Who Is God?

by Den 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe

    JCAnon:Strange. When I saw God He looked different from that. Maybe Gumby has a point, after all

  • Sirona

    Welcome to the forum Den. By the way, you might want to consider that God is sexless and therefore isn't necessarily a "he"


    Very interesting experience. It sounds like something that many spiritual people experience, but of course, we all see God as we want to see him/her. I am guessing that your image of God was how your subconsious expected it to be.


  • gumby
    It was a "vision", of heaven. We were alone. But a huge tree. God has a "natural", perfectly smooth but big, like that black guy on Mod Squad!! So when you read in the Bible how some seeing visions of God say his "hair is like fine wool" that's what they are saying, they are describing the very smooth and round "natural" he has. It's not long flowing hair.

    JC........you little pycho knucklehead........you fell asllep with your blowup Gary Coleman doll again......that's all! You just had a bad dream buddy. Now see what you went and did? ....you went and ran off another newbie cuz you scared him...... ya dipwad!


  • NewSense

    J.C. - So, according to your "estimation," God appears to be about 50-60 years. And this despite the fact of an existence that stretches back through countless, countless eons into infinity! I must say that God does has indeed aged quite gracefuly. I mean, here I am at nearly age 50, and *I* am the one who feels that I have been around for eons and eons. Especially after speaking with my students about music; never do I feel older than when I talk to my students about music. So, I have to ask: what's God's secret for appearing a sprite 50 years old after an existence of innumerable eons? I really want to know.

  • Elsewhere

    "Believe in the gawd I am telling you about or die"

    Sounds like the words of a dictator.

  • Bubbamar

    Welcome Den

    I didn't read your long post because I'm a lazy apostate.

    But Welcome to JWD!!!

  • dh

    welcome den, i apologise for not having read through your entire post, but in answer to the topic question, imo (one of them anyway) god is a lot like an idea, in that it doesn't have to be real in order to have massive effect, it can't really be fought or killed and as long as people have that idea, it'll always be there, and is very powerful. what i find even more interesting is where the idea originally came from and what it is based on.

  • Joe Bloggs
    Joe Bloggs


    Christ looks around 30.

    You mean you do, right?

  • LittleToe

    dh:Now THERE'S an interesting concept


  • JamesThomas

    Welcome Den.

    You sound like your own worst enemy.

    You say God is infinite, without beginning or end, not a thing we can "put into a box". Then, you do just that with your religious dogma and anthropomorphizing.

    Perhaps one day you will realize that the only limits to God are in your mind. Then, there will be no need for a Jesus and no religion too.

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