by tresbella 26 Replies latest social physical

  • tresbella

    1.)O.K So last night I made a vow of celibacy to God. An official promise in prayer to not fornicate so that maybe I too can have a special wedding night. (my boyfriend was surprisingly supportive) I remember reading a scripture that says a promise made to God should be taken very serious. Anyone have any suggestions in how I can keep it?

    2.) Last night at my theocratic meeting the bro. was giving a talk on main points from the district convention so nautrally everyone pulled out their notes. But I noticed that many people had all the same exact notebook with the same cover sheet and notes inside. I've realized that during WT studies and bookstudies many have all the ansewrs including additional ansewrs taken apparently from some type of website. I've heard rumors about websites that give out WT comments as if you're really saying them in your own words and even all ready written up talks. Anybody know of these websites?

    3.) Besides your field service history what else is on a publishers card? I heard that when you move to a new congregation (like I myself did 2 years ago but still haven't joined the school) all the problems you had, elder meetings and so on are all recorded on that card. Is that true?

    4.) In my old congreagation the elders found out about my boyfriend at the time (I denied everything) and also I was accused of asking too many unnecessary questions and was in risk of "independant thinking" and not "conforming to Jehovah's standards" (this was due to my relentless research and the more I found out about like organ transplants, inconsistincies in the wt and failed prohecies; the more I wanted to speak up ) well it proved uselss but I am suspecting that all this is on my publishers card. The reason I say all this is b/c next week I plan to finally join the school to get my mom off my back. Can I be told that I cannot join b/c of what may be on my publishers card or can I just put on that stepford smile and pretend I'm that perfect angel that the elders want me to be?

    5.) Where do you draw the line between being a follower of God and not being one? Is it your actions or faith or both. Can you be an ax murderer and bank robber but at the same time have faith in God and still be considered a follower of God?

    6.) Am I still that generation that "may never get old" that I was always told when I was younger or has that changed? I don't hear that expression used anymore?

    7.) So why is their crime, violence and everything else bad? Is it b/c God's sovereignty was tested like the WT teaching explains? What is your explanation.

    If you don't know the ansewr to a quesiton but you think you know an online article that does please include that. I always have questions and I always get good anewrs from people on here.(If you get a chance please check my "Questions that Need Ansewrs Part 1 topic from about a week ago. THANX!

  • Nosferatu
    1.)O.K So last night I made a vow of celibacy to God.
    Anyone have any suggestions in how I can keep it?


    The reason I say all this is b/c next week I plan to finally join the school to get my mom off my back.

    You're joining to please someone else. You're not joining because its something you want to do. You'll never be happy if you live your life trying to please others. I joined the TMS just to get everyone off my back. I hated preparing talks. It was like having extra homework.

    5.) Where do you draw the line between being a follower of God and not being one? Is it your actions or faith or both.

    Only you can decide how and if you want to be a follower of God. Religions make rules from the bible. You can either follow the rules made by someone else, decide on your own rules to follow, or throw the bible in the garbage.

    6.) Am I still that generation that "may never get old" that I was always told when I was younger or has that changed?

    Fred Franz was that generation that may never grow old. He's died from old age.

    7.) So why is their crime, violence and everything else bad?

    Because some people enjoy these "bad" things. It all comes with life. Can you pick an apple off a tree that doesn't have any seeds?

  • frenchbabyface
    .)O.K So last night I made a vow of celibacy to God.

    why ??? ... god didn't ask anything like that ?

    Anyone have any suggestions in how I can keep it?

    No ...

    I've heard rumors about websites that give out WT comments as if you're really saying them in your own words and even all ready written up talks. Anybody know of these websites?

    uh ??? No

    elder meetings and so on are all recorded on that card. Is that true?

    I dunno

    Can I be told that I cannot join b/c of what may be on my publishers card or can I just put on that stepford smile and pretend I'm that perfect angel that the elders want me to be?

    I dunno

    Where do you draw the line between being a follower of God and not being one? Is it your actions or faith or both. Can you be an ax murderer and bank robber but at the same time have faith in God and still be considered a follower of God?

    be yourself ... I'm sure god will apreaciate that at least you don't fake

    Am I still that generation that "may never get old" that I was always told when I was younger or has that changed? I don't hear that expression used anymore?

    Maybe not, ... and who said that by the way (it is not a question ?)

    So why is their crime, violence and everything else bad? Is it b/c God's sovereignty was tested like the WT teaching explains? What is your explanation.

    too much bullshiters and followers of bullshitters (in my opinion of course )

    and that's just for you ... take care

  • kwintestal

    1. Chastity belt. Nothing turns off a guy like the threat of losing his manhood. Really though, just don't get in a situation that it pops up.

