spirtual growth at greatist peak

by the mole 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • the mole
    the mole

    my sister called me last night and wanted me to go to an assembly with her in san francisco..she has a part on stage...i declined but she stated that her assembly mentioned the jw growth is at its greatist peak and still climbing....i asked if she really believes that and she mentioned all the new congregations in sacramento and auburn area and said the baptisim was so full they had to extend the lunch period.....is there any info to prove her wrong?..i have not gone this year..did any body attend and get this same info?

  • kls

    I can't answer you but i sure would like to know if they as usual are lieing.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    A valuable quote from Mark Twain:"If a million people believe in a stupid thing for a hundred years,it's still a stupid thing".

    Danny sez's:"most western republics are free countries,with freedom of expression.Free to follow the Watchtower's false dogmas or free to go follow Daffy duck." Duck 2

    A debate of Watchtower dogma would be like a debate of Hitlers personal autobiography/manifesto 'my struggle' 'mein kampf'.It is a foregone conclusion it's total trash.

    ยป Theologically,Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult of Christianity.The oppressive organization does not represent historical, Biblical Christianity in any way. Sociologically, it is a destructive cult whose false teachings frequently result in spiritual and psychological abuse, as well as needless deaths.

    Watchtower Whistle Blower www.DannyHaszard.com

  • JH

    Probably some congregations are growing faster than others, and some are dying faster than others.

  • Elsewhere

    There are most certainly some areas with a lot of growth... but when you average up the world as a whole... the growth is slowing down. In time their numbers will go down.

    When they get on the stage and start bragging about all of the growth in the organization, I am willing to bet that they will fail to mention that they are only refering to the growth in the immediate area.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Mustn't be the end times then - when the love waxes cold an' all

    Tell her that's great, cause you don't have to worry about the world ending.

  • laurelin

    Growth is relative to each country. On the KM last night one of the elders was wacing lyrical about growth in other countries, while pointing out that the Western world was slowing down. He had a point as there was 41 baptised, in contrast with 14 last year. About thirty of those were foriegn.

    You need to look at things on a whole to see if there's any growth.

    What gets me, is that you'd think they'd be pleased with a slowing down of growth.... after all the scripture says, "cramped, narrow is the road to life and few are the ones finding it" (or words to that effect) surely the more there are, the less they fulfill this scripture.

  • LittleToe

    You can do anything with numbers and statistics...

    They are showing overall worldwide growth in numbers, but that isn't evident in the Western world, where the trend is similar to most other religions - in decline.

    As for "spiritual growth", people are continuing to express their need, just less and less in mainstream or traditional ways.
    Maybe if they changed the name "Kingdom Hall" to "Coven" or "Open Lodge", they might see a reverse...

  • observador

    I didn't read all the threads, but let mem tell you this: if you take two congos of lingering 60 publishers and consolidate them in one, what's going to happen? Yes, a full congo of 120. The same goes for an assembly, mole. What I have seen in my area is empty congregations and a number of would be baptizers that could be baptized in a 15-minute coffee break. Observador.

  • Euphemism

    Mole, is your sister in an English or Spanish congregation? The English congregations in the US are stagnating or declining, but the Spanish ones are growing.

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