
by Country Girl 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    Um, I wont be able to lick his nipple without getting a hairball!

    I like hairy butts

    I found it to be a huge turn on, especially when he was all sweaty.

    Okaaaaaaayyyyy! Enough with the bad visuals!!!

    FAR more than I ever wanted to know about you gals, LOL!

    (You ladies have me giggling!)

    My heart still pounds when I see a picture of the "old" BeeGee with the "lion look".......Barry Gibb!

    That's the "hairy" look that I like!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OMG waaaay too much

    I remeber when I was a little kid we went to the beach. A man passed us that looked like that. Scared the crap outta me.

  • arrowstar

    MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Warn me next time, will ya?? Geeze marie!!


  • FlyingHighNow

    I like men.

    Seriously, I like them any way, smooth or hairy. When I was younger I was very attracted to hairy men because to me it meant virile.

    Main Entry: vir·ile
    Pronunciation: 'vir-&l, 'vir-"Il, British also 'vIr-"Il
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French viril, from Latin virilis, from vir man, male; akin to Old English & Old High German wer man, Sanskrit vIra
    Date: 15th century
    1 : having the nature, properties, or qualities of an adult male; specifically : capable of functioning as a male in copulation
    3 a : characteristic of or associated with men : MASCULINE b : having traditionally masculine traits especially to a marked degree
    - vir·ile·ly adverb Pronunciation Key© 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
    Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy

    Personality is the most important factor for me. Andy is hairy. He's not as hairy as that picture. If he was, I would still love him just as much because he is Andy and he is the most passionate (about anything that is important to him, including me) person I have ever known. &


  • ballistic

    sh*t, why on this earth did I click on this thread???

  • Jasmine

    Okay I am such a forerunner in the "looks aren't that important category" but wowza ! If he were my man, he'd have a full scale waxing membership at the nearest salon...either that or I'd take him to be sheared twice weekly!

  • Stefanie

    LMAO@ Ball

    Would you rather see an equally hair woman?

  • Netty
    sh*t, why on this earth did I click on this thread???

    because the title says "ladies" think you might enjoy the thread that went around not to long ago, MISS IRAQ

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I know one thing...

    Every time I click on this thread, I have to scroll down IMMEDIATELY so as to miss that scary hairy gorilla guy. Bleck... I like my menz smooth as a baby's ... er... what husband!?

    Country Girl

  • kls

    You would think with a man that hairy he would not want any more hair then he has. So why would he want a beard.

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