Comments You Wont' Hear at the 9-5-04 WT Study (Abbreviated)

by blondie 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Do you think it will be sparse at the meeting today? I went to a congo where a large group went camping every Labor Day weekend but only by invitation.

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 9-5-04 WT Study (August 1, 2004 issue) (Abbreviated)

    Review comments will be in black and parentheses ()

    WT quotes

    will be in red and quotes ""

    Quotes from other sources

    will be in blue


    "The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life."?Proverbs 22:4

    "With humility and the fear of the LORD come riches and honor and life."?Proverbs 22:4 (21 st Century King James Version) /cgi-bin/bible

    Opening Comments

    First ask, what is God?s glory that he reveals; how will the WTS interpret it?

    Second, who are the humble ones; how will the WTS interpret it?

    Third, do you see a definite "if I do this, I get this" philosophy inherent in the theme scripture? (Works=Salvation)

    I try to ask myself as I do my reviews, what is going on behind the scenes in WTS land. I think that people within the organization are not showing proper humility towards the organization. An indication in some areas is the removal of many long-time elders by the new COs. Just enough to put fear into those that remain.


    Paragraphs 1-4

    Stephen was "a man full of faith and holy spirit" (but not even a MS by WTS standards)?performing great signs and portents..."yet they could not hold their own against the wisdom and spirit with which he was speaking." (Acts 6:5, 8-10) Stephen clearly was a good student of the Word of God.

    Unlike those religious leaders (elders), whose position and knowledge made them feel superior to the common people (publishers), Stephen was humble?Although well-versed in the Scriptures, he was more than happy to be given an assignment to "distribute food to tables"?chosen to be one of the seven certified men who would handle this daily distribution of food. He humbly accepted the task.?Acts 6:1-6

    Finally Stephen was appointed an MS (Acts 6:1-6 is used by the WTS to scripturally prove that there were MS in Bible times).

    w01 1/15 p. 14 Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed

    While bodies of elders share with traveling overseers in recommending brothers to serve as elders and ministerial servants, the actual appointments are made according to the pattern set in the first century. On one occasion, a need arose for spiritually qualified men to care for an important assignment. The governing body gave the following direction: "Search out for yourselves seven certified men from among you, full of spirit and wisdom, that we may appoint them over this necessary business." (Acts 6:1-3)

    w90 9/1 p. 24 Are You Qualified to Serve? ***

    Elders shepherd God?s flock spiritually, providing protective supervision. They are assisted by ministerial servants, whose duties do not directly involve spiritual oversight. (1 Peter 5:2; compare Acts 6:1-6.)

    What message do you see hidden in these WTS words? In many congregations in this area, there are few MS and few prospects. Since the COs have been instructed that sisters are not to be used, even to handle the microphones, the elders are been directed to do this duties?lower themselves so speak.

    Stephen?s humble disposition coupled with his spirituality and integrity, did not go unnoticed by Jehovah. When Stephen was witnessing to the hostile crowd?, his opposers "saw that his face was as an angel?s face." (Acts 6:15) His countenance was that of a messenger of God?"He, being full of holy spirit, gazed into heaven and caught sight of God?s glory and of Jesus standing at God?s right hand." (Acts 7:55) For Stephen, this spectacular vision reaffirmed Jesus? position as God?s Son and the Messiah. It fortified humble Stephen and served to assure him that he had Jehovah?s favor.

    And now the real reason for this Bible story.

    As the vision given to Stephen illustrates, Jehovah reveals his glory and his purpose to God-fearing individuals who are humble and appreciate their relationship with him.

    Does the WTS teach then that individual JWs today receive visions from God "to assure" them that they have "Jehovah?s favor"? Hmmm?

    Humility?A Godly Quality

    Paragraphs 5-8

    Jehovah God, the highest and most glorious one in the universe, is the ultimate example of humility.

    ?displayed humility when he lowered himself to have dealings with the imperfect man David.

