To my dear brothers and sisters

by Vivamus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vivamus

    Did that gave you the creeps?

    For the past three weeks i have been home, on sickleave. Nothing serieus, just uncomfy. But having so much time on my hands, i have begun reading the board more frequently, and posting more frequently as well. And just now, having read Cheeses post i again realised how strong the common bond is we all have.

    People around me on occoasion ask why i don't just "let go" of that entire cult history, and somehow it is impossible for me to explain how i can feel healed and okay, yet still need to be around people who "know" what it was like, and where i have been ....

    So, i dont really have a message, or brilliant advice, or some witty comment. Just wanted to thank you all for being here, for understanding.

    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • shera

    Hey,I didn't know you were ill?! Sorry to hear and hope you feel well very soon!

    I know what you mean,people who have not been there and done that,just can't fully understand.

  • Lehaa

    Sorry to hear you are sick.

    I know how you feel. Whether we like it or not the JW religion is part of us, it was something that was drummed into us for a long time and unfortunately it has a lot to do with the peope we are today.

    We need each other because only we understand what it is like to be us.

  • ozziepost

    "My dear brothers and sisters" - you're right, Viv! A community like gets together on JWD and after a while gains real friendship. So "brothers and sisters" they become!


    Cheers from downunder, Ozzie

  • Dansk

    Hi Viv,

    Hope you get well soon.



  • Emma

    I thought we were in trouble! My first thought was that you were leaving the board; I'm so glad you're not. When I first found this forum, you were posting frequently and I really enjoyed getting to know you.

    Please feel better soon!


  • Vivamus

    Thanx for the well wishes, Shera, Lehaa, Dansk ...

    Ozzie, yeah, it does feel like that, more so then the JW's ever did actually.

    Emma, thank you, such a sweet thing to say. I guess that was when I was unemployed and had plenty of time But even when I am not around much, im not even considering leaving the board .....


    Blue Bubblegum girl

  • gitasatsangha


    I hope you get to feeling better. There is some kinda bond, I guess. I'm not the most well known person around here, but I have always liked reading the posts here, and to a certain degree, I think I know many of you better then I ever knew the empty suits and dresses in the Kingdumb Hall.

  • Vivamus

    Gita, yeah, I know and understand what you mean with that. Glad you are here too.


    Blue bubblegum Girl

  • Cicatrix

    I recently met a man who left a political cult. We still speak the same "language" though, and he said the same thing that you did-people who haven't been there, can't really understand the enormity of it. They don't understand that "moving past" your cult experience would mean that you would have to eradicate a part of your history, and that is impossible to do.

    I think it's kinda funny when people post here about "getting over it." I always wonder, if they're so over it, why are they still posting here?

    I'm really greatful to have this community. Before I found it, I thought I was the only one going through the hell I was going through. I seriously thought I was going insane. When I started lurking here and reading all of the experiences which were so like my own, I realized that I was pretty much okay-it was the religion that was insane.

    Anyway, I want to thank you for your contributions on this board. And I hope you get well soon.


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