Alternative Fuel Source...TOO COOL...Or is that HOT!

by Yerusalyim 37 Replies latest social current

  • talesin

    We have had the technology to replace fossil fuels for decades.

    The world economy is, in large part, based on OIL.

    So, we need to force our governments to make this happen. It's all about the bottom line, not about technology needing to advance.

    Yeru, this thread is a good idea. You are telling us important information.

    We need to learn about these things, to know that there are viable alternatives available NOW to fossil fuels so that we, as individuals, can start turning the screws on our governments. Let them know we want change, now, not decades from now when the problem is so much worse.

  • Yerusalyim

    It is a renewable fuel source. Currently we pay american farmers BILLIONS of dollars to leave millions of acres fallow...let's put these fields to work. Veggie oil smells better than diesel, burns cleaner, etc.

  • frenchbabyface

    let's put these fields to work

    Yeah Work on it man ... !
    Let's ask for a real change on this ... more plants more oxygene

  • Badger


    True, and we put production caps to compensate for low demand...If you turn the Midwest into a fuel production center, you could triple farm product demand, break nearly every ecomonic tie with the Middle East, Not dig up pristine Alaska, possibly reverse fossil fuel burning effects....

    This is superb, If it sticks...I don't blame politicians for not going all in with it, because it's still on the fringes (in the popular mind, anyway). It's going to have to be gradual

  • frenchbabyface

    It's going to have to be gradual
    Sure ... but we really have to try it better beggining now than later ... YEHAAA !
  • Yerusalyim

    Soybean yields 102 gals per acre, oil palm more than 600 gals per acre (US)

    This is superb, If it sticks...

    It won't stick...if ya use oil...HA!

  • BrendaCloutier

    I love the concepts and USE of biodiesl... it smells like french fries, or fried fish when burned, depending on what restaurant the last batch came from.

    Even if it isn't THE fuel of the future, it does make excellent use of a throw away item by using the energy from its incineration. And dual fuel vehicles allow you the get the best of both fuels with computerization.

    Anything we can do to reduce(!), reuse, recycle, and buy recycled, helps us, our decendants, and our planet.

    My next car will probably be a Prius or Civic hybrid. I'm waiting for a convertible to come out. We're moving to Hawaii in a few (5) years, and I'm hoping both our vehicles will be dual or hybrid vehicles. It's bad enough that most of our fuel comes from somewhere else, but in Hawaii, almost everything has to come from somewhere else!



  • funkyderek

    Yeru, you're going to get kicked out of the Republican party if they find out about this!

  • frenchbabyface

    Funky : Yeru, you're going to get kicked out of the Republican party if they find out about this!
    I hope he won't mind, cause because of this he will more than welcome anywhere else (And anyway I hope that All republicains policicians are not against ecology )
  • Yerusalyim


    I'm rabid about recycling too

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