The Name Jehovah

by ruffian 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • ruffian

    You really have no respect for others do you? I consider you rude and very ignorant of facts. I couldnt even finish this post because of its errors. Please, just bug off. If you insist on posting to me, dont expect me to be reading it, Im not getting into this stuff again.

  • RipVanWinkle


    Was there something in my post that upset you? If so, Please let me know what it was.

    Thank you,


  • larc


    As Jesus said, "They strain at the gnat and swallow the camel." Jesus gave the answer in the Lord's pray, "Our father"

  • ruffian

    NO please dont think I was talking about you. Its that friendly neighborhood JW that keeps trying to debate me and Im not falling for it. I am enjoying the rest of the board!

  • larc


    Susan was responding primarily to You Know's insulting, harsh language to her. I suggest that you read all three threads that Susan started and you will understand why she is upset.

  • RipVanWinkle

    Hey Larc,

    Thanks for your post. I DID read the whole thread, but wasn't sure about Susan's response. Since this board is such that you can't actually respond to a certain poster it leaves the messages kind of mixed up. I remember the old H2O where there was no question as to who was answering who. Probably the easiest way is to put the name at the top like you did and it removes all doubt.


    Thanks for your response. I read your introduction and think it's great that you'll have a discussion with the 2 JW's. I have 2 cousins who are Roman Catholic Priests. My family were Orthodox. We made a break with the Church in the 1920's. Neverthless we have had some "spirited" discussions together and always stay on good terms. We can disagree without being disagreeable. Life's too short to be nasty.

    Peace to you..........RVW

  • bjc2012

    Hi Susan:

    There are verses mentioned in the bible that show positively God's Personal Name is of the utmost importance, since it identifies God's Name People in Crisis, in the last days. The Divine Name is cited and associated a certain group of christians, who are under intense attack by the imfamous "Wild Beast." The Divine Name is used to identify these defenseless people as the focal point of their attack!

    Revelation 13:5

    "The beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, BLASPHEMING HIS NAME and His Dwelling..." -- The New Revised Standard Version

    This is the future.

    MAIN POINT: If the "beast" is capable of "blaspheming God's Name," -- God's Name must be known among mankind, and certainly Pronouncable, able to be uttered by men, at least to the satisfaction of God Almighty.



    That is easy!

    The name. It is JAH! (pronouced YAH)

    The WTBS has done so many things in the name of JEHOVAH to bring reproach and disgrace on it, that he has seen to it that they can't reproach the true name.

    They took JEHOVAH from YHWH when in actuality it is JHVH JaH VeH
    pronounced Yah Veh.

    PSALMS 68:3 tell us "....Jah is his name."

    That is why we say HALELU JAH! Praise Jah (Yah)

    JUST A MOM (Kim)

  • SixofNine
    That is why we say HALELU JAH! Praise Jah (Yah)

    The Norwegian brothers in Minnesota really have that part down.

    If the "beast" is capable of "blaspheming God's Name," -- God's Name must be known among mankind, and certainly Pronouncable, able to be uttered by men, at least to the satisfaction of God Almighty.

    I'm guessing the phrase, "it is just a figure of speech", would go right over your head?

  • Yerusalyim


    You said

    That is foolish reasoning and just plain wrong. The Douay was translated at a time when Biblical scholarship was at a low point. It was a hastily thrown together translation that was motivated by the desire of the Vatican not to be upstaged by the upstart Chruch of England that came out with the King James Bible in 1611.

    I hope you won't try to claim that the NWT has anywhere NEAR the scholarship that the DR translation has. Ruffian is right though, the Revised Standard Version (Catholic Edition or not) is one of the very best translations out there. Ruffian, the New Jerusalem is also a very good, very SCHOLARLY translation. However, remember, even when reading from Torah, or Nevi'im, or Kethuvim, the Jews said LORD or EL, or ELOHIM, and not the Divine name.


    God is truth, and light his shadow.


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