    2. Never heard of it (websites) but it wouldn't surprise me. I noticed people with computer pages and it turned out it was stuff they printed off the WT CD like scriptures becasue they were too lazy to open thier bible during the talk.

    3. Not sure what else is on it, but a publisher card is basically like a bank statement, except with your FS time instead of money.

    4. They don't hold anything against you if you're not doing it now.

    5. I'd say both.

    6. You're going to get old. Every one will

    7. It happens.


  • Maverick

    Run away from the Jw's and forget all the crap they have filled your head with.

  • lawrence

    Hey Nos-

    Maybe we should start an Internet company providing cheat sheets for the meetings, towers underlined and talks prepared for the school. N.Y. bookies may want a piece of this action after the last week? Eh?

  • IT Support
    IT Support


    1.)O.K So last night I made a vow of celibacy to God. An official promise in prayer to not fornicate so that maybe I too can have a special wedding night. (my boyfriend was surprisingly supportive) I remember reading a scripture that says a promise made to God should be taken very serious. Anyone have any suggestions in how I can keep it?

    Get married real soon!

    2.) Last night at my theocratic meeting the bro. was giving a talk on main points from the district convention so nautrally everyone pulled out their notes. But I noticed that many people had all the same exact notebook with the same cover sheet and notes inside. I've realized that during WT studies and bookstudies many have all the ansewrs including additional ansewrs taken apparently from some type of website. I've heard rumors about websites that give out WT comments as if you're really saying them in your own words and even all ready written up talks. Anybody know of these websites?

    There are websites where cited scriptures are listed in full so you can easily print them out. A well-known one is However it doesn't include any comments or answers. For those I'd refer you to our own Blondie's series Comments You Will Not Hear at

    3.) Besides your field service history what else is on a publishers card? I heard that when you move to a new congregation (like I myself did 2 years ago but still haven't joined the school) all the problems you had, elder meetings and so on are all recorded on that card. Is that true?

    The card does not record such details. But when you move congregation, the service committee (or often just the secretary) from the old congregation will send your record card to the new congregation. They/he will also write a letter telling the new guys all about you and what you've been up to. The elders in the new congregation read the letter then destroy it, so no evidence is kept.

    4.) In my old congreagation the elders found out about my boyfriend at the time (I denied everything) and also I was accused of asking too many unnecessary questions and was in risk of "independant thinking" and not "conforming to Jehovah's standards" (this was due to my relentless research and the more I found out about like organ transplants, inconsistincies in the wt and failed prohecies; the more I wanted to speak up ) well it proved uselss but I am suspecting that all this is on my publishers card. The reason I say all this is b/c next week I plan to finally join the school to get my mom off my back. Can I be told that I cannot join b/c of what may be on my publishers card or can I just put on that stepford smile and pretend I'm that perfect angel that the elders want me to be?

    You're new elders will already have you marked as a potential troublemaker. They have a totally free hand to decide whether or not to allow you any 'privileges' in the congregation.

    5.) Where do you draw the line between being a follower of God and not being one? Is it your actions or faith or both. Can you be an ax murderer and bank robber but at the same time have faith in God and still be considered a follower of God?

    I think the answer Christians (i.e. not JWs!) would give is that if God was in you, you would have true faith, and would have no desire to rob or murder...

    6.) Am I still that generation that "may never get old" that I was always told when I was younger or has that changed? I don't hear that expression used anymore?

    Sorry, tresbella, we were all told that. It's all lies.

    7.) So why is their crime, violence and everything else bad? Is it b/c God's sovereignty was tested like the WT teaching explains? What is your explanation.

    I think Christians would answer (sorry for any presumptiouness, guys!) that it's because of Adam's sin--but there again, it may just be a manifestation of the 'survival of the fittest' instinct.

    Best wishes,


    PS Can't you just tell your mum you don't want to go any more??

  • tresbella

    To the last reply and to anyone else that's wondering...I'm not in everyone else's position yet where they had the opputunity to leave the jw's and live their lives how they want to. (unless I wanna live mines in a homeless shelter) Like I always say: 'for secutrity purposes' is why I still do what I have to do and that includes going to meetings, talks and so on making seem like I am just so interested in it all. I need to survive right? I don' t have my college degree yet, no car, no money.(I'm only 21) so until I become independant I can't just say I don't wanna be a wittness anymore and still be able to live at home. So unless anyone has any ideas (besides oh maybe I should move in with a friend..oh yeah like that would really last. Like I really know anyone who would put up with me living rent free in their house. let's not forget the fact that I would have to quit school so I can start working at walmart just so i can get by). And all for what? Just so I can "be true to myself?" I got the rest of my life for that. -TRESBELLA

  • czarofmischief

    1.)O.K So last night I made a vow of celibacy to God. An official promise in prayer to not fornicate so that maybe I too can have a special wedding night. (my boyfriend was surprisingly supportive) I remember reading a scripture that says a promise made to God should be taken very serious. Anyone have any suggestions in how I can keep it?

