587 BC for Total Dunderheads

by Farkel 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JCanon
    Maybe the scenery's better in Honolulu, City Fan!

    **Scholar.......tell me one thing. Regardless of WHO is correct........do you truley believe Jesus came invisibly sometime around 1914? If he did......what was his role and how did he perform his role?

    Just for the record about "Honolulu"...

    The VAT4956 in Line 8 says the moon was "4 cubits below beta-Geminorum when the sun stood there [i.e. at sunset]". The astronomy program should have, from Babylon, shown on that specific date shown the moon 4 cubits below b-G. But it doesn't. It's a bit off. The moon is only just over a cubit below beta-Geminorum at sunset from Babylon.

    So empirically, just as a matter of research and to be thorough, the moon was ajusted back into time until it was precisely 4 cubits below beta-Geminorum at the same time the sun was setting. That is a SIMPLE and specific event that can only happen in one location. When the gradual adjustments were made until you had this precise reference, it turned out to be near the same longitude of Hawaii. Honolulu is not the same lattitude as Babylon, however. But for EASE of those of us amateurs who are using these programs to make the observations, using a preestablished location rather than giving specific longitude and lattitude, "Honolulu" is given as a general reference. It was just a coincidence (but a lucky one since it could have been a location in the middle of the ocean) that that's where it was. But it doesn't mean the observations were there, it just means the program itself is 11.5 hours too early or 13.5 hours too late in lunar positions in comparison to the text positions for the moon back then. Making the adjustment is simply an observation in the process of discovery. For instance, you could presume this is another "error" if you wanted to.

    But the main thing is, it is TEXT generated, not date generated. Unless you adjust ALL the observations from that longitude per line 8, then your observations will be off PER THE TEXT. It's that simple. Be incompetent or not.

    Regarding 1914. That date is the 607BCE date for the fall of Jerusalem.

    If you think that 587BCE is the true date for the fall of Jerusalem, then Christ should have arrived in 1934.

    If you think the complex chronology for Cyrus' 1st year in 455BCE and the redating of the VAT4956 to 511BCE is more convincing, then 529BCE becomes the fall of Jerusalem and the date for the second coming is moved down to 1992. Which just so happens to be exactly 45 years from the "end" of the Jewish exile in 1947. Meaning if you think the "end" occurred in 1947 to mark of the prophesied 1290 days, then 45 years later would fulfill the "1335 days" and that would be the second indication for the year of the second coming, that is 1992!

    Oh my! Who would have thought that 1947+45 to get 1992 for 1335 days, is the SAME YEAR as dating the fall of Jerusalem, responsibly by astronomical text in 529BCE is the SAME YEAR!! How can that be????? What a fantastic coincidence!!! No! It's a miracle! [gasp!]

    Your choice.


  • gumby
    Christ at the second coming comes with a SWORD. He comes to divide! To label. To separate the sheep from the goats. "His sheep will hear his voice." He is here to "clean up the threshing floor" of all the chaff! So in a way, he is here to keep out the goats from the kingdom as much as to gather his sheep. He knows who the goats are and sends them complicated messages as he did when he was here the first time. He spoke in parables so that the "outsiders" looking in curiously would not understand. But for his followers, he showed the sacret secrets.

    You mean he's going to slaughter people like his dad did to his other kids? What kind of dad would call his kids "chaff" that he's going to sweep up? You can tell this god he can kiss my white arse.

    As far as his followers knowing some sacred secret......I'll bet you 10 bucks you don't know any secret Jesus has told you or anyone else I don't already know about? Wanna bet?

    BTW.....you'd be an interesting character to meet. You do have good grammer and typing skills and one hell of a memory of what you read.....I'll say that.


  • JCanon

    Hi Ros...thanks again for Beacon pages!!!

