what happens when you don't believe...?

by Preston 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Preston

    A couple of weeks ago my husband and I had a conversation, and it made me think that even before we started dating I was comfortable with the fact that he had a strong connection with the spiritual. He takes it (if that?s the right expression) a bit further than most people though. He has told me that he believes in Ghosts, elves, faeries (?the little people silly), Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Loch Ness Monster, Atlantis, Astral Projection, Alien Abductions, Zeus, Athena, telekinesis, Voodoo, Santa Ria, Astrology, Reiki, and communicating with Aliens that reside on the Pleiades. He also claims that he sits on a special council in the dream world. I still support and respect his beliefs. I may not believe it coming from other people, but I don?t chide him for what he?s open too. Well? a few weeks ago my husband and I were talking, and he told me that when he was a kid an event happened to him that I honestly, and personally feel could never have happened to anyone lest it got the attention of every newspaper and TV station. He said the police, and possibly the FBI were involved, and that there were several witnesses. I told him if his mom knew anything about it, and he said no, but?. I told him flat out that even though I knew what he felt, I could never in a million years believe it unless I saw it with my own eyes. I flat out just didn?t believe him, which makes it sound bad coming from his husband. But I didn?t know what other way to take it. He doesn?t lie to me in anything, so I couldn?t possibly believe he deliberately told an un-truth. But it was too fantastic for me to think he was mistaken. What do you think, does it break the trust in a relationship when your lover says a monumental event happened to them and you don?t believe it?

  • Gretchen956

    People can believe some strange things. I have a semi-friend who is very sane, intelligent, fun, and who I have never seen act in any kind of bizarre behaviour. But she believes in these beings from Pleides (if I spelled that correctly) who are communicating with certain humans. She is even an exjw and a published author.

    I personally don't judge people for their beliefs unless they impact me directly.

    To answer your question, if your husband is sane, acts rationally, converses logically and behaves "normally," then you just have to BELIEVE that HE believes it. If he has been truthful in everything else, believe that he is truthful in his perception of this as well. Sometimes (in relationships) its better to be nice than be right.


  • Preston

    Thanks Sherry, I tend to tolerate pretty much anyone's beliefs. The funny thing is he thinks most of the bible is bunk. I think in today's skeptical age, everything's pretty much up to scruitiny, but so much is unproven that it leaves a big door open....

  • Nosferatu

    I have respect for my wife's beliefs, but when she tries to force them upon me, I simply reject them. I don't believe in faith, she does. She'd ask me "Don't you have faith in our relationship?" I tell her I don't believe in faith, but I believe in hope. It upset her for a bit, but she accepted that we can't believe in the same things.

    Different beliefs shouldn't affect our relationships, but unfortunately sometimes they do.

  • shotgun

    Wow..he really covers all the bases

    He has told me that he believes in Ghosts, elves, faeries (…the little people silly), Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Loch Ness Monster, Atlantis, Astral Projection, Alien Abductions, Zeus, Athena, telekinesis, Voodoo, Santa Ria, Astrology, Reiki, and communicating with Aliens that reside on the Pleiades. He also claims that he sits on a special council in the dream world. I still support and respect his beliefs.
  • kls

    Lucky you Preston ,when it's Christmas time you don't have to buy him anything . Tell him you will wait on Santa Clause to give him gifts.

  • seattleniceguy

    How can you believe in the Easter Bunny? What does that even mean?

    But seriously, I don't really mind if people believe irrational things, but I don't buy the idea that it doesn't spill into other aspects of their lives. If I had a close friend who seriously believed in things that were highly irrational, I would be extremely concerned about his or her effectiveness at living and dealing with the world in general. If a person is not willing to hold claims up to the light of logic, I fear that he or she will be duped very easily.

    Just my two cents.


  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Sad, the guy obviously needs treatment. Having said that, your question posed was about trust with lovers etc. For me this question extends beyond lovers to any relationship where love and affection is concerned i.e family and friends. I am of the opinion that when someone does not support the other in their claims of events the relationship is in doubt. I think of all those I care about in my life and I cannot imagine being unsupportive of their claims. I suppose in a hypothetical situation if someone's claim completely challenged my idea of common sense (as it clearly would in the example above) I would make all efforts and attempts to help the one I love get the treatment they need. In a relationship as intimate as a lover's relationship I cannot imagine the trust and respect continuing at a level that makes for a strong and healthy relationship.

  • Preston
    How can you believe in the Easter Bunny? What does that even mean?


    (Reads SNG's post)

    Wonder if I missed something....

    (calls hubby -- actual conversation)

    Me: "Bruce, do you believe in the easter bunny?"

    Bruce:"Hahahahahhahahaha...well, In terms of a small bunny hoping around and delivering chocolate eggs...no, I don't believe in the easter bunny, however I do believe in the symbology behind it in terms of the fertility it represents...."

    Me: "And Santa Claus?"

    Bruce:"I can honestly say that not only do I believe in Santa Claus, I have met him..."


    Bruce:"I even have a picture to prove it"

    Me:"Bruce, that picture of you with Santa at the nursing home doesn't count"

    Bruce:"I know, I know"

  • Carmel

    Virtually nothing you listed of his beliefs has anything to do with the "spiritual". Of course you are free to re-define the word as you will. I would put it into the realm of psychic which conjures up the notion that his psyche is a little out of kilter. Until it effects your relationship or his ability to function reasonably normally, I'd put it in the category of a social drinker. When it slips then the diagnosis becomes more serious and help is needed.


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