    If God wants you to keep that vow, he won't let you fail. He's a bit picky, though, about what vows he listens to. You might be able to slide out - but you wouldn't feel good about it. Why not just keep it? You've made your bed, now lie in it. Alone, of course.

    2.) Last night at my theocratic meeting the bro. was giving a talk on main points from the district convention so nautrally everyone pulled out their notes. But I noticed that many people had all the same exact notebook with the same cover sheet and notes inside. I've realized that during WT studies and bookstudies many have all the ansewrs including additional ansewrs taken apparently from some type of website. I've heard rumors about websites that give out WT comments as if you're really saying them in your own words and even all ready written up talks. Anybody know of these websites?

    Heard of them. Couldn't see the point. Who is so stupid they can't pick the answer out a WT, even without studying it ahead of time? the answers are the same tired crap they've been spouting for at least fifty years.

    3.) Besides your field service history what else is on a publishers card? I heard that when you move to a new congregation (like I myself did 2 years ago but still haven't joined the school) all the problems you had, elder meetings and so on are all recorded on that card. Is that true?

    I don't think they are on the "card" per se, but they do send a letter from your old congregation to the new about what you did. Also, all JC's are filed in Brooklyn somewhere, I hear. I wish I could see mine - I've forgotten some of the sordid details!

    4.) In my old congreagation the elders found out about my boyfriend at the time (I denied everything) and also I was accused of asking too many unnecessary questions and was in risk of "independant thinking" and not "conforming to Jehovah's standards" (this was due to my relentless research and the more I found out about like organ transplants, inconsistincies in the wt and failed prohecies; the more I wanted to speak up ) well it proved uselss but I am suspecting that all this is on my publishers card. The reason I say all this is b/c next week I plan to finally join the school to get my mom off my back. Can I be told that I cannot join b/c of what may be on my publishers card or can I just put on that stepford smile and pretend I'm that perfect angel that the elders want me to be?

    Depends on the elders. It's possible you could get in. Some elders won't care, others will get real uptight. You can bet that it is somewhere in your file, though.

    5.) Where do you draw the line between being a follower of God and not being one? Is it your actions or faith or both. Can you be an ax murderer and bank robber but at the same time have faith in God and still be considered a follower of God?

    King David was an axe murderer - and he was apparently favored of God. And what's so wrong about robbing a bank? God picks his followers as He sees fit. It's his opinion that matters, right? Jesus was widely considered a usurper, blasphemer, and a charlatan. Screw the opinions of men.

    6.) Am I still that generation that "may never get old" that I was always told when I was younger or has that changed? I don't hear that expression used anymore?

    Whoever is young in the WT is the generation that may never get old. That's how they keep you from going to college, saving your money, or getting a real job.

    7.) So why is their crime, violence and everything else bad? Is it b/c God's sovereignty was tested like the WT teaching explains? What is your explanation.

    Why does it need explaining? It is self-evident. God's sovreignty has nothing to do with it. People decide to do bad things to each other, they decide not to help each other, and the rest is just that we are made of animal flesh and condemned to all of its plagues and ills. We evolved from brutish beasts, and while I think at some point a divine spark was given to our particular species, in the end, the flesh is animal and will go where and whence it pleases.


  • Narkissos

    1. Apparently too late, Ecclesiastes 5:2ff:

    Never be rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be quick to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven, and you upon earth; therefore let your words be few. For dreams come with many cares, and a fool's voice with many words. When you make a vow to God, do not delay fulfilling it; for he has no pleasure in fools. Fulfill what you vow. It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not fulfill it. Do not let your mouth lead you into sin, and do not say before the messenger that it was a mistake; why should God be angry at your words, and destroy the work of your hands?

    Almost the same thing in Deuteronomy 23:22ff.

    And a more radical one in Matthew 5:33ff:

    Again, you have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, 'You shall not swear falsely, but carry out the vows you have made to the Lord.' But I say to you, Do not swear at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let your word be 'Yes, Yes' or 'No, No'; anything more than this comes from the evil one.

    I don't know how seriously you take all this stuff (I quote it tongue in cheek coz I'm not a believer anymore), but my sincere piece of advice would be: stop unnecessary toying with JWism, you can damage your life a lot. I can understand your need of going through the motions for some time, but the "vow" is certainly not something that anyone can require from you. Take the time to figure out what you really believe and then act accordingly.

    If you get a chance please check my "Questions that Need Ansewrs Part 1 topic from about a week ago.
    You might wish to check it yourself: a few people already cared to answer.

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