Wanted to introduce myself.

by mysterio91 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kls

    I am so glad you decide to join us. I am so sorry for your fathers death and telling him to go to paradise was the right thing to say. Wether he believed it or not it gave him less fear of what was on the other side.

    I can hardly wait for your stories and i sounds like there is much you can share with us.

  • Sassy

    Welcome Mysterio!

    I don't know answers for you.. I wish I could help my mom out too.. but she is a hard and fast, die for the Watchtower Society follower.

  • JamesThomas

    Welcome Mysterio.

    "WTS is false, but what is true?"

    What are you seeking for in such a question?
    Are you seeking for That which is universally true, for the star, the tree, for everyone and everything; and yet is infinitely beyond all?
    Or, for just another belief system whose standards and dogma can be written down in a book, which you can memories and then pretend as if you actually know something?

    Do you want to surrender to the real and actual foundational Core of all existence and non-existence?
    Or, do you just want someone to tell you another fairy-tale?

    Are you willing to have your entire make-believe universe and identity pulled out from under you?
    Or, are you looking instead for warm and fuzzy story lines that support and reinforce what we have been taught to believe about ourselves and our relationship to the universe?

    The game gets no more deadly-serious than when we earnestly seek for truth.

    I suggest you not worry about it, and just have fun.

  • Carmel

    Welcome Mysterio,

    Personally I believe we are in the "First Days" as all the "last days" scenarios are completed and past. I hope you and your mother can find a replacement for the JW warp!


  • Gretchen956

    Welcome, Mysterio! I enjoyed reading your story and look forward to more. Sorry about your dad, but I think you did the right thing. My philosophy is there is no ONE path to the divine. In your dad's path, paradise was what he was hoping to see and you eased his crossing. Thats the important thing. I can tell you one thing, outside the borganization life is good and searching for your path (truth) can be very rewarding.


  • CountryGuy

    Welcome to the board, Mysterio!
    I hope you enjoy yourself here.


  • mysterio91

    Thanks for the warm welcome and the encouragement about my dad. I look forward to sharing my experiences with all of you.

  • Kenneson

    Did someone say the beginning of the end? Well, maybe they're wrong. Maybe it's just the end of the beginning.

    Welcome to the forum.

  • karategirl

    You don't necessarily need a formal "replacement". I don't know about you all but I can't get with organized religion at all. it just all seems like hypocrisy to me. You have to just explore what you think is true. don't just look at religion. look at everything. then meditate on it and decide what you think is possible. It doesn't mean you have to formulate a concrete answer. this may be difficult after having all the "answers" spoon fed to so that you didn't have to think or decide. Life is a journey and we may never know all the answers but just live a good life and surround yourself with only positive energy and people.



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