Prince Says...............

by professor 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Even the WT criticized Prince:

    g92 11/8 4-7
    The rock star Prince sang the praises of brother-sister incest.
  • Preston

    Prince also says......well, this forum is too clean to publish the lyrics of "Pussy Control"

    His statement is a stunning contrast to the opening of "Let's Go Crazy" .... "the if you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills..."

  • lonelysheep
    One Ninety Seven Five,
    Read the text, go door to door.
    Tonight we're gonna party like it's 1974.


    Prince is definately a witness. I didn't believe it at first, but a few in my old cong. sat with him at bethel.

    I am still a fan, and now that I no longer am studying, really wish he'd release new music that was still on the freaky side.

  • professor

    Still lots of disbelief here. It occurs to me that Prince is not allowed to speak to me because I'm bad association and might spoil his useful habits!

    What a laugh riot!

    I'm not sure how much money he donates to the Society, but don't you think Prince is now a "stubling block"? His old, "immoral" music is still for sale. Do you think he told the record companies to just keep that money now? Doesn't he also have his own record label, Paisley Park? Do you think that label has stopped putting out anything that might be un-Christian? Why does his new video make political statements? Aren't Witnesses supposed to stay out of politics?

    It just seems IMPOSSIBLE for Prince to be a brother in good standing. Someone please explain this to me because it's really pissing me off. My parents are now encouraged to associate with Prince and not allowed to speak to me! JUST LAST YEAR my wife went to his concert here in Milwaukee and he was still doing his dirty music. When did he suddenly have a change of heart and then suddenly get baptized? What the hell is going on here?!

  • Scarlet

    I believe it was on the Today show or one of those morning shows, he went on and said he had been raised a witness but left as a teenager and his mother on her death bed asked him to do one last thing for her and that was to become a baptized Jehovah's Witness. So he told her he would do that and he did. He said though it has brought him so much happiness to have found God. I think to the death of his child had something to do with it.

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    maybe this will be his new symbol...

    Nice to see you back, Professor!!!

  • RunningMan

    Don't you mean:

    Tonight we're gonna PREACH like it's 1974

    As spoken by the brother formerly known as prince.

  • SixofNine

    I saw him just a few months ago... and yes, it is beyond bizarre that he can be a baptised witness, while I couldn't read at the bookstudy with a beard. His act may not be what it once was, but it is still VERY sexual, and it openly ask for idolatry towards Prince (in terms of any objective look at what witnesses consider idolatry). Even if he was only an "approved associate" to go door to door, the hypocricy is stunning.

    A not-to-be-missed show, btw. If you get the chance, take it.

  • heathen

    Maybe we should just send him a copy of COC . The WTBTS couldn't lead a starving man to a loaf of bread .

  • kaykay_mp
    How could you go to meeting with Prince? You come in with your $50 JC Penny suit, he's wearing a $5,000 one-of-a-kind designer 3 piece with alligator shoes. You mumble along to the opening song, he actually makes it sound like MUSIC. You give your part on the School, but kind of flub your gestures, Prince ROCKS THE HOUSE. Your householder," Jehovah Witnesses? I'm not interested!" His householder, "HOLY $#!+! You're Prince! HELL YES I want a free home Bibly study! You mean Prince will come to my house once a week for FREE? Can I have my friends over, too?"

    Yes, how could you go to meeting with Prince?

    ROTFLMAO! mungo you always make me laugh. laters kaykay_mp

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