
by frenchbabyface 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • 95stormfront
    When he left, he tried to leave a 2 litre bottle that he had used to pee in because he was too lazy to get up in the middle of the night and walk 3 steps to the bathroom.

    That's the most butt ass lazyiest thing I'd ever heard in my life.

  • Jim_TX


    The only time I had to have a roommate, it was a long time ago. I had rented a 3-room cottage, and the landlord pushed me out after a couple of months - to give his boy a place to stay - after his divorce.

    Anyway, I wound up bunking with this fella - and we did okay, I guess. He was always eating my stuff in the fridge - that kinda bugged me, cause I had a limited income, and would only buy enough for me to eat till the next payday. When confronted, he said that I was welcome to HIS food... only, I didn't want HIS food - I wanted mine.

    At one time there were up to 4 guys sharing that apartment. It got kinda crowded, but since everyone paid their share of rent, and utilities, it made my burden financially decrease to a minimum. (I think that at one point my monthly rent was as low as $16.67.)

    If I had to do it again... I would have to think long and hard about it. Of course, if I needed to have someone allow me to move in - then I would be pleading - and hoping that they would allow me to share... so... well, I just hope that I don't have to get to that point.

    Good Luck - not all people are weirdos... some just need a bit of help occassionally.


    Jim TX

  • frenchbabyface

    Bicker :

    Actually I have no problem with gay people, and already had lots of fun with a few old friends but we are not in touch any more. But my other friend is kind of homophobic () and well I guess he spread his little dirt . Still, since he told me that I can't forget about the fact that someone can get into my room and do whatever he/she wants.

    And yes yes yes to the lock !


    Nope, no clue at all. He and I knew each other about a year and I even attended church with him a few times

    (it's sick) ... yeah you never know !!! ... (anyway some people can play a charactere very long) That make me thinking about my father what an actor, everybody else loved him ... If something like that happen to me not sure I would experience this kind of share again. And thanks to keep me aware.

    Hillbilly :

    never had a lot of 'privacy'... ?

    Well that's what I want to know at the end of the experience ... what can I bear ? The guy seems to be a lonesone type too. I've told him that he should considere himself has a host and not as a roomate (means I'm in my home) to be fair about that I've splited the rent cost in 3 instead of 2 (also there is 3 bedrooms) I'll take care of house - he will have to take care of his bedroom. If something is wrong about that or that he gives me too much job ... OUT !

    About the fridge, well since my son and his girlfriend have moved out, the fridge is almost always empty. I run to a store when I'm hongry ... I still have a few stuff in the freezer but then It have to be cooked.


    Well you've got some sicks onces too ! ... (pffffffffff ... and what a JOB finally !!!)
    Also I've got a little probleme with the entrance key too ... Oh la la
    thanks for your advices


    only, I didn't want HIS food - I wanted mine

    Yeah I can understand THAT !!!

    and the little income is a part the interest for me too

    Also yeah, I'm gonna give him a little chance ...

    Thanks for your advices

  • FlyingHighNow

    Gosh, French, too bad you live in France and I live in Michigan USA. We could room together. My son left, too. I'm still very sad over it all. How old is your son?

    Good luck, and again too bad we live in different countries. *Sigh*


  • Robdar
    Gosh, French, too bad you live in France and I live in Michigan USA. We could room together. My son left, too. I'm still very sad over it all. How old is your son?

    Good luck, and again too bad we live in different countries. *Sigh*

    FHN, I was thinking the same thing. My son is leaving too. Here we are: 3 friends from different parts of the world all having their sons leave at the same time and needing a roommate.

  • FlyingHighNow
    FHN, I was thinking the same thing. My son is leaving too. Here we are: 3 friends from different parts of the world all having their sons leave at the same time and needing a roommate.

    You, too Robyn? It's a tough time in so many ways for me.


  • frenchbabyface

    and again too bad we live in different countries. *Sigh*


    Yeah really tooooooo Bad !!! ... but there is a room left for you to come over on holliday !!!

    Flyin' My son left, too. I'm still very sad over it all. How old is your son?

    I'm still sad over it too ... but then I thing ... IT had to happen one day. (he is 22 years old)

  • FlyingHighNow
    I'm still sad over it too ... but then I thing ... IT had to happen one day. (he is 22 years old)

    If that's you in your avatar, you really do have a babyface to have son of 22. My son is 20 and my daughter 25. Grandsons 8 and 3. I miss them all so much. They are all far away now.

    France sounds nice. Too bad it costs so much to make a trip like that.


  • Robdar
    You, too Robyn? It's a tough time in so many ways for me.

    This is the second time that my son has moved out. He came back because he was worried about me after the divorce. Now that I am better and he is getting married, he is leaving again. I will miss him dreadfully.

    I feel for you and what you are going through. When my son moved out the first time, I would go into his empty room and sit because it smelled like him. Of course, I would sit there and cry but kept reminding myself that it is nature's way. It got better in time. It will get better for you too. If you want to chat, I'm pm'ing you my number.



  • frenchbabyface

    (((Robyn))) I'm late on this ... :

    Here we are: 3 friends from different parts of the world all having their sons leave at the same time and needing a roommate.

    Geez this is terrible ... we could be so fine ... and have fun, I really miss mature and fresh woman presence in my life.

    Flying : France sounds nice. Too bad it costs so much to make a trip like that.

    Well it is all about that at the moment LOL and NOT LOL

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