Serena Williams loses @ Wimbeldon then thanks her god Jehovah.

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 37 Replies latest social current

  • wednesday
    Yep, as pis#*ed off as she obviously was at losing to a young Russian..............did I say lose???????? sorry, I meant got thrashed................she then proceeded in her speech to say "and I thank my god Jehovah for getting me here." or something to that effect! Now this is when I got confused. She thanked Jehovah for losing?

    actually it is somewhat odd for a JWS to thank Jehovah (at least in public) for "worldy things. I have seen a lot of "born-again" persons, thank jesus but well i found it odd she would publically thank jehovah. Most JWs who get in those positions sort of keep the fact they are JWS quiet, at least they used to. Maybe we have a new kind of JWS here. It must be hard on other kids to see them playing a sport, and be great at it and pursing their dream, when other jws kids are not even allowed to do this in their schools. My son, in lhis 20's is still PO'd that he did not get to play football.

    Ithese girls seem sincere, just seems strange they get to do this wihout repercussions. If i were a jws kid now, i'd use them as a reason to play sports. But knowing jws, they will tell their kids, "just b/c they make poor choices does not mean u must"

  • talesin


    Yes, you hit the nail on the head. Hypocrites! (the WTBTS, that is) All those broken dreams, but these people are 'special'. As are other celebrities. WTH!

    More like their money/publicity is special!

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    The WT tells us to wait on Jehovah in dealing with non-complient JW's, He will deal with them in His time.

    I'd suggest that these poor girls have DF/DA ahead of them, one day when they're not quite ready for it but the WTS is.


  • DanTheMan

    I enjoyed Serena's sense of humor in an interview prior to the match where she quipped that "there are like 50 Russians in the top 10" of women's tennis.

    She seems like a genuinely sweet person. I can't imagine that with the life she's living that she is anything remotely resembling a 5-meetings-a-week dubbie, so I don't think she's a Watchtower drone really. I wouldn't be surprised if she's tasted some of the sinful and delicious fruits of the fleshly life that would get her DF'd were she just another joe blow guilt ridden confess it all to the elders r&f Witness. But that's just me speculating, maybe she does play it totally straight.

    But it does seem hypocritical for her to be up there making millions and living a lifestyle that is so far removed from what the average JW youth is even permitted dream about, and at the same time thanking Jerhover and stuff.

    Max, in my opinion the WT has an unofficial don't-ask-don't-tell policy with high profile JW's such as the Williams sisters that allows them to get away with far more than the r&f. I think DFing a famous JW and the possible protest and bad publicity that could possibly ensue were that person to publicly speak out would be an embarrassment that they don't want. Most people aren't aware of how extreme JW disfellowshipping is, and the WT prefers it that way methinks.

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Hi Dan - It'd make little difference.

    Maybe they'll be cotton-balled for life and all will be well for them forever whatever they do - they strike as sane and sensible ladies... but if they ever cause more harm or embarresment to Brooklyn than benifit, they'll be lent on. What happens then will be behind closed doors and incomprehensible and inaccessible to the media.

    If things went badly, the thing would be well managed by the WTS and would probably be played down by the Williams' too.

    I really hope we never count these girls amongst the numbers of people spat out and harmed by the JW's, but odds are they're not totally immune to the strictures of JW-ism for life.

    My memory is that Michael Jackson was (very) strange when he was a JW, but went off the planet after he was DF'd (or DA'd or faded or whatever...)

    Most high profile JW's are male, I wonder if being women will make a diffence for them? If so, would it be helful or harmful to them?


  • glitter

    Are they baptised?

  • Triple A
    Triple A
    actually it is somewhat odd for a JWS to thank Jehovah (at least in public) for "worldy things. I have seen a lot of "born-again" persons, thank jesus but well i found it odd she would publically thank jehovah.

    Can she count that time for her field service? 5 seconds times 12 people equals 1 minute. 12 people times 60 minutes equals 720 people. 720 people times 80 hours equals 57,600 people. So if 57,600 people saw that broadcast Serena became an instant pioneer. It all comes down to the numbers.

  • lisaBObeesa

    I would say they have way too much access to the media to get DF or DA right now.

    They could really make the WT look bad if they wanted.

    Look for them to get the DF or DA when things die down a bit...sometime in the future when Time, Sports Illustrated, and Newsweek are not so interested in interviewing them and the WT won't be risking as much publicity.

  • HeyNow!
    What has always bothered me about the whole Williams sisters thing is that so many jw youths who had athletic talent were told by elders and parents (based on jw publications of course) that they could not participate in organized sports. And I do mean could not, not simply should not, in most instances. They just simply were not allowed to.

    They get away with it the same way mini-weenie lover Michael Jackson did.."I make that check out to who? "

  • DanTheMan

    Yes Max you very well may be correct that if either one of them was to go a little wild in a way that gets some attention in the press, Brooklyn might be ready to cast them off in a heartbeat.

    Most high profile JW's are male, I wonder if being women will make a diffence for them? If so, would it be helful or harmful to them?

    I think it would be harmful. You know how they love to interrogate the sisters when they get wind of a fornication episode, which is the basis for DF 90% of the time probably.

    "So were you ever on top?"

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