by tresbella 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • czarofmischief

    roybatty - doesn't the dubworld just shoot itself in the foot with their extremism? Their holier than thouism is the death knell of anybody with a spark of originality or inspiration or has a desire to turn the worship of God into something more than painful drudgery. I can't believe people still buy into that crap.

    I think that if they spent one summer at a Lutheran youth camp they'd change their damn tune...


  • NeonMadman
    At an elders meeting with the CO, we discussed a certain young bro whom I thought would make a good MS. The PO blind sided me with "oh, I recently heard that he attended a Pearl Jam concert."

    I see not much has changed over the years - my regular pioneer application was denied in 1969 because I listened to Beatles music and read comic books.

  • Lili

    I think before you judge anyone you need to learn how to spell. The word black is spelled b, l, a, c, k not blcak.

  • frenchbabyface

    Well I'm wondering how most of people do handle being "CORRECTED" by any ELDER

    My mon before DFed told them EVERYTHING (EvERYTHING - 22 year old worldy guy stuff - he married her BTW) to be DFed ANYWAY ... So why talking and asking details, can't they just ask if you regret or not PERIOD

    My sister asked to be DFed : I mean she is the one who asked for it just to give them the message.
    At 30 I need a husband ... only morons here ... I'm out for while ... I'll come back.

    she did all that and worse finally cause her husband is now a JW

    I can maybe tell that I've had one short at 11, because the guy I was studying with was an Elder. I wanted to date (in fact walking and talking) a BAD WORLDLY guy 17 years old (the worse specie of course - that everybody knew about) He told me NO ... I said well even if I tell you I won't, I will anyway, if you want the truth. So he said Ok ... LOL ... and I've been nice I got him a bible study out of that (but only one - I still remember the guy's face while listening - by the way the name of the guy was Moses (LOL) but geeezzzz he was looking good !

  • Sassy

    I have dreamed about walking into a room where elders wives were and being fearful of their husbands contacting me (I moved w/no forwarding)..

    lately I have been dreaming about field service........that was always traumatic for me.. the other night I dreamed I was telling my mom and step dad that I wouldn't go to the door.. only go with them.....I was thinking in my dream I could never again speak the lies of the JW stuff at the doors again.. I looked down and I was standing in field service in only a slip...

  • 1914

    One time I asked why the borg joined the UN. They said they'd have to get back with me. At the meeting in the little room they said it was to gain access to their library. I said nothing. And left. Pissed.

    Any thinking person can understand that you don't need the UN library when you have a direct pipeline to god. Look at all they said about the UN in the past and see the hypocracy

  • Sweetp0985

    1914 you're partially wrong!!!!

    Jehovah's holy spirit directed them to join the UN to use the library! But unfortunately "new light" showed them the error of their ways. Ironically this new light came at the same exact time the Guardian article came out. But they only joined to use the library to do research on Babylon the Great Harlot and to do this they had to get CLOSE to her....REALLY REALLY CLOSE (visualizing the South Park cartoon with Satan and Saddam Husain in the bed)

  • undercover

    I'm being nitpicky here, but it's very important when discussing the UN scandal with JWs:

    The WTS did not "join" the UN. Only national governments can join the UN. Non-governmental groups can be associated with the UN by becoming an NGO (non-governmental organization). It's a small thing, but if you go charging into an elders meeting and claiming that the WTS "joined" the UN, you're going to get shot down real quick.

    Back to the subject at hand: I've been in a few nightmarish elder meetings. Despite the horribleness of some of the meetings, the ones that really stand out are the counseling by elders (whether one, two or JC) over some of the most trivial of matters. Length of hair. Mustache grooming. Ties too colorful. Flared dress pants(early 70s). Two door cars. Length of overcoat(seriously. We had one elder who insisted that all brothers had to wear a full length overcoat during the winter. Waist length was not appropriate. That one caused a mild mutiny). Music(Someone mentioned the Beatles. I used to get counseled on listening to them. Even after they broke up). Movies.

    Looking back on it, it's hard to believe that I ever let them have that much control over me. Well, maybe I didn't them have that much control. I still owned a 2 door car, I listened to the Beatles, I still wore my wild ties and their intrusion on my life eventually pushed me out. Thanks elder guys!

  • shamus
    Looking back on it, it's hard to believe that I ever let them have that much control over me. Well, maybe I didn't them have that much control. I still owned a 2 door car, I listened to the Beatles, I still wore my wild ties and their intrusion on my life eventually pushed me out. Thanks elder guys!

    That's about the way that I was. Thanks for not being the only one!

    I once got counselled for being a skinhead. You see, I had a buzz cut in the early 90's, and we wouldn't want to be a skinhead or anything... My response to the elder? My barber is black. (not politically correct these days, no, I'm not a racist), which was 100 percent true. I told him to go ask him if he thought that I was a skinhead.

    I still kept my hair short. My sentence? Not carrying a microphone. I took not carrying the microphone. When people are full of bullshit, I tended to get millitaristic in my beliefs.

    The elders never liked me. I didn't care.

    One time the entire body of elders got a little talking to, because I just moved to a congo, and did not know which month they were missing (reporting time). I asked and asked, and the guy never got back to me. Turns out, I got turned down for aux. pio, because I was 'irregular'. The C.O. came to town, and I worked in service with him one day. He asked me why I wasn't aux. pioneering, and I told him why. He cleared the air, and rumour was they got reemed out good.

    The next meeting, elder asshole comes up to me, squeeses my arm hard, and says "you really need to get your time in!". I ripped my arm away, and said "I tried".

  • cruzanheart
    I was standing in field service in only a slip

    But, Sassy, was it a Field Service Slip?

    So far I've managed to avoid any elder meeting nightmares except for the one that my mom caused FOR the elders. (I've told this story before, but it's still good.) The year: 1966, the place: Frederiksted, St. Croix. My dad was involved in an interminible committee meeting about somebody's business practices (no such thing as a secret on a small island). My mom and I were waiting in the car because our house was on the other side of the island and we were waiting for Dad. She got tired of waiting and went right into the Kingdom Hall and into the committee meeting and announced the following: "I know all you're doing is repeating yourselves, so you need to wind it up because it's a school night and I have to get Christina home to bed. You can finish this another time." That's my mom!

    And they prudently agreed with her, stopped the meeting, and I went home to bed.


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