Would the world be a better place without religion?

by micheal 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Princess

    I'm not going to dig around for a bible to confirm that scripture. Is it a coincidence that my name, Rachel, means lamb?

    I think not.

    So, just for you:

  • LittleToe

    Gah, these messiahs know how to hit your weakest spot.
    I'm always a sucker for tongue!

  • peacefulpete

    Yes this is the point, the message of Xmas is loving your neighbor not preach to him and convert him or cast him outside. It is only by ignoring the overall message of the Christ character that the one story about loving your neighbor can shine thru. That story is not about Christ it is about a Jew and a Samaritan. The message stands alone without believing in Christ. It is a message that is echoed by ethical men and women round the world from all ages.

  • LittleToe


    Yes this is the point, the message of Xmas is loving your neighbor not preach to him and convert him or cast him outside.

    You're setting up a straw man. I never said any of the stuff emphasised.

    It is only by ignoring the overall message of the Christ character that the one story about loving your neighbor can shine thru.

    That's the only way the message can shine through? How do you come to that conclusion, since that "saying" is attributed to Christ, the world over? That message, like puppies, isn't just for Xmas.
    What's the issue with the "overall message of the Christ character" that allegedly impedes the message of Xmas?
    I'll grant you "Christians" don't usually make very good examples of what Christ was about, but did the "Christ character"?

    That story is not about Christ it is about a Jew and a Samaritan.

    Agreed, and yet the link to Xmas has little to do with Jews and Samaritans, but Christ.

    The message stands alone without believing in Christ. It is a message that is echoed by ethical men and women round the world from all ages.

    On that I can totally agree, however it wasn't called Buddahmass was it (no offense intended to my Buddist friends, that's only an example).

  • Pleasuredome

    hang on a minute. would we have had xmas if it wasn't for christendom? most probably we would, just under a different name and a different god.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    There are really only two reasons for the continuing existence of religion. The first reason is that all humans live in mortal fear of death. The second is we do not have any accurate undisputable knowledge of reality in any other dimension, or of another superior intelligence. Thus, along comes religion with it's uncanny illogical ability to confuse reality, reason, common sense and nature with it's distorted superstitious viewpoints and dogma. Once you realize death is actually coming and the clock is ticking, you will realize that there is nothing you can do to stop that natural process. Someone once said that "fear is the improper use of the imagination". Sometimes, that is applicable to religious people. Your life is short. Decide how you plan to live, create plans, accomplish goals and live the best, positive, healthy, productive, generous, humanitarian, altruistic life that you can live and you will have satisfied any basic religion without latching yourself to spiritual handcuffs, dogmatic rules, group dynamics and other problems inherent with religions in general. Religion cannot thrive without control. The entire purpose is always control. The heart of any religion is control. That is why no religion is ever truly spiritual. How can one control the spirit of anything? Being spiritual is your innate ability to use your core being, your inner essence and attempt to harmonize and connect on a deep level with your surroundings. Why does one need attend a meeting, join a group, recite written words in order to be spiritual? have we lost our minds or have we lost the value of the gift of life, no matter how we acquired it? When I notice the beauty in people and in nature, and listen to reflective music, I meditate. I think, I ponder, I review my life in the past and present. I think of memories, I think of places and people. I consider my current direction in life, I check for purpose, I check for positive influences. This is all inner spirituality. Spirituality is more than wondering where we came from or if there is a god, or if the bible is true. People need to do some growing beyond religion's view of spirituality and realize the world, nature and mankind would thrive immensely without the interference, negativity, and evil that religion delivers in this world.

  • LittleToe

    Gawd I've missed your posts!!!
    Your formatting sux, but what you have to say is on the nail

    I especially liked this:

    Someone once said that "fear is the improper use of the imagination".

    Which aligns nicely with the maxim "fear only fear itself", that I try to live by.


    hang on a minute. would we have had xmas if it wasn't for christendom? most probably we would, just under a different name and a different god.
    But then it wouldn't be called Xmas
  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Thx Little Toe. True, my formatting sucks because I use the Opera browser and the site is not designed using internationally open standards for any browser. But, I am glad to return and post when I get the chance.

  • Gretchen956
    hang on a minute. would we have had xmas if it wasn't for christendom? most probably we would, just under a different name and a different god.

    Actually we would, since, like most holidays, it was pagan before it was christian.

    That is why no religion is ever truly spiritual. How can one control the spirit of anything? Being spiritual is your innate ability to use your core being, your inner essence and attempt to harmonize and connect on a deep level with your surroundings. Why does one need attend a meeting, join a group, recite written words in order to be spiritual? have we lost our minds or have we lost the value of the gift of life, no matter how we acquired it? When I notice the beauty in people and in nature, and listen to reflective music, I meditate. I think, I ponder, I review my life in the past and present. I think of memories, I think of places and people. I consider my current direction in life, I check for purpose, I check for positive influences. This is all inner spirituality. Spirituality is more than wondering where we came from or if there is a god, or if the bible is true. People need to do some growing beyond religion's view of spirituality and realize the world, nature and mankind would thrive immensely without the interference, negativity, and evil that religion delivers in this world.

    amen, brother! I like the way you think.


  • peacefulpete
    Yes this is the point, the message of Xmas is loving your neighbor not preach to him and convert him or cast him outside.

    You're setting up a straw man. I never said any of the stuff emphasised. I have no desire to squabble. I was defining the messgae of Christ as it appears in the Bible. The simple beauty of Christmas is it's universality. Any honest review of the teachings attributed to Christ reveal a message of division and election (ie.god favors me not you). Christmas works today because Christ is little more than an irrelevant detail. IMO it would be even more powerful if religionists would stop insisting that Christamas is about Christ and salvation. It is a great step forward when moderns extract the isolated elements of value from the worlds cults and philosophies and hold to a message of compasison and concern hidden in these sources.

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