    But you should know by now that everything the WTS teaches is not what the Bible teaches. But you MIX the two. You take their interpretation and make it a straw man to make a Biblical point. That is, you use their argument to prove the 144,000 and the 1000 years are not literal. Thus I will explain how it can work, Biblically per the JIOR interpretation (i.e. "rebel" anointed ones hiding in the wilderness)...

    The Watchtower prophecy has it that Christ + 144,000 saints will reign in heaven for 1000 years.
    AND . . . they insist these numbers (144,000 and 1000) are literal numbers.

    Christ and the 144,000 will rule in the earth not in heaven, for the 1000 years. That's #1.

    So, if Christ returned in 1914, were 144,000 saints resurrected at that time?
    Not according to the WT prophecy.

    Per the Bible, Christ resurrects all before he returns, but back into the flesh. So whether Christ returned in 1914, 1934 or 1992, the resurrections would have taken place, but back into the flesh. They rule in the flesh with Christ when he "returns" again into the flesh for 1000 years. Then after Satan is released and killed and there's Judgment Day...then Christ and the 144K go to heaven.

    Has the 1000-year reign begun? Not according to the WT prophecy. It begins immediately AFTER Armageddon.

    Correct. I agree with this part. It begins after Armageddon.

    Will some of the144,000 "saints" live through Armageddon into the New Earth, and thereafter die and be resurrected?

    This is where they have it wrong! Those who have died and must be resurrected back into the flesh, will be resurrected before Christ returns himself into the flesh. Those of the anointed already alive will simply continue to live in the flesh since they have to be in the flesh for the 1000 years. Thus when they finally go to heaven, after the 1000 years and after Judgment Day, they will "all, together" be changed in a twinkling of an eye and put in incorruptible bodies. So there is no need for any anointed ones to die shortly after the millennium begins to join others in heaven. 2 Thessalonians 4 shows all will get their reward at the same time, those living at the time of the Christ's second coming and those who had died. That's because nobody goes to heaven until after Judgment day and after the millennium. That's how it works.

    That used to be the doctrine. Is it still the view? (Especially since anyone who dies in Armageddon has no hope of a resurrection.)

    This part of their view is Biblically irrelevant.

    It is now 90 years after 1914.

    So. Even if Christ did arrive in 1914, it's not the ARMAGEDDON date. There is a "short time" from when Satan is kicked out of Heaven, the same time Christ arrives and when the kingdom begins. Armageddon happens and then Satan is abyssed. The kingdom in heaven is set up and Satan is kicked out. So they are not the same event. You're starting to confuse the two events.

    If Christ returned in 1914, he has been reigning 90 years and the millenium has not begun.

    JWs believe that Christ "rules in the midst of his enemies" for a while before his kingdom begins to affect the earth. This is an accurate general reference. Did you miss their doctrinal point here?

    If some of the 144,000 will not die and be resurrected until after Armageddon, they will not reign with Christ for a full 1000 years.

    This is where you are in error, doctrinally. The 1000-year reign is a separate time period of reign beyond when Christ and the 144,000 begin to "reign". Thus you could say they have begun to "reign" ever since the Heavens were prepared and Satan was kicked out of heaven. But that is separate from the specific 1000 year reign. Plus they will continue to "reign" after the 1000 years, through when Satan is let loose and through the Judgment Day and forever afterward. So the 1000 years it not pertinent to Christ's reign after the kingdom is set up. There is an interval of time from the second coming and the millennium, it's when Satan is loose on the earth. Yet Christ is said to reign during this time.

    Christ and those "saints" who were resurrected in 1914 (or were they supposed to be resurrected in 1919?) will have reigned for 1000 years plus 90 years plus however many years still remain until Armageddon.

    Now that's correct. But you are focussing on a "limited 1000 years" when in fact, they all rule for longer than that and begin their technical rule before that. The Bible just says they rule for 1000 years after Armageddon before Satan is let loose again, that's all. Their reign does not begin and end with the millennium, it's jus a special, set-aside time that they rule.