    David, in turn, knew that any greatness or glory?depended on Jehovah?s acting humbly in his behalf.

    This realization helped David to remain humble.

    Yes, David showed humility when he arranged to have Uriah killed after David had killed and impregnated Uriah?s wife. When did David finally show humility? (see full account from NWT if you wish at the end of the review)

    After he had his sin pointed out to him and how he and his family were going to be punished then David humbled himself.

    David now said to Nathan: "I have sinned against Jehovah."

    Now here is the kicker, how the organization applies this to not showing humility towards the organization.

    What about us? Jehovah has seen fit to teach us the truth (only through the organization though), and he may have granted us special privileges of services through his organization (pioneer, MS, elder, CO, DO, mike handler), or he may have used us in some way to carry out his will (keeping the KH clean). How should we feel about all of this?.avoid exalting ourselves, which would surely lead to disaster?

    Yes the truth from God can only be learned in and through the WTS organization.

    w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible?A Book Meant to Be Understood ***

    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah?s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.?John 6:68.

    Has shown a willingness to extend mercy to those who are lowly in mind?humble themselves..for example, the case of King Manasseh of Judah. He misused his privileged position as king to promote false worship.

    Now come on now we aren?t talking about celebrating Christmas. This guy threw his children into the fire to worship his false gods. How did God punish him?kill him which was the punishment under the law for murder?no, he took away his wonderful "privilege" of being king and had him put in prison.

    In prison, Manasseh "softened the face of Jehovah his God and kept humbling himself greatly," so that Jehovah restored him to the throne in Jerusalem.

    So what could Manasseh have done to humble himself greatly. He was already off the throne living in a Gentile prison, probably eating unclean food?what could he have done or said that could humiliate himself lower?

    Jehovah, who in turn showed humility by forgiving him and reinstated him as king.

    Now do you see anywhere in this account where Manasseh went to the priests (elders) and said he wanted to be reinstated and the priests met to discuss it and announce to the nation (congregation) that he had been reinstated and then immediately made him king (PO)?

    Lessons?if we willingly forgive the transgressions of others and humbly admit our errors, we can look to Jehovah for his mercy.

    w80 3/15 pp. 17-18 Choosing the Best Way of Life ***

    In its issue of July 15, 1976, The Watchtower, commenting on the inadvisability of setting our sights on a certain date, stated: "
    If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises." In saying "anyone," The Watchtower included all disappointed ones of Jehovah?s Witnesses, hence including persons having to do with the publication of the information that contributed to the buildup of hopes centered on that date.

    So who were the "persons having to do with the publication of that information," who are those that provide the "food at the proper time," who are the only channel?

    When did this admission of error come? Only after 2 years of steady decline in their numbers. And notice that only those who "publish" it are named not those who wrote it and promoted it.

    Stay Alive til ?75?DO Charles Sunutko


    Divine Glory Revealed to Humble Ones

    Paragraphs 9-14

    Humility and related qualities, however, should not be mistaken as a sign of weakness or as a tendency to condone what is wrong.

    As the Holy Scriptures testify, Jehovah is humble, yet he displays righteous indignation and awesome power when the occasion calls for them.

    Too many elders think they occupy the same station as God looking down on the rank and file.

    In his own due time


    Though his chosen channel of communication

    Translation: In 1874, 1878, 1881, 1914, 1915, 1925, 1975, SOON

    Channel communication WTS/FDS/GB, all anointed ones on earth at any given moment, but not individuals, only as a group.

    Jehovah has revealed to humble ones details regarding the outworking of his purpose.

    These glorious things (such as 1975) remain hidden from those who proudly rely on, or stubbornly cling to human wisdom or thinking (no independent thinking allowed now, independent of the WTS that is).

