Daughter Dissed by Dub

by willyloman 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai
    Promise her you won't kill him just rough him up a bit.

    Sounds like good advice.I'd go to his hall and "suggest" in front of everyone biblical style that since he was fooling around he has to marry your daughter . ....Just to shake him up a bit.

    Take a camera. look mean. then laugh and tell him there's no way you'd want him associated w/your gene pool

  • Scully

    It might be therapeutic for you and your daughter to talk about the revenge scenarios that have been mentioned (plus a few that both you and she have envisioned privately).

    If she has e-mails from him or any other incriminating evidence, it might be fun to make copies of everything and send it to him, just so he knows that the evidence exists. That in itself will haunt him for a long time, wondering when/if it will ever surface to the elders (if he is, in fact, trying to get reinstated, which seems highly doubtful IMO, but is a convenient "escape clause" for him).

    Talking about revenge scenarios doesn't mean that anyone has to act on them. The idea is to VENT the hurt and the anger in a controlled way and get it all out of her system, in order to be free of all the crap he put her through before moving on to the next relationship.

    Yes, he did 'lead her down the garden path'. Yes, he took advantage of her trust and the history they shared. Yes, he deserves to have his balls cut off and handed to him at a meeting of a Judicial Committee. He is a manipulative loser. She may not feel this way right now, but she's very lucky to have learned that about him as quickly as she did. She will be on the lookout for red flags in the future.

    Give her a big hug for me.

    Love, Scully

  • avishai
    Yes, he deserves to have his balls cut off and handed to him at a meeting of a Judicial Committee.

    OWWWW!!! Geez, scully, didja have to go there?

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    I have a daughter also....my response to her would be to ( and this sounds hard) " you live and learn. You gave it your best shot. He is not as committed as you. Forget him and move on . Life can be hard sometimes. You will survive this and be stronger for it."

    I would then give her two tickets to Italy or France or a long cruise ;for her and one of her girlfriends; to go and forget. Enjoy life ; it is too short.

    just my 2 cents,


  • Valis

    willy...tell her to move on and consider herself lucky she didn't hook up w/some guy w/no brain and no free will. A good hug might not hurt either.


    District Overbeer

  • lisavegas420
    A girl's self-esteem comes from her father's attention. We all go on to the dating scene with a 50/50 chance to pick up a loser. Girls with good self-worth dump the losers. Girls who are still chasing after their father's affections are most likely to chase after the losers. It sounds like you are the kind of amazing father who lets his girl know regularly how special she is, so I am sure this is a romance she will get over. What dads have to get used to is that they can't fix everything. You will have to let her cry this out for a while.

    Jgnat...that is good.....really good ...


  • jaredg

    tell her to call me

  • willyloman

    Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and good advice. I'm more optimistic today. She is much stronger and a better person since she stopped going to meeings and pretending to be a JW. She's already starting to gain some perspective on the whole thing.

    Oh! And jared, thanks for stepping up, son, but I don't think she'll be calling anytime soon.

  • Sunspot

    Nobody wants to hear "you're MUCH better off without him" even when it's absolutely true! Right now she needs all the love, sympathy and talking that she feels she needs, and the rest will fall into place.

    Young ladies hearts are so fragile and bruised so easily. It takes a lot less than what your daughter has been through to hurt terribly, and she got hit hard. I feel so badly for her....I remember "being there" myself (HEY-- I'm not THAT old ya know!) and how devastated something like this could make me.

    As for the Elders in the boy's KH---(hehehehe) GO for it! Let them know just what happened---he NEEDS to have some kind of "justice" meted out to him---especially now that he wants to go back to being a model JW......(the creep---I couldn't think of a better "sentence" FOR him to live out!)

    Hugs to you both...


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