Are "New Age" women more sexually open?

by logansrun 23 Replies latest social relationships

  • Kaethra

    of course.

    *where's that damn eye-rollie emoticon??*

  • Maverick

    Take a cold shower, Runner! I think women have always been animals in the bedroom, they just are more willing to admit it and talk about it now! Maverick

  • dh

    i think all women are just as open sexually, they just don't all know it yet.

  • LittleToe

    LOL @ Mac

    I don't know if you can link it to beliefs, per se, but people are generally getting over the Victorian era of sexual repression.

    My observations would agree with yours in that women are more spiritually inclined. That facet is based in the ribs, doncha know

  • Gretchen956

    May have something to do with the fact that most of christianity views sex as a sin. We pagans view it as a god or goddess given gift/blessing. Sex itself is a VERY spiritual experience. So the fact that men and women of the metaphysical/new age/pagan variety are less repressed, view the human body as a thing of beauty that is not shameful... that would lead you to this same conclusion. The only problem with it is that being metaphysical/new age/pagan does NOT mean we don't have any morals. It does NOT mean we'll sleep with just anyone.

    LT, what does this mean?

    That facet is based in the ribs, doncha know

    is that a Genesis reference? bah humbug dude


  • SixofNine

    :It does NOT mean we'll sleep with just anyone.

  • LittleToe


    is that a Genesis reference? bah humbug dude

    Might be
    I couldn't resist yanking Bradley's chain with that tongue in cheek reference.

  • Elsewhere

    Ahhhh yes! Yoga! What fun to watch!

    "I'm going to Yoga class" is just a women's "code" for saying: "I'm going to go learn some new sexual positions."

  • logansrun

    From the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's:

    "Your two breasts are like two young ones, the twins of a female gazelle, that are feeding among the lilies."
    "This stature of yours does resemble a palm tree, and your breasts, date clusters. I have said, 'I shall go up on the palm tree, that I may take hold of its fruit stalks of dates. And may your breasts become like clusters of the vine...."

    Maybe I should look into this Jewish thing?

  • Terry

    I'm just one of those old (57) guys who thinks they should have an opinion on everything; so take what I'm going to say with an eleven-thousand pound grain of salt.....

    Sexuality is nothing if not self-expression. In purest form, within the sex act, we cease to be brain-guided, in control, analytical intellects. Instead, the beast emerges. Our raw power as animal selves exits the primal cave of repression and rampages with mad abandon! Only in sex does the pure appetite of visceral existence explode into being. The cautious veneer of societal norms (and other bullshit) vaporizes.

    The power and the glory of existence is the experience of sensory overload; the tickle of original feeling thundering into a lightning flash of brilliant physical illumination: ecstacy! Humans crave the experience of being alive! Sex can deliver that atomic payload with a radiant afterglow that stops all clocks and brings the universe to a standstill. Sex is the ultimate act of creation.

    So-called "new age" women have escaped the chains of guilt. The dragon at the cave is always guilt and repression. By losing the bonds of a strangling religious view, Free Spirits soar.

    Open minds lead to open experience.....and experience is the only real life.

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