    Independent thinkers = apostates

    In the first century, many, including some who claimed to be Christians, showed a lack of humility and were stumbled by what the apostle Paul revealed to them about God?s purpose?Paul became "an apostle to the nations," but it was not because of his nationality, education, age, or long record of fine works.

    Some who claimed to be Christians, lacked humility, stumbled = apostates

    Often, fleshly-minded individuals view these as the factors that determine whom Jehovah should use as his instrument.

    Fleshly-minded individuals = apostates

    "Superfine apostles"?refused to accept Paul and his reasoning from the Scriptures. Their lack of humility hindered them from gaining knowledge and understanding of the glorious way Jehovah works out his purpose.

    Superfine apostles = apostates

    May we never underestimate or prejudge those whom Jehovah chooses to use to accomplish his will.

    Those who prejudge/underestimate those whom God chooses to use = apostates

    Moses, "by far the meekest" of all men, saw God?s glory?spent 40 years as a lowly shepherd?enjoyed two-way communication with God. Through a vision, he beheld "the appearance of Jehovah."

    Notice how the WTS segues into Jesus and then the FDS:

    Similarly, we will be blessed if we recognize and obey the prophet greater than Moses, Jesus, as well as

    "the faithful and discreet slave" appointed by him.

    Moses = Jesus = FDS

    Then does the FDS see the glory of God, have 2-way communication with God, and through a vision, seen God?

    What do these examples teach us?

    They show us that Jehovah favors and reveals knowledge (such as 1975, organ transplants flip-flops, alternative service flip-flop, end of 1914 generation, etc., etc.) and understanding of his purposes to humble ones.

    Based on their failures, I would say that the WTS lacks true humility.

    He chooses individuals (???) who may not meet certain human expectations and uses them as his means to communicate his glorious purposes to others.

    This should motivate us to continue looking to Jehovah, his prophetic Word, and his organization for direction.

    ***ding-ding-ding** A WTS trinity?Jehovah, his prophetic Word, and his organization

    Notice that Jesus is not included, in fact hardly mentioned at all in this article

    We can be sure that Jehovah will keep his humble servants informed regarding the unfolding of his glorious purposes.

    "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets."?Amos 3:7

    Does the WTS consider itself a prophet? Ask a JW and see what different answers you get.

    Watchtower 1972 April 1 p.197 'They Shall Know that a Prophet Was Among Them'

    This "prophet" was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian witnesses... Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a "prophet" of God. It is another thing to prove it. The only way that this can be done is to review the record.

    Cultivate Humility and Enjoy God?s Favor

    Paragraphs 15-18

    (King) Saul?disregarded Jehovah?s arrangement?fabricated excuses for taking things into his own hands.

    Lack of humility?loss of God?s spirit and favor?led to his ignominious death.

    The lesson is clear: We must work at maintaining humility and submissiveness and stifle feelings of self-importance.

    Based on my previous comments on many long-time elders being removed in this area, maybe this is a more pervasive trend.

    VOMIT ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!

    An example of "true" humility is provided about Mr. Humble, J.F. Rutherford:

    Strong Yet Humble?At the 1919 Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., convention of the Bible Students (known today as Jehovah?s Witness (I know some who would disagree strongly with that) 50-year-old J.F. Rutherford, who was then overseeing the work, gladly volunteered as a bellhop, carrying luggage and escorting conventioners to their rooms.?he was also genuinely humble before God, often reflecting that in his prayers at morning worship in Bethel.

    Daniel?displayed uncompromising reliance on Jehovah (not some organization), regularly turning to him in prayer (without a human mediator)?diligent and rightly motivated (yes those apostates are wrongly motivated in the Bible study) student of God?s Word (not the WTS publications)?willing to acknowledge his own shortcomings (something the WTS still has to learn).

    After almost giving up in his service to God (not like those nasty apostates) but then having his thinking readjusted (by the elders), the psalmist Asaph said, "With your counsel you will lead me, and afterward you will take me even to glory." (Psalm 73:24).

