Who actually did the disfellowshipping?

by barbar 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    In my case, *I* controlled the df'ing....I wrote the Gov. Potty a totally lambasting letter, denegrating them for their tremendous lack of love and for being the hypocrites and whitewashed graves they are.....the Gov. Potty responded as I KNEW they would and within 6 weeks I was df'd (letter written and mailed late on 12/31/1991, df'd on 2/16/1992).....the elders at the KH initially came to my house and verbally shook their fingers at me, which I totally overturned with scriptural admonition, so that the night of my df'ing, the elders were ashamed and one even sneaked some friendly advice into his talk from the platform about how to protect my spirituality while I was out there in the "wilderness" ....not in the borg, I guess....

    Frannie B

  • frankiespeakin

    I got Df'd because I went around to the brother homes trying to tell them about the lies of the WT.

    Once I found out they were a cult, I couldn't keep pretending they were: "God's organization".

    I was so mad at them I was seeing red,,because they screwed me up the ass royally by there f*cking filthly lies,, I gave away a lot of my time and energy on thier stupid preaching work,,which was to save people lives they told me,, and all the time it was just to get free labor,,and not to save peoples live (BS).

  • truthbeliever

    I was never disfellowshipped by a commitee,I disassociated myself with a letter.In all my time as a baptized member I recieved One "Sheparding"Call.That showed how much they cared.It was nobody's fault but the clown elders.

  • CaptK

    With ME I thought confess your sins and they will be easy on you ...right ? WRONG. Everything of the meeting was one sided and it is on their terms. I first was called in by two elders after I confessed my sins to one elder that was not even on the committie. The Elder in the meeting was so mad at ME that he through his Bible down on the table in front of me. I just sat there listening. Then after they dismissed me for their decision the other elder ( a young 20 yr old that was very green and was put in the eldership through politicing from his father-in-law) told me the dicision with a GLOW in his eyes "YOU ARE DISFELLOWSHIPPED" I could tell he wanted me out of there. I called for a appeal thinking that with a new group of elders they will hear my case and give me a differant verdict. WRONG. The first elder dismissed me and proceded to tell the new elders what the story was and their decision. When I was brought back in to the room I again told MY case to these new elders and the 1st group of elders. Yea about 9 elders this time against me. Then One elder spoke at the table " We are going to stand by the decision of the 1st body of elders in that you are DISFELLOWSHIPED! What was I thinking it was a Kangaroo Court and the second body is not going to over-ride the 1st body of elders....that would make the Elders Look bad. IT was a classic example of CONTROL.

  • Celtic

    Ok yes I engineered the meeting the JC to some extent, a/ I knew the witness upbringing was the root of so much personal dysfunctionality and b/ I could not stand the guts and vice versa of one of the elders on the committee who did everything in his power to make sure my marriage was finished without knowing all the facts. Cheers to Simon Hildred who I hear is now living in/near Wadebridge, one day mate, I will catch up with you.

  • gladtobefree

    Warning! This is VERY long. Sorry, It got away from me.

    I was not in control of my elders meetings at all. If I knew then what I know now, it would have been different. The thing is, I went to the elders for help in the first place. I told them I was having difficulty because I did not understand why the elders in NV ( I was in FL) would not DF my FIL for child molestation when they had so many witnesses against them. I told them that it was weakening my faith and that I desperatly needed a bible study. I felt it was my fault for losing faith. They would not allow a study with me because I was baptized ( = they were not able to count time) and that it was my husbands responsibility to study with me. I told them that he was not strong enough. One elder decided that he would come see us (he did not tell other elders he was doing this) and he came 2 times. I was asking him questions he could not answer. Most to do with the elders and WTS not dealing with abuse, but once I started seeing the lies they told about the situation with my FIL I started wondering about other teachings of theirs. He could not answer any of my questions and he suddenly just disappeared of the radar. I had become very sick around this time and I was being tested for heart defects and other things. I know now that it was the stress I was under that made me such a mess (high blood pressure, pnuemonia, peripherial nerve problems, along with female problems) so I missed a bunch of meetings. I told the elders that was why I was missing them but they did not seem to care. I never had a single witness check on me. I had been such a good JW. I attended and participated at every meeting, I was always in field service, even having aux pioneered for a while. I was one of those that never rebelled as a teenager. I had NEVER committed any sins that were of a DFing nature, so I felt safe going to the elders for help. After a while my husband confronted the elder that stopped coming over and told him how much it hurt that he had an appointment to see me and never came or called and it had now been over a month since we heard from him. When I would see him at the hall (when I could make it) he would avoid me. He apoligized and brought another brother to meet with me. They brought all this CRAP material about child abuse that was obviously written by some schmo who did not have a clue. They were focusing on the guilt a victim feels over being abused and how that can affect them. I kept trying to tell them that I did not have guilt over it but that the person who should feel guilty was getting away with it and the WTS was standing behind him!. They kept saying, well we are not there and we don't know why they are handling it way, but that I was not there either and I just had to have faith that there were things that I did not know and I would have to leave it in Jehovah's hands.

