Whats the circulation of the Watchtower and Awake these days ???

by run dont walk 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    how many magazines get printed in 2004

    Watchtower =

    Awake =

    and can someone tell me the circulation in 1988-1995 for both as well,

    need the info,

    THANKS !!!!!!!!!

  • blondie

    8/1/04 WT 25,618,000

    8/8/04 Awake 22,530,000

    This info isn't posted for each magazine in the WT-CD but I will see if something general is for

    Remember that 6.5 million are automatically accounted for by going to active JWs

    Memoral attendance is 16 million, so I say subtract that leaving 9 million to toss in laundromats, hospital lobbies and to pile up in closets and drawers and basements.


  • blondie

    *** w95 4/15 p. 24 The Day That ?Burns Like a Furnace? ***Worldwide today, we can see the happy results of that feeding program. The Watchtower magazine, with a printing of 16,100,000 each issue in 120 languages, 97 of these published simultaneously, is flooding the earth with "this good news of the kingdom."

    *** w94 10/1 p. 12 God?s Servants?An Organized and Happy People ***

    Why, every issue of The Watchtower now has a printing of over 16 million in 118 languages, and Awake! about 13 million in 73 languages.

    *** g94 7/8 p. 32 "The Writing Is Excellent" ***The magazines The Watchtower and Awake! are distributed by Jehovah?s Witnesses worldwide. The former, which presents Bible based discussions of topical issues, is published in 115 languages, with an average printing each issue of over 16 million. The latter, which offers educational information on a wide range of subjects, is available in 73 languages and has an average printing of almost 13 million.

    *** g93 5/8 p. 29 Watching the World ***

    First published monthly in 1879 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a circulation of 6,000 copies in English, The Watchtower is now published semimonthly in 112 languages and has a circulation of 16,400,000 copies per issue.

    *** jv p. 723 Noteworthy Events in the Modern-day History of Jehovah?s Witnesses ***


    Watchtower has average printing of 15,570,000 in 111 languages; Awake!, available in 67 languages, has an average production of 13,110,000

    *** w91 1/15 p. 32 Awake! Influences Lives ***


    is published in 64 languages, and it has an average printing of 12,980,000 copies per issue.


    w91 5/1 p. 17 Speak the Pure Language and Live Forever! ***

    But "the hand of Jehovah" was with those Witnesses, for this journal (WT) is now published in 111 languages, with an average printing of over 15,000,000 for each issue.


    w91 1/1 p. 12 Serving Jehovah With Joy ***

    Now commencing its 112th year of publication, the Watchtower magazine has a circulation of 15,290,000 in 111 languages, 59 of these editions appearing simultaneously worldwide with the same contents.


    w90 3/1 p. 32 Awake!?Widely Appreciated ***


    is published in 55 languages, and it has an average printing of 11,930,000 copies per issue.


    w89 10/1 p. 32 "I Would Happily Pick ?Awake!?" ***

    We feel that you too will enjoy Awake! It has an average printing of 11,250,000 copies per issue and is published in 54 languages.

    *** g89 10/22 p. 20 Part 20: 19th Century Onward?Restoration Imminent! ***

    The Watchtower (now published in 106 languages and with a circulation in excess of 13 million copies per issue) continues to examine God?s Word.
  • Gretchen956

    And how many of those end up in the trash? I know all those I couldn't place (thousands over the years) ended up there. Maybe I was just a bad salesperson?


  • Jim_TX

    I see that Blondie has found quite a lot of good info...

    I always thought that they were required to publish - annually - their statistics in each magazine - since they were a magazine publisher... (was it a postal requirement or something?)

    Anyway... if memory serves correctly - they used to have the annual breakdown of how many subscriptions, vs 'extra' vs throw-aways... well... I don't recall the 'official' terms - but that's what it amounted to.

    Interesting that their 'Awake' is only published in about 1/2 as many languages as the Watchtower. I guess some information is only regional, perhaps, and does not have any meaning - or does not 'translate' to other cultures?


    Jim TX

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Maybe I was just a bad salesperson?

    If you had paid more attention at the sales rallies (read: meetings), made more sales calls (read: service), applied sales techniques at appropriate points (read: talking points and scriptures) and closed the sale at the right time (read: cough up the dough Mac or God will kill you), you could have generated more income for the publishing house (read: the Society).

    For shame (read: good for you!!!)

  • blondie
    I always thought that they were required to publish - annually - their statistics in each magazine - since they were a magazine publisher... (was it a postal requirement or something?)

    Anyway... if memory serves correctly - they used to have the annual breakdown of how many subscriptions, vs 'extra' vs throw-aways... well... I don't recall the 'official' terms - but that's what it amounted to.

    Yes, they still do, Jim, I'm jus damned if I'm going to get out my bound volumes stored in the basement to find that sheet. It doesn't get on the CD. Needless to say that the vast majority are "placed" with JWs and unbaptized minor family members, the next chunk sit in the closet, and about 2% end up in doors, under mats, in laundromats, hospital/nursing home lobbies and if left with a non-JW 90% end up in the trash and 10% lie in a pile.


  • onacruse

    Years ago, as the ass't literature servant, I was assigned a part on the sm about an advisement from the WTS to revisit the amount of lit that we ordered, to make sure that we were using the lit efficiently (and not just piling it up on our closet shelves, etc.)

    I used myself as an example, and admitted that I had a couple hundred mags "in storage," and suggested that we consider reducing our orders.

    Well, that didn't fly well at all! The po got on the stage right after me, and proceeded to unsay everything I'd said, and that the real solution was to get out in service more and place that lit.

    Needless to say (there's a WTism for ya LOL ), I was soon reassigned to be an attendant.

  • Poztate

    My wife was upset about the HUGE number of mags that had piled up in the basement and the need to take them to be recycled (can't put them in the trash in Canada) I suggested that instead she should talk to the PO about a "special service day" where all the dubs could collect their old mags and just leave one at each doorstep. It would get their mag average up and would no doubt impress the CO when next he visited.

    For some reason she got grumpy with me about even suggesting this idea....Oh Well

  • JT

    our co had all the congo in the circuit do a followup on our mag useage as a congo and it was like 2000 taken in and only about 1100 placed which means over 10,000 mags a yr were sitting around in folks home over 10,000 mags IN JUST OUR CONGO ALONe

    multiply that by 20 congos and you are looking at 200,000 in just ONE CIRCUIT- NOW DO THE MATH for multiple circuits

    but this is the point folks, since the wt bills for all 2000 each month and they are paid off, what you do with the mags at that point is on you-

    the wt is much like AMWAY- it's members buy the bulk of thier products-

    consider that the avg pub picks up 4 mags- 6,mill folks gives you 24-mill mags- so they have a BUILT IN CONSUMER BASE,

    and for this reason wt has no intentions of getting the latest mags up on the net for easy reading

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