    And what glory awaits?the proverbial JW carrot?

    "The meek ones themselves will possess the earth?"

    Concluding Comments

    The WTS/FDS/GB/BOEs = humble ones

    Look to their example and record of flip-flopping and never admitting it and worse blaming it on others.


    Well, I know???..soon.

    David, Bathsheba, Uriah and David?s Humility

    11 And it came about at the return of the year, at the time that kings sally forth, that David proceeded to send Jo´ab and his servants with him and all Israel, that they might bring the sons of Am´mon to ruin and lay siege to Rab´bah, while David was dwelling in Jerusalem. 2 And it came about at the time of evening that David proceeded to rise from his bed and walk about on the rooftop of the king?s house; and from the rooftop he caught sight of a woman bathing herself, and the woman was very good in appearance. 3 Then David sent and inquired about the woman and someone said: "Is this not Bath-she´ba the daughter of E·li´am the wife of U·ri´ah the Hit´tite?" 4 After that David sent messengers that he might take her. So she came in to him and he lay down with her, while she was sanctifying herself from her uncleanness. Later she returned to her house. 5 And the woman became pregnant. Consequently she sent and told David and said: "I am pregnant." 6 At this David sent to Jo´ab, saying: "Send to me U·ri´ah the Hit´tite." So Jo´ab sent U·ri´ah to David. 7 When U·ri´ah came to him, David began to ask how Jo´ab was getting along and how the people were getting along and how the war was getting along. 8 Finally David said to U·ri´ah: "Go down to your house and bathe your feet." Accordingly U·ri´ah went out from the king?s house, and the king?s courtesy gift went out following him. 9 However, U·ri´ah lay down at the entrance of the king?s house with all the other servants of his lord, and he did not go down to his own house. 10 So they told David, saying: "U·ri´ah did not go down to his own house." Upon that David said to U·ri´ah: "It is from a journey that you have come in, is it not? Why have you not gone down to your own house?" 11 At this U·ri´ah said to David: "The Ark and Israel and Judah are dwelling in booths, and my lord Jo´ab and the servants of my lord are camping on the face of the field, and I?shall I go into my own house to eat and drink and to lie down with my wife? As you are living and as your soul is living, I shall not do this thing!" 12 Then David said to U·ri´ah: "Dwell here also today, and tomorrow I shall send you away." Therefore U·ri´ah kept dwelling in Jerusalem on that day and the day following. 13 Further, David called him that he might eat before him and drink. So he got him drunk. Nevertheless, he went out in the evening to lie down on his bed with the servants of his lord, and to his own house he did not go down . 14 And it came about in the morning that David proceeded to write a letter to Jo´ab and send it by the hand of U·ri´ah. 15 So he wrote in the letter, saying: "PUT U·ri´ah in front of the heaviest battle charges, and YOU men must retreat from behind him, and he must be struck down and die." 16 And it came about that while Jo´ab was keeping guard over the city he kept U·ri´ah put in the place where he knew that there were valiant men. 17 When the men of the city came on out and went fighting against Jo´ab, then some of the people, the servants of David, fell and U·ri´ah the Hit´tite also died. 18 Jo´ab now sent that he might report to David all the matters of the war. 19 And he went on to command the messenger, saying: "As soon as you finish speaking to the king about all the matters of the war, 20 then it must occur that if the rage of the king comes up and he does say to you, ?Why did YOU have to go so near to the city to fight? Did YOU men not know that they would shoot from on top of the wall? 21 Who was it that struck down A·bim´e·lech the son of Je·rub´be·sheth? Was it not a woman that pitched an upper