What "cult-like" practices have you noticed with Born-Again Christians?

by booker-t 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Their behaviour shouldn't really be a surprise........look at all those nutbars on TV on Sunday mornings! Hoopin' and hollering and screaming "Hallelujah!!" and "Praise Ja-E-SUS!!" over and over again..........look at that moron Benny Hinn. He gets up there, pretends he's got "the Spi-rut" and "heals" people ........then it shows people in the audience crying and "fainting" and "praising the Lord"..........it's all just bullshit.

    My gread grandmother used to be a Penecostal and the church she went to was indeed how you describe it. People rolling around, thinking they've got "the Power" and other total insanity..........you're generally dealing with people who are emotionally disturbed IMO. It's all just a big money grab...........they never show you on TV, the collection plate being passed. Benny Hinn, for example makes over a million dollars A WEEK from his "preaching"...........from your description, it sounds like that episode on The Simpsons when The Movementarians come to Springfield.

  • Cicatrix

    Well, I don't know that I'd call it a cult-like practice, but my ex-stepmother, who claims to be a born again Pentecostal, called my grandmother after my aunt died simply to tell my grandmother that my aunt was going to hell because she was in the "wrong religion". It was an incredibly unloving, unChristian thing to do, and Grandma is still hurting from it over a year later. Perhaps my ex stepmother's religious ideas influenced what she did, but I think it stemmed more from the fact that she couldn't cause a division between my grandparents and my father (their son) after he divorced the woman.

    At any rate, it reminded me a WHOLE LOT of all the Watchtower studies on the fate of unbelieving mates and family members at Armageddon. What I can't figure out is why people who claim to be Christians can make such "authoritative" claims, in light of the scriptures that say not to judge others.

  • little1

    I have a good friend whom I love dearly, but he can't see the difference between "spiritual" and "religious". In his mind, if I don't believe things his way, which is Americanized Christianity, then I'm "lost." Personally I believe that saying there is only one way to find God is like saying there is only one way to get to the mall from my house. God is much bigger. American Christians don't seem to realize they believe something that's been sifted and re-translated, gutted of whole chapters that didn't sit right with this pope or that one and reinterpreted for umpty dozen years. They act as if God handed Moses a leather bound copy of the King James Bible with his name engraved in gold on the cover.

    I deplore a "we're right and they're wrong" attitude because it just isn't what Jesus would do. My first ex-husband was a Methodist minister. I put him through seminary and we ate, slept and breathed scripture and theology. I was one of those obnoxious black and white thinkers and I'm sure my whole family would have cheerfully throttled me. After husband # 2 went on a 10 year drinking binge, I found Al Anon, which gradually introduced me to a spiritual way of life, and I feel that I have grown closer to God than I ever did in my church lady days.

    If you want to know what God thinks-ask he/she will be glad to instruct if you have an ear to listen. I don't ned or want anyone interpreting what God wants for me. I prefer to get it straight from the source.


  • heathen

    I know a strange cult that worships a publishing corporation .... Need I say more ..........

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I guess I should be so harse in my words but my first hand experience is that the Fundamental Chrismantic Christians are no worse or no better than the JW. They use the same type of shallow theological reasoning as the JW. If you dare question their biblical authority they look at you as you are the crazy person. They won't read anything that is contrary to biblical teachings.


  • lawrence

    I've been to "calm" pentecostal services (tongues, a healing or two), but one night I went to a revival in Roxbury, Mass. and there were rollers, foamers, and head bangers, and one was so filled with "spirit" that Pastor Daley kept praising God, until the man almost rammed his head through a wall, and lo and behold! sucker had a demon, so now Daley and the deacons prayed over the exorcism, in "Jesus name." It was time for me to go, but a friend stayed and said they had some more exorcisms and many were "saved." Bullshit! On my way out I put a wad of napkins in an envelope and put it in the donation basket, I'll bet they thought they were having lobster after the savings and healings.

  • heathen

    LMAO@lawrence --- I've actually never been to a pentecostal church but have seen these type of goings on via the tele . Just from that I had no desire to see any of it first hand .

  • Mulan

    I have two daughters in law who are born againers. One is pretty good about not bringing things up. My son warns her. The other one will do it occasionally, and holds to her beliefs and what the Pastor says, as though they are written in stone.

    If you show her something that contradicts what she believes, she will dismiss it because it isn't what the Pastor says.

    Sounds like a JW to me.

    There is a lot more, but frankly, it all bores me to tears.

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