Bachlor Recipes?

by Lostreality 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    Something else you can do with salad-in-a-bag:

    Take one soft flour tortilla (10" round)
    about 1 Tablespoon of salad dressing (fat free varieties of italian or ranch or creamy caesar are our favorites) - spread over one side of the tortilla
    a serving of shaved lean deli ham (or turkey or chicken)
    a handful of salad-in-a-bag
    grated cheese (optional)

    Roll it all up and you have a nice refreshing alternative to a sandwich.

  • patio34

    This is what i've been having for breakfast lately. I like it because I don't have to sit to eat it and can carry it with me:

    Put in blender:

    2 cups of water

    2/3 cup of nonfat dry milk

    1 cup of either frozen strawberries or peaches (or whatever you like)

    2 tsps of plain powdered cocoa

    Sweetener (Splenda)

    Blend it all until smooth and drink. The milk becomes foamy and it makes about two tall glasses.

  • iiz2cool

    Here's one of my favorites when I'm too lazy to cook:


    Peanut Butter



    Wash down with beer.Plate is optional.

  • bisous

    inexpensive, fast, tasty, easy meals do not have to come from a can or a box! Pasta dishes (ok, the pasta is from a box) can be healthy and is one that, like Farkel, I taught my kids at a very early age:

    Heat water and boil spaghetti in salted water with a little olive oil added. While cooking, saute (lightly fry till golden) garlic or chopped onion in some olive oil. Drain the spaghetti and add to the frying pan which has the garlic or oil in it. Stir it around and pour it into a bowl. Add grated parmesanor other cheese and salt/pepper to taste. Voila!

    To make the above a little fancier, add some chopped ham to the frying pan while you are frying the garlic or onion. You can also throw in steamed or sauteed veggies.

    A big salad is also easy. I like a Sunday empty the fridge salad. Start with fresh greens, add chopped veggies, leftover meats/cheeses. Boil a potato and chop it up, toss it in. A can of tuna tossed in is also good.

    All of these dishes are great with some good bread on the side, a glass of wine and then you are Dining!!!!

  • Lostreality

    sad to say guys, i dont have any beer to wash down those wonderfull sounding meals...for some reason, all the beer is gone, and all i have left (between my roomate and I) is about a gallon or 2 of vodka, 20 or so bottles of gatorade, an endless supply of lemonade (crystal light, woohoo!) and gallons of sprite and pepsi.... any ideas for mixed drinks? Any more health shake ideas?

  • jgnat

    Check out this recipe book:

    "A Slob in the Kitchen"

    Are you looking for a cookbook that will challenge your kitchen skills and food knowledge, spurring you on to ever greater feats of culinary leger-demain with creations that will leave your guests gasping in astonishment and weeping with gratitude? A Slob in the Kitchen, then, is not the book for you. If, on the other hand, you are looking for a cookbook that acknowledges that the best recipes are those that get you in and out of the kitchen unscathed and produce something that tastes exactly like food?you?ve found your new bible.

    A Slob in the Kitchen is a book ?for the host who isn?t afraid to crack a few eggs, crack a few jokes, throw a few curves, cut a few corners, and have a few laughs,? says self-proclaimed slob Karen Duffy. Her wisenheimer cooking primer provides nearly two hundred simple and completely approachable recipes that are so foolproof even a monkey could make them, yet are good enough to serve anytime, anywhere.

  • Scully

    jgnat writes:

    recipes that are so foolproof even a monkey could make them

    ok.... so how do I acquire one of these monkeys? and can I get him to fold the laundry too?

  • Farkel


    : and can I get him to fold the laundry too?

    I can fold laundry, but I can't fold MY laundry. I would need a jackhammer to fold it! And I would have to chase and catch it first! Some of my laundry is currently being tested for genetic research as it has evolved into new life forms!


  • jgnat

    Awwww, you guys are having so much fun with the monkeys, I hate to break the theme. But here ya go. My family put together a commemorative cookbook. The bachelor contributions do stand out:


    2 7oz cans (flaked) tuna
    1 small onion chopped
    1/4 cup flour
    8 oz can peas
    8 oz can whole kernel corn
    1 tall can evaporated milk
    salt to taste
    dash of pepper

    1. Drain oil from tuna into a medium size saucepan
    2. Add onion and cook over low heat until tender.
    3. Remove from heat.
    4. Stir in flour until smooth.
    5. Drain liquid from peas into flour mixture in pan and stir.
    6. Drain liquid from corn into pan and stir to mix.
    7. Stir in evaporated milk and cook over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly.
    8. Add peas, corn and tuna, breaking tuna into chunks with a fork as it is added.
    9. Cook until hot, stirring constantly.
    10. Serve over toast, hot cooked rice, noodles, or mashed potatoes.
  • talesin

    ______'s Meat Sauce

    (note: veggies can substitute TVP for the ground meat)

    Saute a large, chopped onion, 1/2 lb of mushrooms, pinch of salt, and six sliced cloves of garlic in 2 tbsp olive oil, and 1 tsp butter, in a heavy bottomed, large pot.

    In frying pan, slowly cook 1 lb of ground beef or 1/2 mixed with ground pork.

    When the beef is cooked, drain (this is essential, hamburger grease will ruin the flavour of the sauce) and add to onion, mushrooms and garlic.

    Stir in one large can of plum tomatoes, 1 large can of tomato sauce, and a small can of tomato paste. Stir in 1 tbsp of brown sugar (or white if you have no brown). Add 2-3 tbsp chili powder, and 1-2 tbsp crushed red chilis. Salt and pepper to taste.

    The sugar is to counteract the acid of the tomatoes. If you had it, you could add 1 tsp fennel seed instead, it does the same thing.

    You can also add a bit of 'curry powder' (you know, the yellow tumeric stuff) if you want a different taste. If you have it, add 1 tbsp of basil, which is essential for basic cooking/sauces. (buy some, it's only a buck or two)

    Cook on very low heat, stirring several times, for 45 minutes.

    Serve over pasta, or as a snack, heated, to spread on garlic cheese bread. How to make that?

    Just slice a sub bun diagonally, butter on both sides, sprinkle garlic powder on one side, sprinkle grated mozzarella on top, slide in the oven on the rack at 425 for 5 mins or till the cheese melts.

    The sauce freezes well. Just seal in a plastic container. You can defrost it in the microwave in 5-10 minutes, depending on the size of the container. Just about the amount of time it takes to cook pasta and/or prepare garlic bread. ;)

    Oh, yes, and grated parmesan cheese is really good with this. Buy it in the deli section, it's MUCH fresher than the stuff in the containers from Kraft.

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