disfellowshipped elders reinstated

by jnc 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sue

    Thanks Alternative.
    I will work on it!

  • larc


    This story may be true, but at this point I am not convinced that it is. However, there are truely evil people out there. I think it is called wolves among the sheep. They are called psychopaths or sociopaths, and although they make up a small percent of the human population, they create havoc for people around them. As to your question about their heart. They don't have one.

    As to your attitude problem, if you want to, could you elaborate as to what you mean by that?

  • Sue

    larc.:"I think it is called wolves among the sheep."

    I think the same.

  • Alternative

    I agree with Sue and larc.

    If this person would become an elder again,
    it would harm the congregations spirit.
    jnc is right to be concerned.

  • Alternative

    Attitude problem:

    I was always complaining and thought it was a personal matter that they did not reinstate me. I had served in that congregation for 20 years and was PO when I fell suddenly into sin.

    The committee, kindly informed me that it was not what I did that kept me out, but my attitude and complaining.

    I see that now. No complaints. No reprisals. I accept the counsel.
    I believe now that the elders (in my case) are acting correctly.

    I hope this answers your question.

  • ozziepost

    G'day Alternative and welcome to this happy happening place.

    I was interested in the comments you made about your own experience, "The committee here is very strict. I have had two hearings. in two years. I know now what I am to work on." Do you not wonder whether your situation has nothing to do with holy spirit, but everything to do with a man-made organisation?

    Please consider the parable of the Prodigal Son. Jesus told this story to show what his Father's attitude was. He welcomes repentant wrongdoers. The heavens rejoice. But what of the Pharisees? Even a Watchtower in recent years likened elders to the Pharisees. Do you remember it? It was in the study article on forgiveness. These men are following the procedures of a legalistic system. It has nothing to do with reflecting the Father's concern for His sheep.

    When you look back over your twenty years as an elder, isn't this what you were doing? Following rules. Your elders have met with you TWICE in two years. Oh, for heaven's sake! Do you think that you are being rejected by Jehovah? By no means! You are being judged by an organisation that says 'One strike and you're out'. All men have sinned. The scripture tells us. That was the whole point in Jesus coming to earth, so that by God's undeserved kindness we might be reconciled to him. Brother, you're not 'on probation' by Jehovah. Treasure your relationship with Him. Frankly, you can forget the rest.


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • larc


    I think your answer explains it. The language I remember was somewhat different than you used. I think they meant that you had not humbled yourself, which I guess is the opposite of complaining. Now, I don't know what you were complaining about so I don't know what else to say.

    If you respond, and I don't respond in kind, it is not because I am rude, it is because I have been up all night reading and posting and I have to get some sleep.

  • Alternative

    Yes, you hit it!

    I am also tired. Must get off the computer.

    The first committee said they saw evidence of repentance.
    But it was too soon. The second just said NO!

    My complaining was about this situation. Poor me. Why me etc.
    But that was wrong. They were correct. My attitude at the second
    was as you said larc "you had not humbled yourself". Thanks, this
    helps too.

  • TMS

    I can recall just a couple of elders who were disfellowshipped, reinstated and eventually served as elders again. This sequence of events usually took a number of years.

    There have been quite a number of elders, who have been reproved, removed,waited a year,served as a ministerial servant for a year, and then were reappointed as elders.

    In a stunning turn of events, I recall a powerful elder who had a dalliance with a young sister who worked as his secretary. The relationship was ongoing, but there was no admission of actual sexual relations, just foreplay. The elder "confessed" and "stepped down" for a year. A circuit overseer pleaded with the body to consider recommending this brother as an elder again, stating that he had never seen such remorse. He compared this brother's attitude to David's words in Psalm 51. Our body of elders was a little reluctant to act on the CO's recommendation. Most thought we were talking about recommendation as a ministerial servant, at best. One elder voiced a concern about the affect the appointment might have on the young sister and her mother. The CO suggested THAT elder visit with the young sister and her mother during the week and report back to the body at the Sunday elder's meeting to go over the CO report. When the elder reported back that the sister and her mother had no hard feelings, the brother was recommended as an elder. When the appointment came back from the Society, the brother was appointed elder AND city overseer. I was stunned!


  • Alternative


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