    For all their insistence that the 144,000 and 1000 years are literal numbers in prophecy, in no way can it be said in their teaching that Christ + 144,000 reigned for 1,000 years.

    Actually, it is still quite possible, even by JW intepretation because nobody said they would be LIMITED to 1000 years nor that the 1000-year specific rule would begin at the second coming, which it does not and they don't say that. They say "after Armageddon" which is not the same as the "second coming."

    Their own teaching denies the numbers are literal.

    Your misunderstanding of their teaching is the problem here, in this case. They don't say what you are claiming they say.

    QUESTION: If Christ returned in 1914, how has that affected the earth? What has changed? Weren't things supposed to get better?

    Let's not put a specific date on the return and talk in general. The question is, what are we specifically to expect in some visible sign at the second coming? A good question. The Bible says that the kingdom would "not come with great observableness." Therefore, nothing extraordinary would occur. It says Christ will "come as a thief" and "in the clouds." Those are two more indications that his second coming would be secretive at first.

    Thus the first, possibly critically recognizable sign that Christ has arrived would be the destruction of Babylon the Great. That is, when the UN confiscates the funds of the Illuminati in some sting operation, probably accusing them of world terrorism or espionage or something. THAT will be a widely visible sign that Armageddon has begun. But that happens after Christ has sealed the last saint and thus the door to the kingdom would be closed to those who had not already gotten in. It's like Noah's day. The skys were exactly the same during all that time Noah was preaching. Then for 7 days it got dark while the ice water canopy was being coverted to clouds prior to the rains and then it began to rain. When it rained then they knew Noah had prophesied correctly. But it was also too late. Likewise, when a clear sign occurs to everyone at which point in Biblical prophecy timeline we are in, when the Messiah is revealed to the world in general and comes from behind the clouds, it will be the "beacon" of the end of this world.

    And that's why Christ say, "Keep on the WATCH!" You don't have to worry about keeping on the watch if Christ comes with a big noisy parade. You just snooze until the vibrations of those drums and the commotion wakes you up, then you join the parade, right? Not so. This is a second coming so quiet that if you're not awake, it might pass you by in the night, like a thief. Quitely. Secretly. Subtly.


  • JCanon

    Hi Walter:

    While I haven't done very much research on the subject, I looked up the Jewish exile in 3 sources; Encarta encyclopedia, the Catholic Encyclopedia online, and this web site. http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/HEBREWS/EXILE.HTM

    All seem to agree that there were 2 deportations of the Jews, the first being in 597 BC and the second in 586/587 BC. That only accounts for a 60 year captivity. I haven't found anything that actually says they were in captivity for 70 years.