millstone upon him from on top of the wall so that he died at The´bez? Why did YOU men have to go so close to the wall?? you must also say, ?Your servant U·ri´ah the Hit´tite died too.?" 22 So the messenger went and came and told David all about which Jo´ab had sent him. 23 And the messenger went on to say to David: "The men proved superior to us, so that they came out against us into the field; but we kept pressing them right up to the entrance of the gate. 24 And the shooters kept shooting at your servants from on top of the wall, so that some of the servants of the king died; and your servant U·ri´ah the Hit´tite also died ." 25 At that David said to the messenger: "This is what you will say to Jo´ab, ?Do not let this matter appear bad in your eyes, for the sword eats up one as well as another. Intensify your battle against the city and throw it down.? And encourage him." 26 And the wife of U·ri´ah got to hear that U·ri´ah her husband had died, and she began to wail over her owner. 27 When the mourning period was past, David immediately sent and took her home to his house, and she came to be his wife. In time she bore to him a son, but the thing that David had done appeared bad in the eyes of Jehovah. 12 And Jehovah proceeded to send Nathan to David. So he came in to him and said to him: "There were two men that happened to be in one city, the one rich and the other of little means. 2 The rich man happened to have very many sheep and cattle; 3 but the man of little means had nothing but one female lamb, a small one, that he had bought. And he was preserving it alive, and it was growing up with him and with his sons, all together. From his morsel it would eat, and from his cup it would drink, and in his bosom it would lie, and it came to be as a daughter to him. 4 After a while a visitor came to the rich man, but he spared taking some from his own sheep and his own cattle to get such ready for the traveler that had come in to him. So he took the female lamb of the man of little means and got it ready for the man that had come in to him." 5 At this David?s anger grew very hot against the man, so that he said to Nathan: "As Jehovah is living, the man doing this deserves to die! 6 And for the female lamb he should make compensation with four, as a consequence of the fact that he has done this thing and because he did not have compassion." 7 Then Nathan said to David: "You yourself are the man! This is what Jehovah the God of Israel has said, ?I myself anointed you as king over Israel, and I myself delivered you out of the hand of Saul. 8 And I was willing to give you the house of your lord and the wives of your lord into your bosom, and to give you the house of Israel and of Judah. And if it were not enough, I was willing to add to you things like these as well as other things. 9 Why did you despise the word of Jehovah by doing what is bad in his eyes? U·ri´ah the Hit´tite you struck down with the sword, and his wife you took as your wife, and him you killed by the sword of the sons of Am´mon. 10 And now a sword will not depart from your own house to time indefinite, as a consequence of the fact that you despised me so that you took the wife of U·ri´ah the Hit´tite to become your wife.? 11 This is what Jehovah has said, ?Here I am raising up against you calamity out of your own house; and I will take your wives under your own eyes and give them to your fellowman, and he will certainly lie down with your wives under the eyes of this sun. 12 Whereas you yourself acted in secret, I, for my part, shall do this thing in front of all Israel and in front of the sun.?" 13 David now said to Nathan: "I have sinned against Jehovah." At this Nathan said to David: "Jehovah, in turn, does let your sin pass by. You will not die. 14 Notwithstanding this, because you have unquestionably treated Jehovah with disrespect by this thing, also the son himself, just born to you, will positively die." 2 SAMUEL 11:1-12:14
  • Mulan

