Good bye armageddon I knew ye well.

by XQsThaiPoes 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XQsThaiPoes

    After several talks I believe it is official. Armaggedon is dead. We can no longer tell "interested ones about armegeddon, but can only tell them about the new paradise government. The reasoning from the platform was in todays unstable war and terror filled world it would be wrong to promote a message of destruction because that is no different than what satans system provides. We are to offer the "good news of the kingdom" to soothe them. And talk about how Jehovahs new system will solve mans problems.

    Comments anyone? I am kinda weirded out. THis was on a few assembly parts, but now it is in the service and tms meetings. So what does this mean? Do you hold out on telling them about armageddon until you get deep into study, or baptism questions, or is this just what you use to place mags?

    The shift of the doctrine will make JWs like a regular rapture church. Where the general impression is the good are wisked off to paradise. Does that mean baptized jws should change their view to the same one that they tell the public. That the new system is the big picture and armageddon is not important anymore? Does this mean they should expect more people to survive it? Or is it only a better way to place mags. This new watchtower is confusing the hell out of me.

  • bigboi

    I think they're just taking the opportunity use the present state of world affairs to further push along efforts to make the religion more mainstream.

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    We can no longer tell "interested ones about armegeddon, but can only tell them about the new paradise government. The reasoning from the platform was in todays unstable war and terror filled world it would be wrong to promote a message of destruction because that is no different than what satans system provides.

    Are you joking us? The world has always been unstable and in fact was more so at it's peak of total and complete global nuclear annihilation during the cold war and especially during the years of the Kennedy administration with the Cuban missle crisis. There is not the same fear of an Armageddon or a total global meltdown like their used to be. Now it is just smaller scale attacks by radical terrorists (still disturbing though).

    With the statement of "it would be wrong to promote a message of destruction because that is no different than what satans system provides." They are essentially admitting that this message would be a Satanic message. It is one thing for them to admit to promoting false prophesies for Armageddon (1975) but to admit to promoting a Satanic message is amazingly stupid on their part.

    My guess is that they are getting very negative reaction from people with their doomsday message especially since 911. If this is not the most hypocritical move they have ever made it certainly ranks right up there near the top. They complain to their members about not listening to apostates but if their members start really listening to the WT they will do more damage than any apostate will ever do. Problem is many are brainwashed or just not very bright.

  • Flash
    After several talks I believe it is official. Armaggedon is dead. We can no longer tell "interested ones about armegeddon, but can only tell them about the new paradise government.... THis was on a few assembly parts, but now it is in the service and tms meetings. So what does this mean?

    That's an interesting shift. It's no doubt designed to make the message more appealing. It used to be pretty 'in your face' with a 'conform or DIE' attitude.

    Does this mean they should expect more people to survive it?

    I have believed for a long time that the Great Crowd will be very great. I was never convinced that ONLY baptized persons will survive.

  • kwintestal
    So what does this mean? Do you hold out on telling them about armageddon until you get deep into study, or baptism questions, or is this just what you use to place mags?

    I'd just not telling them anything at all about the JW's. Why waste their time?


  • Gopher

    If the WT Society is de-emphasizing Armageddon, this is an astounding shift in tactics. They must be desperate to try to recruit new ones to their organization.

    They still teach Armageddon, otherwise how could a "new world government" come about that they teach? The old system would need to go away first. I remember a Watchtower in the 1970's showing a picture of a dirty globe representing earth and a big hand with a clean cloth coming to wipe out all badness.

    People who have been in the organization many years will still see every world event (such as 9/11) as portending the nearness of Armageddon.

    The new ones won't. They haven't had it drilled into their heads like those of us who were in the organization for decades.

