The Name Jehovah

by ruffian 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know
    In my many years as a Witness, I never knew any that used the kind of harsh, insulting language used by You Know. I think he is a very poor reflection on his religion.

    Jesus on occasion called his opposers fools and hypocrites and blind guides. No doubt you would rebuke Christ as a poor reflection of his religion for scorching the Pharisees the way he did. Paul once called a man who was trying to turn someone from the truth,the "son of the Devil." The fact is apostates are some of the most vicious slanderers and blasphemers on the planet. But they also are some of the biggest whiners and cry babies when someone turns the tables on them. Fact is, apostates typically wail the loudest when the Scriptures are brought to bear against you. / You Know

  • crittersitter

    there is a great little booklet i got from randy over at "". it deals with this very's called " afield service encounter" the publisher is "word resources, inc."
    i started to read it again just today. if memory serves , the YHWH was found in the greek scriptures only when the writer was quoting the old test.
    and all of the scriptures are quoted from wtbs ...and i think you would find this helpful.....

  • ruffian

    "It was not necessary for the apostles to reveal that God's name was Jehovah. "
    Im not sure but there must be many places in the Bible where the apostles mention God. Seems to me that if it were that important that they would have used the name Jehovah. Amos is old testament, so it doesnt disprove that the apostles new any such thing and my Douay-Rheims the word Lord not Jehovah in it, so again no proof.

    "Interestingly though, in the 19th chapter of Revelation the apostle used the term "hallalujah," which was frequently used in the Psalms, and means praise Jah. Jah was a shortened form of Jehovah. "
    St John wrote the book of Apocalypse. How do you know that it is the same Jah in that referance? Show me where it ties in. Show me where it says that Jah is THEE shortened form for Jehovah and that it applies to the Psalms. And even if it did Im pretty interested in this "tribal" god theory and the Psalms could have adapted the word from the old tribal name. But be that as it may- I dont see a connection to even make it so.Also Acts 15 says nothing about Jehovah it uses the word Lord just like in Acts. You have yet to prove that Jehovah is what Peter was refering to.As you said, the apostles would have already known the importance of this name. None of the text in the N.T was changed. Jehovah was only used in the O.T from what I have learned so far. So you cant put a connection between Paul and Acts. Paul clearly says Lord and that is a text that is unchanged. If it had been so darn important, Paul would have used the name Jehovah.

  • JW72

    Who gives a shit about God's name, anyway??!?!?!?!?

    Oh yeh, Jehovahs witnesses........I forgot!!

    Getting his name right is NOT what it's all about.

    So wake up and smell the Kingdom hall polish.


  • larc

    You Know,

    You can use Jesus as a jusfication for your bad language if you want to. I said that I never knew any Witnesses who talked to people like you do. On this particular thread we were addressing comments to a sincere Catholic women. You are the only one that she found distasteful. Everyone else was civil. She compared you to a drunk at a party. Something to think about You Know.

  • ruffian

    Yes he is a pretty bad example of a child of God period.The girls that come to my home are so nice and polite, and Im sure they are very good people. I just didnt come to this board to hear things like You Know is saying. If I wanted a debate board or to be preached to I can go someplace else. He has given good information- I just think he would be listened to better if he wasnt so nasty. I for one lost respect for him after he decided to make accusations against my faith that were simply not true.Up till then, Id actually wrote down some of what he had said.

  • ruffian

    Darn I hate to agree with that outrageous statement<grin>. But- it seems to me that if God would be angry over his sons death being memorialized, then he would also be angry if we called Him by His first name. Since He is awesome, I wouldnt dare call him Bob. Would you call the president by his first name (If you supoorted him).Would you call a parent by their first name? Heck no. Out of respect for authority you use titals. Mrs. Mr. Doctor, Brother, Father, etc. Just seems a little disrespectfull to me to call God by this alledged first name.

  • Francois

    You Know, I quit reading your rant the first time you engaged in that old standby, name calling.

    I realized when I offered the idea that it would be well beyond the concept ability of people like you. And invariably you intellectually challenged folk resort to name calling. In another age, you'd be burning Jews during the Inquisition, or gassing them during WWII, or nailing up the same Jesus you claim to adore.

    Of course, illustrating your behavior as identical to that of the Pharisees will also be beyond your intellectual grasp as well.

    In short, attempting to communicate with you is a waste of time in which I shall never again participate. It's like attempting a conversation with a bowl of cold oatmeal.

    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • JW72

    Ruffian, Do u love the God of the old testament?


  • Francois

    Ruffian, in my opinion the bible is not inspired by God. It may have been written by men who were inspired to write, but what they wrote is not thus inspired. Not in my opinion. If what they wrote were literally true, then God had got some very nasty human failures.

    And please don't be put off by You Know, or any other of his ilk. I think that people who are able state their truth quietly and succinctly.

    People who have no self control, people who name call when they're frustrated by an inability to understand simple concepts that they, on some dim level, perceive as being far superior to their own, reveal their utter unworthiness to participate in group conversation with the normally minded. The poster called You Know reminds me ever so much of the kid in the fist grade who wets his pants and blames it on someone else. Poor thing.

    Pay no attention to You Know. He can't help himself.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

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