BEW's ..........Irrational Thoughts

by LadyBug 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • LadyBug

    I have been having some pretty irrational thoughts lately.

    Its only been 3 months since we decided it is not the "truth". But sometimes I think we (my family) would have been better off if we had stayed inactive witnesses. The strain affects the whole family.

    Sometimes it feels like my whole world has fallen apart. I had all the answers when I was a witness. I could answer any question you put to me with a logical and reasoning answer. It amazes me how convinced I was of the beliefs I had. Anyone who couldn't see our reasoning was "thick".

    Now I realise "I" have no answers. I have no idea where we came from, how everything got here, why I'm here, what happens when we die, is there a God of some sort or not, the bible which I believed so much at one stage is now in my opinion mostly myths. And so much more.

    I have no idea about anything anymore. Some days I feel like I have absolutely no beliefs at all. Other days I feel like I have figured some of it out. And sometimes it's more than I can bear. I feel like my journey is not going anywhere at a rapid pace.

    And then I have other days when I feel great.

    Many times I feel like "ignorance is bliss". Even if wrong at least I had some beliefs as a witness.

    Its definitely taking its toll.

    I could say so much more. But whats the point. I'm sure so many of you have had the same feelings at some stage.

    Just rambling

  • Kent
    I have no idea about anything anymore. Some days I feel like I have absolutely no beliefs at all. Other days I feel like I have figured some of it out. And sometimes it's more than I can bear. I feel like my journey is not going anywhere at a rapid pace.

    I’m afraid that’s what happens to most people leaving a mind-control cult. When you’re inside, everything is easy, and why is that?

    1) You don’t have to decide anything
    2) You just do as you’re told
    3) Everybody else decides everything
    4) You have no responsibility

    When you suddenly LEAVE the cult, there is nobody but you who must take responsibility of your own life. YOU will have to decide what to do and what not to do. YOU will have to answer for your own actions, and you can’t blame anyone else if something goes wrong.

    The reason many actually do enjoy cult-life is the fact they’re not responsible for their own lives. Others are deciding everything, and they just follow “God”. Its strange rally, and you don’t need to look far to find similarities. Just look at the typical Christian, in any church, and you will find similar patterns.

    If they go outside a cold winter day and the steps are icy, interesting patterns pops up:

    1) If they go out, and they do NOT fall and break a leg – Smokey helped them.
    2) If they slip and fall, it was Satan who made them stumble.

    Either way, it’s really not their responsibility – it’s always someone else to thank, prize or hate.

    In your situation now you have come into a situation where many thoughts needs to be sorted out, and many questions needs answers. If I may give you an advice from personal experience, don’t rush it. Answers will come, and you will adjust just fine if you let time work for you.

    Taking responsibility of your own life can be scary. You can’t blame nobody but yourself if anything goes wrong – and deep down in the back of your scull is all the threats, lies and indoctrinations from the Watchtower buried. Every now and then these statements pop up. “Isn’t this just what the Watchtower warned about?”

    Fact is, my friend, the Watchtower knows perfectly well making self fulfilling prophecies is a powerful tool – and they know for certain people will experience exactly what you do now when they leave. Many are scared, and return to their old jail and life behind bars. Where everything is “secure” – and you don’t need to take responsibility. But that’s no life. Life IS making decisions, to decide what you want and do not want.

    As for religious questions, belief or no belief in God, Bible, death, heaven, porneia, Hell, paradise or blood – forget about it – for now. If you just study a bit – and you take one step at the time, you will get more than enough information to make your own decision about these things.

    Don’t rush – there is more than enough time. I have it from inside sources Mr. Arman Geddon is late – again…….

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • outnfree


    I left in March.

    I'm finding it to be an emotional roller coaster ride, also.

    Leaving was liberating, the "right thing to do," certainly.

    However, there definitely is a loss of that "comfort zone" of being secure in one's core beliefs, which included that the Bible was ALL God's inspired Word.

    It is proving tough to reexamine everything. I was in about a 3 week depression last month. I have a feeling it is going to be a long and difficult road to figure out who I am apart from my JW identity (which was mostly a negative identity now that I think about it -- JW's don't do so many things!).

    I'm sorry for you that you have family still in which makes all of this just so much more confusing and painful.

    From what I've read of his posts, however, Dave is a wonderful man (and thinks you're pretty special, too) and I'm sure can help soothe you.

