We just watched "How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days"

by cruzanheart 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    That was one of those movies I was kind of curious about but didn't feel compelled to actually pay money to see, at least not over and above what we pay for Direct TV each month. So we watched it. And I have a question for members of both sexes: would you be able to trust a partner who starts the relationship with a lie?

    Alright, don't jump down my throat. It's a cute chick flick. Kate Hudson is cute. Matthew McConaughey is cute. They have cute jobs and cute clothes and are obviously MADE for each other but we have to sit through two hours of predictability before -- gasp -- THEY realize they're made for each other.

    Oh, yeah, and that yellow diamond was REALLY cute!

    So what sayest thou, fellow board members and human beings? Would you go for someone whom you found out later was tricking you? I'd say "no, thanks."


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    It's a cute chick flick

    Only if you put your brain on a shelf next to Abby Normal.

  • cruzanheart

    It's . . . ALIVE!!!!!

    Now THAT was a great movie.


  • thedarknesswithin

    Hey everyone, I know I just been lurking round here since my first posts, and will probably continue to do so after this post. but I have to speak my mind. I can't hold it in any longer.

    "How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days" sucked.

    That is all.

    Wait, no everyone watch this movie.

    Best B-grade Horror flick.

    I'm done now.

    *goes back to lurking*

  • Badger

    I love A of D!

    This is my BOOMSTICK!

    Nina: I saw that too....It should've been called "How to lose a guy in 90 minutes"

  • cruzanheart

    How about this one:

    "They Live" -- truly a great bad movie. Joe Bob says check it out.


  • Badger

    Nina: YES! "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Billy "Tae Bo" Banks have a 15 minute fight scene!

    "I've come to chew gum and kick ass...I'm out of gum!"

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well if we're going to warp this bad boy into Great Bad films, what about "Night of the Comet" starring Robert 'Commander Chakotay" Beltran?

  • Eyebrow2

    I have to say that I used to introduce myself as Abby Normal at parties in high school...maybe THAT was why I could never get a date!!!

    There are two guys at my local Subway up the street that are obessed with Army of Darkness....and my younger brothers are obessed with Bruce Campbell....I don't understand it, nor do I want to understand it, but since I have a huge fetish for 80s movies with John Cuzac, I guess I cannot point the finger too much.(Not a thing for John Cuzac, but he really was in the best silliest movies in the 80s!!)

    I think I would be a bit put off if I found out I was being tricked in the beginning, but if everything else turned out to be the truth, and he realized it was a huge mistake and threw himself at my feet begging forgiveness and brought chocolate with him, I think I could work it out.

  • WildHorses

    I thought it was a cute movie. And about the lie, it depends, if it happened like in the movie then maybe.

    About another movie. I just got back a while ago from seeing "I Robot" I really liked it!

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