I Need Ideas

by TowerWatch 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Carmel

    Maggie, you have an excellent point. There are many "Jesuses" reresented in the variety of christian demoninations. To talk about a "different" Jesus is almost meaningless. I believe in the historical Jesus, acknowledge He was the "annointed one" so accept the concept of "Christ' but most christians would expell me from their midst for my beliefs even though by definition I am "Christian".


  • TowerWatch

    I revised the list and this is what I have as of now. Any ideas?

    The Top Ten Reasons to consider one of our seminars

    10. Jehovah?s Witnesses are knocking on the door of nearly every Christian home in the U.S.

    9. Jehovah's Witnesses will talk to your children if you are not at home

    8. Remember the old saying "Christians convert unbelievers cults convert Christians"

    7. Thousands leave the Watchtower and become Christians every year what you say could make the difference

    6. Once converted a Jehovah's Witness must break off association with non-Jehovah's Witness family and friends

    5. Jehovah's Witnesses teach that salvation is based on loyalty to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

    4. The non-Biblical teachings of Jehovah?s Witnesses can sound very convincing to the unwary

    3. God never changes but the teachings of the Watchtower are constantly changing

    More Jehovah's Witnesses have lost their lives refusing blood transfusions than Waco and Jonestown combined

    And the number one reason to consider a seminar on Jehovah?s Witnesses for your Church

    Jehovah's Witnesses are trying to convert your members

  • laurelin

    I agree with Maggie, you have to be very careful what your points are. If even one of them is challengable and more to the point easily denied then the rest are put into doubt.

    Point 9 is a bit iffy to use as it's not the case in a lot of areas, certainly not where I come from. It was always and still is discouraged to talk to young children on the doorsteps. We were always told that if a young child (anyone upto 18) answered the door we were to ask for their parents. If parents weren't home/available we were told to call again. (I do go to meetings but not out on the door to door work and I have still heard this said from the platform)

    Point 6 isn't strictly true either as most witnesses still associate with family members that are not witnesses. This point only applies to non-witnesses that have been disfellowshipped. And even then not every witness holds fast to this rule.

    Having said that I think your third point is the one that would make most people stop and think and really view things differently as this is one point that they cannot refute no matter how hard they try and all the others they could wiggle out of (besides point 10 of course which makes them beam with pride).

    Just my thoughts on your list. Which I found myself nodding to most of them!

  • Lehaa

    I'd refrase 10 to say world and not US.

    What about they dont follow god they follow the governing body and it's slaves. Or something to that effect.

  • avengers

    Sounds like a campaign against Jehovah's Witnesses.

    To be honest with you I think all the points on your list are weak.
    When you say "Jehovah's Witnesses" what or who are you addressing?
    Is it the young lady at the door who does her utmost best to please Jeovah?
    Or the young man who gave up everything?

    Imo if you start a campaign this way you start a witchhunt targeted at the
    wrong group.

    What has to be targeted is not the Joe on ground-level, but the guys at Tower-level.
    The managers of Watchtower Corporations and the "Governing Body"; they have to be
    the target. The Top Level "men" of the Watchtower are responsible for turning out
    the drones at house to house level.
    It would be wiser (and those are my 2 $ 0,01) to expose the workings of the Watchtower.
    This "Tower" is the Creator of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    When you address this campaign against as you yourself say "Jehovah's Witnesses"
    you will play right into the hands of the Governing Body and their henchmen.

    They will simply bring out a Watchtower stating that Babylon the Great is preparing her
    attack. (Babylon the Great = False religion = Moslem = Christians = YOU)

    The result will be an increased number of publishers.

    But if you want to help the J Dubbs as well then it would be better to expose the
    working of the "Leaders" of that organization.

    This requires a lot of research. But if you're in a position to have seminars
    and inform people it can be very well worth it.


  • ellderwho

    I agree with Andy,

    Im third gen. out for 20+ years although I was Da-ed as a non-baptised dub, that never interupted the relationship with Mom. She's still in. At the time that was a no/no.

    I ve thrown basically every theological virus at her (and managed to deliver the gospel) and maybe its found a chink in the armor, only time will tell.

    She's emotionally tied to the cult.

    The fact remains if Bethel wanted the r/f to blieve in the trinity they could do in about 3 years.

    I hold the gray hairs in Bethel responsible. A fish rots from the head down.


  • TowerWatch
    What has to be targeted is not the Joe on ground-level, but the guys at Tower-level.
    The managers of Watchtower Corporations and the "Governing Body"; they have to be
    the target. The Top Level "men" of the Watchtower are responsible for turning out
    the drones at house to house level.
    It would be wiser (and those are my 2 $ 0,01) to expose the workings of the Watchtower.
    This "Tower" is the Creator of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    You are correct and I cover that in my seminar. What I looking for are points to get pastors to think about the dangerous message of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and why they need it book the seminar. My idea is to show a pastor how his congregation is exposed to Jehovah's Witnesses on a regular basis and that it is something a pastor would not his/her flock exposed to without being forearmed. I just want to use this as an attention grabber. I use the seminar to show that the problem is in the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society not the Jehovah's Witness himself.

  • Confucious

    ANDY and Maggie had excellent points here.

  • TowerWatch

    The top ten idea is just an attention grabber for one page of my website is not an outline of points covered in the seminar. Here are the points covered in the seminar.:

    • Understanding Jehovah's Witnesses and the lives they lead
    • What Jehovah?s Witnesses believe and how their beliefs differ from Christianity
    • Why be concerned about Jehovah?s Witnesses
    • Why debating Bible doctrine with Jehovah?s Witnesses does not work
    • The "Does and Don?ts" of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Jehovah?s Witnesses
    • Strategies to use when sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Jehovah?s Witnesses
    • How to make reaching Jehovah?s Witnesses with the Gospel of Jesus Christ a part of your ministry
    • Question and answer session

    Thanks TowerWatch

  • TowerWatch
    Point 9 is a bit iffy to use as it's not the case in a lot of areas, certainly not where I come from.

    Yes you are right I'm going to replace that one. We did talk to children though. We were told to ask the child if his parents allowed him to select his own reading material, if the child said yes we to offer them the mags. FYI.

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