    I have no one at home who quite understands, but I'm fortunate to know pearljan, who just began posting here and who is my sounding board much of the time.

    I don't know how long you physically stuck around inside the organization after having left emotionally, but I remember that as being a very difficult thing to do...



  • ianao


    Enjoy life now, while you still have it to live.

    Time flies, and life is too short.

    Stop and smell the roses. Pick them, take them inside and arrange them beautifully.


    and stuff.

  • BugEye

    BEW, I think that I am aware of your situation somewhat.

    It is so true, and it feels like there is a big hole inside. It has impacts in everywhere within our lives as well.


  • Englishman

    Mrs BEW,

    I know how you feel. 'Course it's early days, but eventually there comes agreat satisfaction in not needing to have all the answers.
    It's all about control really. It's all about getting on that roller-coaster and going around with your hands held up in the air, trusting without hanging on. Promise!


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • LadyBug

    (((((Kent)))) thank you. I agree with what you say. You are right. I guess I've always been an impatient person and want the answers straight away.

    ((((((outnfree)))))Thank you. I'm sorry that you too are on "an emotional roller coaster". Its no fun is it. I'm glad you now have a "sounding board" it does make it a bit easier.

    "I don't know how long you physically stuck around inside the organization after having left emotionally"

    Around 5 years we were inactive.

    I hope you too 'get where your going'. As Kent says take it slowly. I'm going to try to take that advice. My thoughts go with you.

    ((ianao)) thanks for reminding me. You are right.

    (((((((((BugEye)))))))yes sweetie you do. And I know things aren't easy for you either.

    It's a comfort to know there are friends on this board who will help and comfort me and others when needed. Thank you all. And I know many of you are going through the same thing or have already been through the same thing and I feel for you all too.


  • Sunchild


    Like Kent said, just take your time. Read things. Write things. Talk to people. Be introspective. Draw pictures if you like. Just spend some time exploring, and don't worry if the answers don't come right away, or even if they don't come at all. One of the most important things you can learn in life is to be comfortable with the fact that you don't have all the answers, and that you never will. Anyone who claims to know it all is lying to himself and lying to you.

    From the sound of it, though, quite a spiritual void has been left behind for you. Use this to your advantage. Is there any spiritual path you were curious about, but didn't dare explore while you were a JW? Here's your chance! Is there a certain philosophy that you've heard about, but don't know much about? You can read up on it now! Read, learn, experiment, find what works for you and throw out the stuff that doesn't! You have that power now. I suspect that all of the answers you need -- perhaps not all the answers you want, but all of the answers that you need -- are right inside of you if you take the time to look for them. And don't let other people force their answers on you, no matter how certain or knowledgeable they seem. Never underestimate the value of your own intuition.

    And above all else, don't worry so much about "getting there." I've found so far that journey itself is quite a worthy adventure.

    All the best,


    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • Pathofthorns

    BEW, I think everyone made some good comments.

    Sometimes the most difficult thing in leaving the WT is what you describe. Proving the WT false is easy because it simply does not live up to the Bible and it's own claims.

    The difficult period is what follows when you feel there is no sure "anchor" in your life. The hard questions are those that question everything you felt so sure and confident in; God and the Bible.

    I know you will hang in there. Feel good that you have your husband to go through this with you and that he understands along with everyone here. Over the next few months you will continue to re-evaluate everything you believe.

    This is not a bad thing. And not having all the answers to everything is not a bad thing either. Enjoy asking the questions and making the search. Enjoy life and its simplicity and don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.

    Like everything in life, the discouraged feeling you have now will pass. Things do get brighter


  • Tina


    Kent said it well! You''re out now and all preconceived ideas aren't making much sense. With time as you explore and research your questions and thoughts,the answers you need will come. Takes time and a lot of critical thinking. Something not allowed in the cult. The fact that you recognize thre aren't instant and easy answers shows you're already on your way to finding what you need and what makes sense to YOU.
    Beware of anybody or any group that exclaims they have all the answers. No such animal exists . Those who fall into easy answer(biblical or whatever) are usually afraid to take personal responsibility and control of their own lives. Life decisions oftentimes are difficult,but those are the challenges that make us independent and contribute to our growth as whole autonomous humans.
    Bumpy journey but well worth it! Wishing you well on your journey towards wholeness! luv,Tina

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