    I still can't believe you have the stomach to do this every week.

  • jgnat

    Blondie, great aggreviated study. I had not noticed the subtle slurs against apostates. I imagine I will be viewed as a puffed-up proud stiff-necked intellectual, and any meaningful comment I may have will be ignored. Here's my study this week:

    A study in mind control:

    humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility humble humility

    56 times in eighteen paragraphs. What is the topic of this week?s study, boys and girls?

    Here are the should statements, directing people how to feel:

    6 Should we not be humbled?
    6 Should we not be thankful for Jehovah?s humility and avoid exalting ourselves, which would surely lead to disaster?
    8 We should constantly bear in mind that the way we treat those who may have offended us and the attitude we display when we sin can affect the way Jehovah deals with us.
    15 We must work at maintaining humility and submissiveness and stifle feelings of self-importance, thus avoiding any presumptuous acts that result in Jehovah?s disfavor.

    To whom should humility be displayed? The authority of the Faithful and Discreet Slave is reinforced with no scriptural defence:

    10 In his own due time and through his chosen channel of communication, Jehovah has revealed to humble ones details regarding the outworking of his purpose.
    12 Similarly we will be blessed if we recognize and obey the prophet greater than Moses, Jesus, as well as the ?faithful and discreet slave? appointed by him. - Matthew 24:45, 46; Acts 3:22.

    I once did a personal study on humility, and concluded that it is equally sinful to deny our God-built ability. I feel most balanced when I hold myself to an internal standard of excellence, rather than compare myself with the weaker or stronger people around me. I have seen this principle played out in the artist community. A hobby artist who displays her work amongst family and friends remains secure in her ability, since she is leaps and bounds ahead of her neighbours. ?Oh, Mary. How I wish I could draw a straight line like you!?. That same artist, if she braves hanging her art in a gallery of her peers, may not fare as well. If her ego can weather the battering, the experience might spur her on to develop her talent. Or she may become so discouraged she gives up completely ?I will never be as good as them!?.

    I think this is the real lesson in humility Saul and David had to teach us. Saul was an insecure man, not confident in his own ability to lead, tending towards threats to motivate his troops, lying to cover up his inadequacy. David spoke boldly when he knew he had God?s strength to back him up. Would a humble Jehovah?s Witness boldly declare that he could kill Goliath? I believe a Jehovah?s Witness David would have humbly taken the rebuke of his older brothers and meekly returned home to the sheep.

    In this watchtower article, people are likened to

    grass and grasshoppers as a way of fostering humility. Is this the balanced view of God-breathed human beings?

    Psalm 139:14 (NIV) I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

    Genesis 1:26-32 (NIV)
    Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, ...
    So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.
    ...God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the sixth day.

    Oh yes, an application I learned from Blondie - what is left out? The article starts out with the story of Stephen (first four paragraphs only). There is one glaring omission. He was given an assignment to ?distribute food to tables?. For whom? Elders? Monkeys?


    Where can that first-century assignment be found in the modern Watchtower Society? Where are the food banks, the soup kitchens, the hospitals, the women?s shelters? How are the weak and the needy, who have no-one to speak for them, cared for by the society, in any organized, meaningful way?

  • blondie
    I still can't believe you have the stomach to do this every week.

    Sometimes, I don't, Mulan. But I think of all the lurkers and others who post here who still go to the meetings and tell me how it helps them...I just persevere. It certainly makes me never want to go back. So far I continue to get the mags dropped off without any need to interact with a JW or be "encouraged" to go to the meetings. I don't read much but the study articles unless it is a QFR with new info. But the love of my husband helps me make through the week. I guess my experience in helping people with alcoholic family members and dealing with their sexual abuse has taught me how to help without being hurt myself. jgnat, good points. There is so much JWs miss by having their Bible study "guided" by the WTS. Straight Bible study has led many a JWw to the light. Blondie (aggreviated and abbreviated, but corrected)

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    Good review, Blondie.

    Their message is not as nauseating as the way they will choose to apply it. Being humble means I have to put up with their stupidity and allow myself to be at the mercy of their condescention.

    I liked talking about King David with elders and mention his good qualities. Then I would ask them, "how spiritual was he when he took Uriah's wife from him and had him killed?" He obviously didn't see anything wrong with what he had done until Nathan exposed him. I would point out that many elders have to be handled in the same way because it is beyond most humans to do any accurate self-evaluation.

    Who's responsibility is it do decide whether I am humble or not? My relationship with God is not going to be determined by morons who only give lip-service to messages like this. If JWs are sincerely trying to please Jehovah, that could only be determined by God himself.

    I have had more than one elder admit that the flock is at the mercy of the elder's perception and it is more often bad. Where is the spirit direction in that?

