Fear Of Demons:

by Englishman 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pole

    lol @ frankiespeakin


  • Valis

    There was a woman in our congo who was suffering from severe depression...as most women would if their husband of many years ran off with an elder's very young/hot daughter and knocked her up. She had bouts of hysteria and what I would say was clinical depression..not wanting to get out of bed, thoughts of suicide, total stops in daily routine like no service, no meeting attendance, (as if the last two are bad things?) *LOL* Anyway the elders came and prayed over her and looked around for objects they thought might be demonized and sure enough! They found one of those fish symbol/jesus things...They claimed when they removed it from her house she started getting better. Still didn't see much of her after all that...maybe embarassment over her husband and not wanting people to think she was crazy...

    Eh and then there was the day i was out w/my dad in service and the old lady on the porch started talking in tongues...*LOL* We both beat a hasty retreat to the donut shop....Apparently the demons avoid the donut shops on Saturday morning for that very reason.


    District Overbeer

  • frankiespeakin

    We had a brother who was an elder and was always finding demonized stuff.

    He had a bible study with this young couple and since they were having some marital problems suggested they may be under some type of demon influence,,, then he proceeded say he felt something comming from the wall paper,,,so they peeled some of the wall paper and sure enough there was wall paper with the sun in paterns,,well the brother said that pagans worshipped the sun and so there's your proof this wall paper has got the demons all over it, and was pobably put up by a demon worshipper.

    Well the couple started tearing down all the wall paper they could that nite,, in hopes that the demon no more will cause problems in their marriage,,,but they made so much noise they woke up the landlord who lived 2 floors below. The next morning the land lord made a visit and was shoched to see his walls all scraped of wall paper and promply had them evicted.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    dont know how to explain this...but there was one time when my brother gave me something written by another religion with calculations from the bible....and after reading it, I kept getting this repeating inner voice saying "Jehovah is a jerk" which made me feel very guilty and fearful because I could not shut it up....and I worried that I might lose my salvation over it.... but amazingly, when I got rid of that document, the voices stopped.

    not saying I believe in demons, mind you, but one for the x files to be sure...

  • heathen

    LMAO@the wall paper incident . Sure thing the demons caused the marital problems .

    Valis --- The j-dubs ward off the evil spirits that like to hang out in donut shops rotflmao ...........

    I don't know about demonic handbags but I have seen the subliminal satanic messages in the WT itself since it's been on the board time and again . Whoever does the art work appears to have a knowlege of occultic symbols . One could reason that the demons would be terrified of all that good news in the bag so would obviously avoid it much like the donut shop.

  • DaCheech
    Well the couple started tearing down all the wall paper they could that nite,, in hopes that the demon no more will cause problems in their marriage,,,but they made so much noise they woke up the landlord who lived 2 floors below. The next morning the land lord made a visit and was shoched to see his walls all scraped of wall paper and promply had them evicted.

    Don't buy Ebay, or go to garage sales!

  • DaCheech

    For that matter, don;t rent houses that were used before. and don't buy used houses, never know when

    demon worshippers were decorating the place before!

  • heathen

    LOL@DaCheech--- The WTBTS will ward off all demons if you turn the property title over to them . The witnesses believe everybody who aint a witness is a demon worshipper anyway . Look out you might buy a house from some of them thar christmas people .............. The demons it seems really enjoy christmas ..........

  • Fleur
    The really sad thing about this, is that for a child, what chance have you got? If every authority figure in your life believes and endorses this crap, including your religion's printed material, how can you possibly grow up not having a fear of demons?

    You can't. I always say that the only way they got me into the JW stuff to begin with is that they literally had me captive in the womb and from then on. Literally everyone in my family was/is JW: I'm the only one out.

    The saddest part with my family is that I wasn't as scared of them as my mother was, and still is. If I had the stuff that she made me throw away...collectable Star Wars stuff I could sell it all on Ebay and likely buy a house. She routinely tells people that other members of the family "have demons" when they aren't doing what she wants. Yes, I have been accused of it many times myself.

    Makes me want to scream! I'm so glad my child won't have to spend years of her life shedding JW baggage as I'm having to do.

    That original article which was printed before I was born helps me understand though why my mother's generation is so terrified of them.

    Thanks, Englishman!

  • Ashley Rebecca Nave
    Ashley Rebecca Nave

    I have this question about the fallen angels, and during era of Satans rebellion in the garden of Eden. Genesis chapters 3-6.

    Everyone know of the Nephlium Giants, and the fallen angels who left their original position.

    My question is this: Is it true that there is more to Spiritism than what is said? Witchcraft, black magic, occultism seems to have more than what Spiritism really is described.

    It is all very well, and scary . A good question are there actually any real witches as real Satan the Devil happens to be? Regarding the Nephlium Giants that were real before the flood. Since Satans rebellion he and fallen angels have been practicing the forbidden knowledge.

    Is it true that there is really out there that cannot be described or explained? If so, then Satan has things we unaware about, and might not want to know.

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