by Amazing 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • sens
    Does anybody else remember a Watchtower study article in the last year or two which talked about the elders -- probably as a "place of refreshment" or some such

    Yer I vaguely remember this

    What a bunch of hypocrites

    Thats it

  • Gadget

    This article explains a few things to me. About 2 years ago I had a shepherding call during which some of me past 'indiscretions' came to light. I was told that they had happened in the past, and I had shown fruits of repentance since then so there would be no need for a jc. I never understood at the time how this happened, but they were obviously following this article.

    Incidently, the elders who said this to me; one had stepped down a few months before I was DF'd(He and his friend always stop to talk when they see me out), and the other was DF'd about a month after I was.


  • Amazing

    Hi HS,

    When I first saw this article in the 1970s, I took it as applying to those sins committed prior to being appointed as an Elder ... I did not think it applied to just less serious sins. But, what surprised me was the KM School for Elders in Oregon ... The CO conducting the program in 1991 made a clear application of this KM article to serious sins, emphasizing even adultery. The notion is/was that too many 'capable' and 'qualified' men were resigning or being removed ... and it was hurting the functioning of the congregation.

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    I know of a case where this KM was applied to one of my friends. Before he became an elder, he had been involved in sexual fondling with a baptized but inactive sister. He didn't feel any guilt about it until a few weeks after he had been made an elder. To appease his conscience, he related the story to me and his brother who is an elder. His brother pulled that article, and my friend was able to enjoy relief about it and concluded that Jehovah was with him and would use him. The inactive sister was forgotten and faded away with having been used and would never have the comfort of knowing that she was ever loved or appreciated.

    During Jesus' time, no one knew the scriptures better than the pharisees. They were always changing the application of the scriptures to accomodate their own fleshly perspectives. Analyze the debates about proper application of scriptural understanding and you will always find some selfish perspective, some fleshly perspective that needs to be accomodated.

  • wednesday

    This actually happened in my extended family..The elder was not called to task for anything he'd done and the other elders made light of it. I will not attend his funeral when he dies.

  • stillajwexelder

    Amazing -- this is an amazing post (pun intended) thankyou ver ymuch -- I will cut and paste this into Microsoft Word for keeps -- thanks again

  • happy man
    happy man

    HS, Amaizing

    I have some info on this issu as is very uppdated, i now two elders as have been putt down fore not so long time ago,beaucause hidden sinns , someone tell after so long time as over 35 year, and they have to stepp down, both of this was most respekted, two of the most high men speaker on assamblyes and higest position in the cong.


    In the organisation bok it says on site 169 p 4, if someone have made a sinn years ago and he hide it he must be responsibal fore this, it is a sin to hide bad things.

    Do you meen that someone can fore exampel abuse young girls and hide it, and under this time he seve as an alder he work widh giving reprof to others fore much smaler things and perhaps even dfd some, as in the case I now.

    the result in this was the one have reprof, one have only to stepp down.

    Fore me this was wery traumatic beaucuse I was hevy involvd , I think that even if it have gone a long time,you must have some form of punishment if you have made bigg sins, even if it is very old.

    And stepping down is not a punishment or is it?

    the text fore today is about this, ROm 2:21

    If we have secret sinns we can not learn others or have the spitrite from Jehova.

    So I think that if you done something and never tell it, you are more responsibal if you hide it a long time, and if some other tell this and you say yes, you must have some form of punishmet like reprof.

    And i now what Amaizing say here is wrong, elders have to step down fore old sins, but perhaps they dont have any more punishment fore this, and this is a tricky qestion if it is fair.

    On ouer assambly in the summer the leading man in sweden say about this media charges against us that we hide abusers, "we ofcuorse putt away siners as have done such terribel things as abuse children remeber we are so carefull so we dfd smokers, " ??????

    love from HM

  • Amazing

    Just reposting for some of the newer posters. WTS is clearly a fraud. - Jim W.

  • Gretchen956

    And of course since "sisters" can never be elders, they can NEVER be forgiven for past indescretions no matter how far in advance. As to this not applying to serious sins, I submit that every piece of "light" that comes out of the WTS goes through another congregational filter and is looked at with the eyes and intellect of the local body of elders. Whatever preconceived agenda they have, the writings of the WTS are normally ambiguous enough to allow for pulling and twisting it in all manner of directions. I have just seen this over and over again.


  • Amazing

    This topic was raised regarding a possible BOE letter, so I thought I would bring it back to the top.

    Jim Whitney

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