New Cali Fest Dates..

by Sassy 66 Replies latest members meetups

  • morty

    I started saving my pennies, loonies, and toonies Sassy.....

    Looks like I will be flying by myself hon.......and alot of..

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Sas, I'm working on the location we spoke about. I have to call the contact at 10:30 tomorrow for specifics.

  • Sassy

    Most Current list

    Attendees Interested so far:

    Sassy (& Guest)
    Chevys(& Guest)
    ApprenticeofEve (& Guest)
    Purza (& Guest)
    4JWY (& Guest)
    Mortons68 (& Guest)
    LA Big Dawg
    Harleyquinn (& Guest)
    RT (& Guest)

    LyinEyes, Denny (trying but not sure if they can make it)

    those who mentioned interest before the date change, but I have not seen online since the date change

    Truthseeker (& Guest)

  • Pleasuredome

    i'm coming too!!! dont forget me!!!!!

  • truthseeker1

    Okay okay, i'll come along....witha friend :)

  • Sassy

    woo hoo!!!

    OK new list:

    Most Current list

    Attendees Interested so far:

    Sassy (& Guest)
    Chevys(& Guest)
    ApprenticeofEve (& Guest)
    Purza (& Guest)
    4JWY (& Guest)
    Mortons68 (& Guest)
    LA Big Dawg
    Harleyquinn (& Guest)
    RT (& Guest)
    techton Truthseeker (& Guest) Pleasuredome

    LyinEyes, Denny (trying but not sure if they can make it)

    those who mentioned interest before the date change, but I have not seen online since the date change

    tink seeitallclearly???

  • Sassy

    We're working on the fine details for the fest.. For all of those planning to attend, please send me a pm and let me know if you have any problem with paying $10 per adult attending. The money would go toward the rental of the room(s) for teh activities.

    Tentative Plan A

    Depending on interest, we may have a room both Fri and Sat, but that will depend on interest. What I'd like to do is have a mixer of sorts Friday night. We've got a room reserved where we could actually do a pot luck type set up, so food costs would be be minimal. Just either pick something up at the local Ralphs Grocery Store a block away from the Deli or if you are driving from home, make whatever, to bring (as well as any drinks. We can have music, are working on a karaoke machine if possible.. might even get Chevys' to bring her dance pad.. we can be there till midnight... however we can also relocate down to the same club for dancing we will go Saturday..

    then Saturday, have a banquet room at the Club where the dj music is (70s and 80s music), and then pay for food there at the club (each is responsible for their own food costs).

    Alternate Plan B

    Friday, go to a local Pizza Place which has a partially private room for a mixer.. once again, each is responsbile for their own food and drinks.. we could leave from there (closes at 10) to go down to the club for drinks and dancing, or look for another similar place a bit of a distance farther...

    Same plan as for Saturday Above

    Alternate Plan C

    Same as Friday with Alternate Plan B

    Saturday, use the room reserved with Plan A above originally planned to be used for Friday where we can have a pot luck food fest and drinks we all bring.. then go down to the club for dancing after...

    Note Plan B & C will be slightly less money since only one room is reserved with a $$$ fee..

    too keep costs covered, I'd like to ask that each adult pay $10 whether they are going to be there two nights or one. That way we make sure we have all the costs covered.. plus it will encourage a two night attendence.

  • Sassy

    ok guys ... looking for some comments/opinions!!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I like Plan B. It seems like the cheapest plan. And that way it doesnt end up a financial burden on one person. But, I want it to be absolutely worth the distance that soem will be traveling. Though something tells me, when all of us get together it wouldnt matter if we congregate on the floor of a gas station bathroom, we'll still have a blast!!! Hey sas, maybe you can add THAT as an option

  • Sassy

    If 25 people come, as they have given us reason to believe they are serious about coming, ten dollars a piece should cover the costs, so I'm not really worried about money.. although we will need to see about getting some sent in advance if able, because I don't personally have it to put out on my own ahead of time.

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