Favorite Coffee

by Satanus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    My favorite coffee is starbucks house blend decaf and starbucks columbian. I mix those two together equally, and make it really strong, like expresso. Yummy. No cream or sugar needed.

    I boil one large cup of water, dump in 4 heaping teaspoons of expresso grind, then pour it through a strainer. A good start to the day


  • Mulan

    My favorite is Costa Rica blend, Costco brand coffee, roasted at our local Costco. Really dark and rich.

    At Starbucks, my favorite by far is Gold Coast.

  • talesin

    I have two.

    There's a lebanese grocery down the street. He has two varieties, dark and not-so-dark. ;) I always buy the dark beans, grind them quite fine, and use my little Italian stove-top espresso pot. mmmmmm, that'll getcha goin' in the morning!

    My second favorite is called "Just Us". It's a fair trade brand, and I can't tell you the specific blend I like, but it's dark. I use that in my drip machine.

    mmmm coffee mmmm

    You know, SS, I never drank coffee till I was in my late 20s, now I'm completely hooked! heheh

  • Lehaa

    I normally just use Moccona medium roast in my perculator. For a special treat i like vanille coffe, but you have to make it quite strong.

    I just bought myself a great new perculator the other day. It 's called a Russell Hobbs Take 2.

    You can either make coffee into a insulated thermos or into two or one insulated commuter mugs. The thermos and comuter mugs came with it. Its great because it does not have a heat plate so the coffee does not become bitter. It was really cheap only AU$50.

    I love it.

  • Satanus

    Hmm, there are some new suggestions to try.


    I haven't tried Gold coast yet.


    Lebanese oughtta know coffee. Jeepers, you were a dub coffee abstainer that long Well, welcome to the club. I haven't tried any fair trade stuff.


    That's a new one for me


  • Satanus

    While i was still a dub, i bought some beans of each kind that a specialty shop had (that was way before starbucks, almost dark ages). I tried them all up to when i hit the turkish. It gave me shakes so bad that i quit drinking it for a while.


  • talesin


    I had a Syrian boyfriend for a couple of years. They use a small steel pot (holds about a cup of water), and put a couple of teaspoons of fine grind into it, then bring it to a boil for about 3 minutes. Take it off, let the grounds settle, pour it into small glass. You can almost stand a spoon up in it! heheh That's what got me into the strong stuff.

    Oh yeah, it wasn't a dub thing. My family are all tea grannies, only dad drank coffee. I didn't like coffee, till I worked in an office that was so cold all the time, I had to head for the coffee pot to get warm. My boss was a West Virginian that did not believe tea belonged in an office. hahaha He was quite the character. That's how first I acquired a taste for it.

    I've never had Starbucks! I'm pretty sure they have Fair Trade, at least someone told me they do. hmmm, will have to give it a try.

  • bikerchic

    Ha! I never paid much attention and always get the House Blend at Starbucks...........oh gawd I love Starbucks coffee!

    Could bprobbly use some now too, LOL


  • Shutterbug

    At the hotel in Dallas where most of us stayed for the Apostafest they had a machine that put out severel blends. I found one I thought tasted pretty good, fixed a cup of it, and let Princess have a sip, and she immediately said, "it's sweet!!!" Certainly was sweet, I had put sugar in the stuff, and apparently Princess likes her coffee without any additions. To each his/her own. Bug

  • Rabbit

    I have two or three I really like...Columbian Supremo is an easy to get common coffee, but for a real treat, I like Costa Rican Peaberry - sweet and kinda fruity and Kona from Hawaii.

    Talesin, I had some really nice neighbors once, that were Palestinian, who came from Kuwait. They would bring over huge meals for us for the slightest favor we did for them (we would not realize sometimes, just what kindness we had shown them). They had this Chicken dinner we loved, but they did not know the words for the spices they used in English. They were the most friendly and hospitible neighbors we ever had...

    They also had that same kind of coffee you described, thick and very sweet and I think they put a whole spice in it, too. Maybe -- cardomon (sp?) It was good and since they served it in little cups -- I had about 4...I could not understand why they were laughing at me...asking are you SURE you want another...?

    I had NO clue about the caffiene level that was entering my blood stream. lol I was 'moving fast', hyper-speed for a while. Lesson learned.

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