by Tina 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunchild
    So, Rochelle, (and oh, btw, yes, you are most generous. Thank you...)

    Hee. ^_^

    Of course? You say "of course"? Is winning easy or are you just good? And, uh.... "six hours"? It takes six hours to play ONE game?

    *g* Winning ISN'T easy, but I'm pretty good at roleplaying games. And Xenogears takes a total of about 45-70 hours to finish, depending on how high you get your experience levels, how many sidequests you take, how lost you get, etc.

    Hmmm... I think I've heard of this god...

    Heh, haven't we all.

    Take care,


    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • teejay

    You're "pretty good at role playing games," huh?

    SO.... what roles... ahhhh... nevermind.


    todd~making his exit before he gets in BIG trouble...

  • teejay
    One thing I won't be doing this summer is sending threatening emails and blocking the receiver from making a reply.

    Bit cowardly of the sender, don't you think, tina?

    Btw, Prisca, I happened to see this rather cryptic post of yours. It's the hardest thing for me to figure out.

    But, ya know, if someone is sending you certain kinds of emails, the American police agency the FBI ( very involved in tracking down the originators of such. They have even been known to cross national borders!

    Inherent in all emails is technical info which allows them to track emails to a single computer. Impressive how they do that! I've been waiting for such an email myself just so that I could see how good they really are.



  • Prisca

    It's ok Todd, I know who the sender of the email is. I just think it's a rather cowardly way to act for a grown woman. Instead of letting things be resolved by email, she takes the coward's way out.

    It's ok Todd, I won't be intimidated by bullying tactics.

  • safe4kids


    I read a rather cryptic post in this thread and I was wondering: Are you being called a coward?? Because my first response to that is...

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh my, what a good laugh, I sure needed it. Tina...a coward! Ha! One of the last words I'd use to describe you.

    And if I've misunderstood it, my apologies, but it was still a nice laugh .

    Luv ya,

    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • teejay

    Well, do what you think is best, Prisca. I just couldn't imagine anyone that we know who'd stoop that low or be so stoopid. Hmmm... live and learn, I guess, live and learn.


  • Prisca


    You find this as funny as I do.

    After all, the biggest bullies are usually the biggest cowards!!

  • Roamingfeline

    Well, it's not summer where I'm at, lol. It's the July rainy winter season, but that's ok. We have such good weather all year 'round here, that it's no biggie to go through one rainy month per year.

    However, July WILL be a very busy month for us, as we're getting ready to move to the USA in August. So I'll be sorting, packing, moving things around that we wish to keep here in Oz, then renting out the properties and getting everything settled and ready to go!

    Now, when I get to the USA, we'll be just about ready for my daughter to have her first baby, so I'll be helping her get ready and spending time with my kids and my other two grandchildren, whom I haven't seen in 20 mos by the time I get there! Lots of things to look forward to!


  • Roamingfeline


    Good laugh, wasn't it? lololol...

    And you know, I always say, there's nothing like a good shit-stirrer to ruin a good, friendly thread. Don't you think so?

    So let's have some fun and raise a toast to Prisca, the best shit-stirrer I know!


  • Prisca

    Thanks RC. I learnt from you, you know. Nothing like learning from one of the nastiest people on this board! Thanks for all your help!

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