    They lost my loyalty and my confidence with their mediocrity, their lack of love, and their lies. My relationship with Jehovah is going to be determined by my humbly submitting to them? Hell no! I prefer to imitate Jesus and see them for what they are. Hypocrites!

  • VM44
    50-year-old J.F. Rutherford, who was then overseeing the work, gladly volunteered as a bellhop, carrying luggage and escorting conventioners to their rooms

    This from a person who temporarily filled in as a Judge for a total of 4-days, and then used the title "Judge" for the rest of his life?

    How do we know Rutherford only in one instance carried luggage and showed people to their room? The account makes it sound like he spent all day doing as a bellhop, although they don't say it outright. I opt that Rutherford only help a few times, and the story was exaggerated.

    Now,over 80 years later, the exaggeration is used as proof that Rutherford was humble!

    Humble, HUMBUG!


  • Panda

    ARRRGGH--- Moses the most humble man? They must be kidding. Even if there ever was an individual named Moses the Bible Moses was a total egocentric magician. Good grief and David another big ego , what humbleness was there? Shoot the worst murderers claim humility and conversion while they're in prison (Mannassseh). Maybe Jehovah practiced a catch and release program? Blondie you are truly faithful to your cause. I always find your study interesting.

  • cyber-sista
    50-year-old J.F. Rutherford, who was then overseeing the work, gladly volunteered as a bellhop, carrying luggage and escorting conventioners to their rooms

    Sounds like a great PR stunt to me.

    Blondie great review as usual. You are doing a service here posting these reviews. You barely need to read between the lines on the WT articles these days--their teaching ar so obviously ridiculous these days. Seems like almost every week now there is an apostate warning in the WT.

    What struck me today is the emptiness of it all. What does this article really teach anyone? The words are empty and meaningless. the faithful JW has wasted a good 2 hours of his life on this unstimulating meaningless drivel (an hour study at home and the hour it takes at the KH). And, what did they come away with? Being humble means obeying the Org -- beware of anyone who does not and view them as apostates. Nothing about loving your neighbor, how to care for the sick and needy, how to be a friend--enlightenment...The WT is truly a spiritual wasteland...

  • kj

    How typical. A whole article about humility and they leave out the greatest biblical example of all: Jesus. What a bunch of self-serving garbage. Thanks for another great review, Blondie.


  • happy man
    happy man

    I find this comment on a JW bord, could bee intresting to compare this to what is said here, on todays Wt studie

    I'm sure many of us enjoyed and benefitted from this weeks WT study 'Jehovah Reveals His Glory to Humble Ones.'

    There are many in our congregations who like Stephen, the humble shepherds and Daniel to name but a few, continue to serve Jehovah and their brothers with much humility. What fine examples these are to us! Additionally we have our brothers and sisters on this forum, who by their comments show appreciation for the truth and expressions of humility.

    The question this leaves though, is what about those among us who 'take the lead', including the Governing Body? What example are they showing in demonstrating humility? Or was the study article just written for the 'lowly sheep in the field?'

    For example, e-watchman has launched a campaign to highlight a few of the major issues within the organization that has caused much pain and stumbling to our fellow believers. Sucn issues include the Watchtower's alliance with the UN as an NGO , the mistaken child abuse policy adhered to by the Watchtower in years past resulting in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual destruction of our dear young children. There are also cases whereby our fellow believers have been cast out of the New World Society for questioning teachings which have always been open to interpretation and change, only to be labelled unscripturally as 'apostates' and other derogatory terms.

    Will the Governing Body show their humility by apologising for such acts of injustice? Or will they continue to hide behind the arrogance of the Watchtower Society?