  • blondie

    I did notice that in the WT in 2003 Armageddon is used only 4 times but if you put in the words destroy, destruction, destroyed, or variations, the number is great. In fact the new book for children, Learning from the Great Teacher, has 12 references to Armageddon.

    p. 244 Chapter 47 How We Can Tell Armageddon Is Near


    w03 1/1 p. 9 Now More Than Ever, Stay Awake! ***

    Today, a more far-reaching destruction is looming, one that will bring an end to this entire system of things.


    w03 1/1 p. 11 Now More Than Ever, Stay Awake! ***

    Today, with the destruction of an entire world system of things approaching, how necessary that is!


    w03 1/15 p. 6 Has Evil Won? ***

    That Kingdom will destroy all human governments at "the [upcoming] war of the great day of God the Almighty" and will affect the entire earth.?Revelation 16:14, 16.


    w03 1/15 p. 16 How Strong Is Your Faith? ***

    They must have scoffed at his message about a coming Deluge, even as some scoff when we provide Scriptural proof that the present system of things will soon be destroyed.

    *** w03 4/15 p. 13 Youths Who Make Jehovah?s Heart Rejoice ***

    Really, the wicked are on slippery ground. At the latest, they will experience a fall when Jehovah destroys this ungodly system.?Revelation 21:8.

    *** w03 6/1 p. 19 Stand Still and See the Salvation of Jehovah! ***

    Gog?s attack will cause God?s enthroned King to take action and wage the war of Armageddon. (Revelation 16:14, 16) Those who have refused to acknowledge Jehovah?s sovereignty will suffer destruction

    *** w03 7/15 p. 18 How Should We View People as Jehovah?s Day Approaches? ***

    11 Today, we are facing another destruction?that of the present wicked system of things during the great day of Jehovah

    *** w03 8/1 p. 15 Imitating the God of Truth ***

    According to their wish," such ridiculers ignore the fact that the world of Noah?s day was deluged with water, setting a pattern for a future day of judgment. Their wishful thinking will spell disaster for them when God?s time comes to destroy ungodly ones.?

    *** w03 8/15 p. 11 Jehovah?s Servants Have True Hope ***

    The same is true in our day. Revelation 14:18-20 shows that Jehovah is again communicating from his holy temple. He will soon take decisive action, and momentous events will again rock mankind. This time, the wicked "vine of the earth" will be cast into the great winepress of Jehovah?s anger, to the complete destruction of Satan?s system of things.

    *** w03 9/1 pp. 19-20 Praise Jehovah "in the Middle of the Congregation" ***

    Satan?s system of things is staggering toward destruction, and problems continue to mount.

    *** w03 10/15 p. 6 How Can You Make Wise Decisions? ***

    The foretold change will climax in the destruction of a bankrupt human system, which will be replaced by God?s new world of righteousness.

    *** w03 12/15 p. 15 Our Watchfulness Takes On Greater Urgency ***

    The first is that a warning of coming destruction is given in no uncertain terms.

    *** w03 12/15 p. 15 Our Watchfulness Takes On Greater Urgency ***

    In modern times, sincere students of the Bible have learned from the inspired Scriptures that this system is doomed to destruction

    *** w03 1/1 p. 19 "Keep on the Watch"! ***

    Many times during his ministry and after his resurrection, Jesus urged vigilance. In fact, almost every time that the Scriptures refer to the end of this system of things, we find the warning to stay awake or to keep on the watch. (Luke 12:38, 40; Revelation 3:2; 16:14-16)

    *** w03 1/15 p. 6 Has Evil Won? ***

    That Kingdom will destroy all human governments at "the [upcoming] war of the great day of God the Almighty" and will affect the entire earth.?Revelation 16:14, 16.

  • outoftheorg




  • Leolaia

    Hey but what about that new Armageddon broshure? Wasn't there a drive to force that on the public?

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Blondie nobody objects to destroying evil. It is part of human nature to fear the dark and try todestroy it with light. So I am ready to hear the wts start sampling GW Bush'es words. I mean half of americans voting public agrees with the "evil" must be stopped all cost attitude.

    It is funny how it took two of the worlds tallest buildings to fall into their front lawn for them to go "You know killing scores of people in an instant, and reducing their neighborhood to rubble in the name of religion is evil. Let alone the whole world. Hmm, maybe we should re-think some of our belief system?"

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