I am attending an assembly.

by jwbot 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwbot

    The circuit assembly is coming up in September. There are several reasons I am going:

    • It is at the Maine Center for the Arts, at my college. I really like this place, it would be interesting..
    • My mother told me that I would not be shunned ("what would be the point on going?" she said)
    • My mother, brother and brother-in-law all have parts. I have never seen a family member have a part.

    Ok it makes me nervous though. I mean, I am not intending on converting back for so many many reasons. But to be honest, I like the new attention that my family will give me, esp if Mike comes. My father and the rest of the family has never talked to him and I think this would give them a chance to know how wonderful Mike is.

    There is also an older man in the congregation (not elderly, just not my age) who is married and I was great friends with his daughter, anyway he was always giving me good advice and really understood me and never shunned me. He offered that Mike and I sit with him and his family and that offer made me feel really good.

    My concern is that people I know will shun me, and that people I don't know will look at us funny and make us uncomfortable. 1) I have a facial piercing and 2) Mike has facial hair. Its purely for looks reasons. I feel very weird about it and I do not want to.

    Of couse the main concern will to not laugh when the funny perfect families go on stage and talk about why its wise to abstain from TV and higher education. uuugh....

  • Soledad

    UGGG. I couldn't even imagine attending an assembly. Well, let us know how it goes.

    BTW, aren't you DA'd? Believe me, they'll shun you.

  • unbeliever

    You would think they would go out of their way to welcome you. A lost sheep but alas I don't think that will happen. I would not put myself in that position. If I remember correctly you were never even baptized and you are shunned. That is just wrong.

  • jwbot

    Soledad, I am not DA'd or DF'd because I have never been baptised but that has not stopped anyone from shunning me. My sister has not talked to me for 2 years, and my brother had recently stopped talking to me, saying an elder has told them to treat me like I have been disfellowshipped.

    But lately...with my mom especially, I can tell things have shifted towards my benefit. My sister still will not talk to me, neither will my brother, but everyone else is at least aknowledging my existance. My other sister I bet will talk to me and that would be really nice.

  • Atilla

    Go have some fun, this time you will be on the outside of the fish bowl looking in.

  • jwbot

    Yes Atilla, that ought to be interesting. Maybe that will help me feel less self concious.

  • DireStraitJacket

    Surely you're just building up their expectations that any day now you're going to realise how wrong your current actions are that you would like to return to Jehovah and have all you sins forgiven (blah blah..)?
    As much as they might appear to respect your choice all they really want to see you doing is going to meetings again and getting baptised...

  • Bubbamar
    Surely you're just building up their expectations that any day now you're going to realise how wrong your current actions are that you would like to return to Jehovah and have all you sins forgiven

    I say 'So What'...string them along as long as possible. It's there game - let them enjoy it! And let jwbot enjoy her family in the meantime.

    jwbot - hope you don't get too bored! Maybe you can write the web address to SilentLambs in all the bathroom stalls while you're there?!?!?!

  • jwbot

    DSJ: I know they do not respect my dicisions. I really just want to be close to my family. I hurt every day because of the closeness that is now gone. Why can't I enjoy this?

    Bubbamar: thats a great idea! hehe maybe put a link to this forum. Of course, the Maine Center For the Arts is a very beautiful place...maybe I will just tape up little cards...

  • StinkyPantz


    Take from the experience whatever positives you can (spending time with family is a HUGE positive and do they know of your plans to wed Mike?). I don't really know what else to say..

    .. except 'eww' because you are going to an assembly .

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