed a guy on the street who was holding up Watchtower and Awake magazines, but not in any way interacting with the people walking past him. He was getting his time in, but that was it.

    I think the WTBS is circling the drain. I don't know what they might do in the future, but what they're doing now isn't working.

  • DevonMcBride
    I think that would open the floodgates to litigation. Many have died refusing blood transfusions. Many have had their families destroyed. Lives have been wrecked.

    I was thinking the same thing.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The WTS is strictly end-time oriented. The fantasies that have been painted to us and others before us have not panned out. In the early days - previous to the ability to research and verify, as we can do well today - they could get away with just moving dates and times - 1799 just faded off - 1914 was altered in meaning. Many never noticed - or died off and left the new generation in the dark about the past.

    So I think the dilemma that faces them is - How do we move the 1914 date forward and begin another century of barking up the tree that we barked up in the past? I don't see how they could do it without massive bloodletting.

    They have started that process I believe with the change of understanding about the '1914 Generation' - how or what they do next is the tricky part. Can they somehow alter the understanding of what 1914 meant then create a new date that breaks the tie-in to 1914.?

    I am sure we will stay tuned to see.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    They'll either run out of $, and people to contribute it, and slowly die off from feebleness; or they'll try to appeal to mainstream Christianity by gradually altering some doctrines as "New Light." There'll probably be lots of marketing jobs available at Bethel to design the sleek new packaging, and campaign materials for the Bible televangelism ministry.

    They've already hit the boob tube; the radio; the airports; and campuses! All I remember doing twenty years ago is going door to door, and out for coffee, and that was about *it*.

    Country Girl

    This is how the world ends
    This is how the world ends
    This is how the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper"

    TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"

  • metatron

    I think they could ignore the past and their fading chronology if they came up with internal social/charitable

    services - to act as distractions. Isn't this really what most religions have done? If you take a hard look at various

    churches such as Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Catholics and other others, you find doctrines that appear idiotic

    ( Joseph Smith changed his story, Ellen White heard Jesus talk about whole wheat flour after epileptic visions were induced

    by a head injury and Jesus appears daily in crackers).

    Without an infrastructure of social services, ordinary Witnesses have nothing to fixate on but the endlessly sterile supply

    of dead meetings and magazine peddling - and weak Watchtower theology.


  • ko38

    i am wondering if perhaps they will become even bolder in their usage of new light or light getting brighter.for example identifying the kin of the north and the king of the south in the watchtower.some believe the king of the north to be germany, south is becoming more political in matters of the middle east they can focus the attention off of 1914.many believe today the 2nd coming will be precipatated by nuclear war due to struggles to gain lasting supplies of oil.if iran takes over iraq and saudi arabia they will have control over a good percentage of the worlds supply.Germany finds themselves reliant on importing 97% of their oil from other countries.this could very well cause an awakening of the sleeping jiant referred to in the scriptures. i dont know of course but it would seem easy for the GB to have their message of doom come from a source that has some real verafiable see it with your own eyes proof

    just 1 way,if i can think of one im sure they can. ive never been able to control more than 3 million people at a time myself anyway LOL

  • stillajwexelder

    1) The WTS is strictly end-time oriented. AGREED so they could be really bold and actually state 2034 (1914 +120 years of Noah) and worry about the embarrassment wehn it fails later.

    2) Even bolder in their usage of new light or light getting brighter. For example identifying the king of the north. King of North could be Islamic fundamentalism -Iraq-Iran - Middle East etc. They can thus draw attention away from 1914.

    OR 3) Gradually metamorphose over time into a mainstream religion.

    my 2 cents

  • seattleniceguy

    Interesting thread. One has to laugh to consider the funny position they have put themselves in. As metatron points out, they've created such a hardline culture that any mainstreaming will be seen by a large part of the group as a compromise. But there's no way they can simply maintain course. It's kind poetic justice, in a way.

    I just hope my friends and family get out with lives intact. Here's hoping!


  • coffee_black

    I think they will quieltly continue to sell off the assets and squirel the money away while making the dubs think the money is being used to continue the preaching work. By the time the dubs figure it out, it will be too late.... Whoever is truly in control will let it die, and the money will be no where to be found...untraceable. They have to do this as not to alert the rank and file.


  • Gill


    So where do you think, or to who do you think the money is going to?

    Is someone in particular or a few in particular going to benefit from the billions?

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