What Aggravates You The Most About People???

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    I hate stupid drivers....

    Drivers hanging in the fast lane going slower than everyone else...

    Drivers who brake at the bottom of on-ramps instead of acclerating and merging...

    Drivers who are oblivious to what's going on around them..death grip on the steering wheel...staring at the end of their hood(bonnet)...

    Drivers(if you can call em that) behind the wheel talking on cell-phones instead of paying attention to driving...


  • minimus

    I hate stupid drivers too!

  • BrendaCloutier

    What aggrivates me is inattentiveness.... drivers who don't signal and just drift into your lane without a thought. Drivers on cell phones. Don't stop at stop signs, or drift on through red lights.

    Bicyclists who think they own the road, run red lights and stop signs, drive on the sidewalks downtown where it is illegal, or ride against traffic, use crosswalks without getting off their bikes.

    Grocery store cart drivers who leave their carts in the middle of the aisle - sometimes crosswise, and are totally oblivious to their rudeness.

    On the days when I have to use the store's electric scooter, this issues is 10x worse, because most grocery cart drivers don't bother to look, either. I've been hit an average of 2x per visit. Once I hit a guy who I told I was behind him coming through, he didn't pay attention and stepped right in front of me and blamed me for it. The woman next to him told him I had warned them.

    I can't complain toooo much about those who interrupt while I'm talking, because I tend to do the same thing....



  • Tim Horton
    Tim Horton

    I agree CC rider. It aggravates me when people can't multi-task. Especially on the job. Laziness. Definately interrupting, this is one of my weak points. But I'm working on it. Rusty

  • Mac

    "What aggravates me the MOST (cause I have a list of minor aggravations) but the one that peeves me the most is people who crowd my space-either physical or emotional." Snuggles up close to Scoots.....OOOPS..sorry!!!!!!!!!!! mac ;)

  • minimus

    I can't stand those that feel using a cellphone while driving is wrong.

  • Preston

    I think this is a fitting topic because I think TODAY brought the WORST from people on here that I have seen at any time on these boards. As for things that aggravate...I think I have the winner.

    I hate it when people ask you a question and second guess your answer.......before you even reply!

    ex: "Do you know why you have a problem.....Of course you don't!!!"

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    What Aggravates You The Most About People???

    Most? I don't know, each are particularly aggravating so bear with me

    • talking in public restrooms - No talking! Take care of business and leave; I once had some guy get into the stall next to me and he had no problem carrying on a conversation like we were old pals in a bar. Shut up!
    • don't drive slow in the left lane - If you want to drive with white knuckles and your foot on the brake, do that in the right lane. Move!
    • I hate, really really hate people who insist on driving right next to me at the same speed. I'll speed up, so do they; I'll slow down, so do they. Accidents happen when you're in a pack, go away!
    • don't cut me off and then drive under the speed limit. SUVs are really bad about this, usually some damn soccer mom yakking on the cell phone, totally oblivious and clueless to the world around. You know, you just have got to get in front of me, GO ALREADY!
    • I like eating alone, I don't like some stranger sitting down at my table while I'm in the middle of a very good book just so he can make small talk which is not humanly possible for me to care less about. "Oh whatcha reading?" A book you moron.

    There. I feel better.

  • minimus

    BIG Tex, maybe there's a reason why men like to talk to you at the urinal.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Oh My God!! Minimus...

    You know what I hate?? I hate it when someone asks you a question and instead of letting you give an answer, they interrupt and give their own opinion anyway. And----if you do give an answer to a person, they continue asking the same question over and over again, as if you will change your response .

    You have described exactly to a tee.. my 9 year old son.

    He runs me ragged verbally. round and round we go. It's just exhausting.

    Some of our relatives are sure he is going to be a lawyer or litigature (sp?)..

    Special K

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