    I guess you have not heard about a Jewish historian called JOSEPHUS. Josephus is the primary Jewish historian and he does record the history of the Jews in three works, one of which is the "Antiquities of the Jews." In that work he does address the 70 years, and specifically the 70 years that was to fulfill Jeremiah's prophecy at Antiquities 11.1.1. If you look that up, it tells you when the 70 years began for the Jews according to him, presuming he bases his information on Jewish traditional history and the interpretation of scripture. His 70 years begins with the last deportation and ends with the 1st of Cyrus. You can access online Josephus at a couple of sites. I don't have my quite handy but it's Antiquities 11.1.1. It is a reference that claims the 70 years were literal and began in year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar. Jehovah's witnesses thus quote his reference to establish that the 70 years was a post-Jerusalem's destruction period of 70 years, only they misquote when Josephus begins the 70 years. JWs begin it with the same year Jerusalem falls, but Josephus begins it 4 years later. The Bible agrees with Josephus since Zechariah 1 shows the Jews still in exile under "Darius" (the Mede) in his second year and in his 4th year (Zech 7); proving that the prophesied 70 years did not begin when Jerusalem fell but sometime later. 70 years after the last deportation would have begun after Darius had ruled for 6 years. Now out of the sources you mentioned, compared to a 1st century Jewish historian who had the benefit of many more ancient records plus his own Jewish traditional history, he would be the first resource to consider for this 70-year interpretation I would think, after all, he was closer to the chronology, right? Interesting, therefore, he thinks the 70 years was literal and began with the last deportation; completely contradicting the current chronology which is 26 too short according to Josephus and includes a 6-year rule for Darius the Mede before Cyrus comes to the throne. I didn't quote Josephus since you said you did research. So please look this up. Also look up Josephus' account of Nebuchadnezzar's 23rd year campaign. I think it's in chapter IX. It shouldn't be hard to find. There he recalls that the last Jews deported in year 23 were those from Egypt. They apparently went back through Jerusalem before being deported to Babylon, if only for a short while. And, of course, the Bible itself claims the same as Josephus, 70 years from year 23 to the 1st of Cyrus. And of final casual interest, the VAT495 which clearly dates by most references year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar to 568BCE also dates it to 511BCE in two cryptic references, suggeting manipulation and that the original dating had been changed from 511BCE to 568BCE. Of note, when you use 511BCE based upon that text, it gives you year 23 in 525BCE. If you count down 70 years from that date, based on the text, then year 1 of Cyrus falls in 455BCE. 455BCE, of course, is a critical year to fulfill 483 years to Christ's baptism from the time the word went forth to rebuild Jerusalem, which occurred in the 1st of Cyrus. The continuity of everything, therefore, Josephus, the VAT4956 double dating and the Bible is support that the original NB chronology actually did accommodate those 70 years, and tells us that at some point the Persians and/or Babylonians revised their records including astronomical texts. Which was done all the time, but for some reason some people think that's just unbelievable. But somebody is lying! Why should Josephus be the inaccurate one just because the Babylonians recorded their revisions in stone? But some people just don't get it. You can lie in clay as easily as on paper, but it just doesn't seem the same, does it? After all is "dried" and done... JC

  • City Fan
    City Fan


    This must be a record for the most drivel you've ever posted in a single thread.

  • ellderwho
    Alleymom-------The WT literature I cited says that each king reigned for so many years ( or months). Are you saying that information is incorrect? If you read the articles you will see that the Society was not saying, "Here is the traditional chronology, but we do not endorse it." No, not at all. The articles say that King So-and-So ruled "x" years, and they present this as factual information. Are you saying this information from the Society is not accurate?

    First of all nice to hear from you. Though I havent read the intire thread its funny how we wind up with the same result for Scholars' support of the WT chronology. The dreaded kings list which throughly exposes the Towers time line of Neo-Babylonian rules.

    Im no "scholar" but I do understand the basic principles of math. When I pressed scholar for his Babylonian kings list he was unable to produce!

    Once again the Towers own literature is its own demise!

    Dam paper trails.


  • Dansk


    Thanks for a truly great laugh - and did I need a laugh - as well as yet another rubbishing of Watchtower's stance on 607BCE.

    Best wishes,


  • ros


    I think I'm on Scholars "ignore" list. Don't exactly know how I got there. :-)


  • JCanon
    You don't understand astronomy, physics or mathematics so you're in no position at all to analyse these diaries.

    I know. I see what I want to see and just go with it if it feels good. It's not necessarily all that accurate, as I guess you figured out. (But don't tell anybody, I'm kind of on a 1992-Messiah high...for as long as it lasts...know what I mean? Thanks Gumby!!!)

  • JCanon


    Hasn't it ever occurred to you why God would choose a former drag queen, a poor black female impersonator as the Messiah? When he could have chosen some nice humble monk who studied ancient Biblical texts or something? Why make it so hard to accept this Messiah? Why pick someone out of the symbolic "trash" to be the Messiah?

    I think it's safe to say, he want to stack the cards against a certain "class" of people who would find this type of person totally offensive and "unacceptable"...precisely the type of person he didn't want into the kingdom, no?

    "God works in mysterious ways".....! Truly!


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