    The rigidity of the Governing Body to hold onto Watchtower traditions and erroneous teachings is in stark contrast to the points mentioned in paragraph 14 on page 11 of August 1 2004 WT :

    ....'Jehovah favors and reveals knowledge and understanding of his purpose to humble ones. He chooses individuals who may not meet certain human expectations and uses them as his means to communicate his glorious purpose to others. '

    Experience has taught many of us the Governing Body has no regard for the input and submissions of others when alternative renderings and reasonings are presented which differ from Watchtower doctrine. Even when individual members of the 'faithful and discreet slave' communicate with the Governing Body, as e-watchman has and is doing, they are dismissed as potential apostates out to disturb the 'applecart.' A number of our anointed brothers have been disfellowshipped over the years for exposing the erroneous teachings of the Watchtower, and unjustifiably so.
    By their own admission in this study article, it is possible for individuals to receive spiritual enlightenment to share with others, but their actions deny they really believe this. The Governing Body must rule no matter what!

    Rather than face up to the responsibility of the consequences of a child abuse policy that has caused havoc to many young lives, the Governing Body seek legal refuge, and pass the accountability to local body of elders. Is this a demonstration of humility on their part?

    Is this study article an indication of some changes to come? Will the Governing Body be more willing to admit mistakes and say "sorry?"

    Time will tell. If there is no change on their part then paragraph 15 is for their perusal:

    'We must work at maintaining humility and submissiveness and stifle feelings of self-importance, thus avoiding any presumptuous acts that result in Jehovah's disfavor'
    I'm sure many of us enjoyed and benefitted from this weeks WT study 'Jehovah Reveals His Glory to Humble Ones.'

    There are many in our congregations who like Stephen, the humble shepherds and Daniel to name but a few, continue to serve Jehovah and their brothers with much humility. What fine examples these are to us! Additionally we have our brothers and sisters on this forum, who by their comments show appreciation for the truth and expressions of humility.

    The question this leaves though, is what about those among us who 'take the lead', including the Governing Body? What example are they showing in demonstrating humility? Or was the study article just written for the 'lowly sheep in the field?'

    For example, e-watchman has launched a campaign to highlight a few of the major issues within the organization that has caused much pain and stumbling to our fellow believers. Sucn issues include the Watchtower's alliance with the UN as an NGO , the mistaken child abuse policy adhered to by the Watchtower in years past resulting in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual destruction of our dear young children. There are also cases whereby our fellow believers have been cast out of the New World Society for questioning teachings which have always been open to interpretation and change, only to be labelled unscripturally as 'apostates' and other derogatory terms.

    Will the Governing Body show their humility by apologising for such acts of injustice? Or will they continue to hide behind the arrogance of the Watchtower Society?

    The rigidity of the Governing Body to hold onto Watchtower traditions and erroneous teachings is in stark contrast to the points mentioned in paragraph 14 on page 11 of August 1 2004 WT :

    ....'Jehovah favors and reveals knowledge and understanding of his purpose to humble ones. He chooses individuals who may not meet certain human expectations and uses them as his means to communicate his glorious purpose to others. '

    Experience has taught many of us the Governing Body has no regard for the input and submissions of others when alternative renderings and reasonings are presented which differ from Watchtower doctrine. Even when individual members of the 'faithful and discreet slave' communicate with the Governing Body, as e-watchman has and is doing, they are dismissed as potential apostates out to disturb the 'applecart.' A number of our anointed brothers have been disfellowshipped over the years for exposing the erroneous teachings of the Watchtower, and unjustifiably so.
    By their own admission in this study article, it is possible for individuals to receive spiritual enlightenment to share with others, but their actions deny they really believe this. The Governing Body must rule no matter what!

    Rather than face up to the responsibility of the consequences of a child abuse policy that has caused havoc to many young lives, the Governing Body seek legal refuge, and pass the accountability to local body of elders. Is this a demonstration of humility on their part?

    Is this study article an indication of some changes to come? Will the Governing Body be more willing to admit mistakes and say "sorry?"

    Time will tell. If there is no change on their part then paragraph 15 is for their perusal:

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