How True Are The Testimonies On This Board.?

by Paradise Found 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Netty

    I think for the most part you can tell. As a former jw, i know all the buzz words, and have heard of plenty of different scenarios (being an elders daughter, WHAT confidentiality?). When I read peoples experiences, alot of times I am sitting there saying to myself "YUP, YUP, exactly". The stories ring so true and so close to home. It is hard to make up the very JW specific types of experiences we have all been through. So far, I havent read anything that made any alarms go off for me, but I do know that it could happen, it just hasnt so far.

  • BluesBrother

    Ok I must agree with majority here. After 40 years in the org, and 24years as an elder I believe that i can often see how an experience could well have happened. I mean by recognising what the elders may have been trying to say but getting it totally wrong and screwing up . AndCircuit Elders Meetings were frequently spiced up with 'horror stories' about what a congregation did somewhere.. so I have no illusions. And the WTS never ceases to amaze me. Would we have beleived the U N issue if it were not proven?

    Btw.. When I first started on the internet I was incredulous about the child abuse issue. I did not believe it was anything like as bad as it was portrayed.. But since then the evidence has been overwhelming, so now I sadly accept it to be true, because of the sheer number of testimonies. .. the same is true about other horrible things people have experienced.

    One can always reason that here we are getting only one side of the story..even if the writer believes totally every written word , it can be only one subjective viewpoint. But here we are to listen to each other and provide the forum to let off steam and give support where needed. So yes I do accept the testimonies as being that person's heartfelt account of their experence

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    My Blog at my home page is more detailed some things i can't post here.

    Know this,the central CORE doctrine of the WT$ is that Christ Jesus returned to power in 1914.

    This is a blasphemous demonic man made lie from the get-go.

    People usually imitate the God they worship.

    I watched with my own eyes a beloved family member morph into a demonic devout Jehovah's Witness who caused pain every where she went.{with the blessing of the elders}

    She ate her young, even wild critters don't do that!

  • Gadget

    I think the best way to check on someones story if your not sure is to read all of their other posts and make sure everything checks out. If you make something up you have to remember what you told to who and make sure you don't trip yourself up. You've got to have a good memory. Personally, I keep forgetting to clear out my old emails/sms etc so if someone called me out wanting me to prove something I said I'd probably still be able to dig out things to show to back up my story about what was going on at the time, but I don't think many people would be in a situation to be able to do that.

  • FairMind

    I believe most of the experiences I've read on this board. Since coming here I've been amazed, over and over again, how most of the stories either confirm what I've personally experienced or seen. Statements about the WTS and its' philosophy of control and obedience to it above obedience to God's word mirror my conclusions exactly. The thoughts and feelings expressed on this board are (when in seriousness) from peoples' hearts


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