    It was shortlty after this that my husband recieved a call from yet another elder who said that he and another elder were going to come see me and they needed to discuss charges of apostacy! I was BLOWN AWAY! I thought it had to be a nightmare. This was the religion I grew up in and I had NO intention of leaving. I just wanted help. I was feeling guilty about my doubts and the elders knew that. I NEVER discussed my doubts with anyone except my husband, my mother and a little with my friend who lived in TX and was never baptized. (her step-father was of the "annointed" and he had abused that whole family in every way) I felt she would understand me. She had been abused as well and she was the person I could talk to about it. They said that just talking to my mom (a pioneer) and my friend that I was commiting apostacy.

    So the next evening they were at my house. My husband was by my side and I was a mess. I was crying andjust could not understand hat they were saying to me. All I could think of is that I was about to lose everyone. They determined at that meeting that if I talked again to ANYONE about my feelings regarding abuse or anything else I was feeling "weak" about that they would form a committee to DF me. Suddenly my doubts jumped a notch. I could not believe this was happening. These were elders that knew me for many, many years. These were men that I had respect for. They also made it clear to my husband that if he saw me communicating with anyone that he was obligated to tell them or he could be DFed too! ( they knew he had a strong conscience and he would feel obligated to tell) Even the courts don't do that! So the next morning I was online chatting with my friend in Texas and I told her about the meeting the night before. By this time I was getting angry. My husband walked in and I said "well I am talking to Chris. Are you going to go to the elders". He just stood there and looked like he was in shock. I thought he would cry. I love him very much and did not want this burden on him. He still believed (as I did at that point) that it was the "truth" and he did not want either of us to be DFed. I said "I'll tell you what, I want you to go to the elders about this. I will not be mad at you and I will not consider this your fault. I feel that they never should have put you in this position (making him feel he had to choose me or God) and I will not do that to you". So he called they elders and they scheduled a commitee for the next Wed. I then found out that my husband was scheduled to fly to NV to testify against his father and that he would be on stand by all that next week to go. I asked that they put off the meeting until he returned because if they were going to DF me I felt I needed him to be there for me. They said they could not delay such a pressing issue. I said then lets make it tomorrow.(sat morning) They agreed. I still was not too afraid because I felt once I was with all three elders and they heard what I had to say they would understand that I was not trying to be subversive, I just wanted help and answers. But I also did not trust them like I had before.

    The next day, at the meeting the elders did not seem to care that I was crying and begging for help and forgivness. They said that I would have to agree with a bible study with them and agree not even to talk to my mom about my feelings. I told them That my mom raised me as a witness and she had more faith than ANYONE I knew. I said that I don't think asking her help and advice is apostacy. They said it was. I said then I must be guilty of it. I also said that I did not want to study with them. I asked if they could pick a sister or two because I would be more comfortable with a sister. I told them I already had an issue trusting men and that since this circus began I have an even bigger issue. They said NO. I said what if I study by myself for I while and I would keep them aware of how I was. They did not like that. I had to either study with them and agree to not speak to my mom and my friend about anything to do with the "truth" or I would be DFed. I could not agree. I was sobbing and was an uncontrollable mess. They decided to DF me. I was numb. They said I had the right to appeal if I did so within 7 days.

    I did not do it right away. My son broke his arm and my husband was on standby to fly to NV and I was so sick. Then I found out that there would not be a meeting on the Thurs that I should have been announced DFed because of an assembly that weekend. I was mad because they rushed the elders meeting and they couldn't make the announcement anyway. Well after stewing for a while I "came to my senses" and wanted to have an appeal. They said it was too late because my 7 days were up. My husband went to a friend in another congergation who was a subsatute circuit overseer. He said that he could not get invloved because he would be seen as stepping on toes. What happened to one united brother-hood? But he said that If I make an appeal in writting and hand deliver it to the commitee forman that he HAD to comply because I actually had until the announcement was made to make an appeal. He said they just did not normally tell the brothers and sisters that. So I did it.

    The circuit overseer was notified and he decided to have the appeal right away. He brought in 3 more elders that I did not know from another congergation for the appeal. I arrived on schedule at the kingdom hall. There were all 6 elders. They were meeting about me in the back room before I even arrived. That made me mad because I did not feel they should be talking about me without me being there to defend myself. It turned out to be a very long night. I had to tell the new elders the whole story. I had to talk about being sexually abused with these strangers. I was trying to get them to understand why I was so upset ovwer my FIL. The elders on my first commitee started lying about me! I was SHOCKED! They said that I said that I did not believe in God! they Also said that I said that God was a child molester! I asked how they can have it both ways. Either I believe in God and think he is a molester or I don't believe in him at all. I said that they can not use both lies because it did not make sense. This is also when my husband stood up for me. (he was allowed at both meetings because he was my head) He told the new elders that I had never said that and that those were lies. He told them his version of the story whcih was amazingly similar to mine. The elders asked that we leave the room. Thats when the fighting began. We could hear all of it. The new elders did not believe I should be DFed and my elders who knew me forever said that I was a danger to their congergation. My elders were yelling and getting all worked up. The other 3 I could barely hear. Then my 3 elders came out because the other 3 asked them to step out so they could talk. One of my elders came up to me, hugged me, said they all loved me and hoped it would all turn out good for me! This was the SAME man that just called me a danger to the congergation. I just stood there numb.

    Well they finally came out and told us to go home, it was midnight now and they said they would not come to a decision that night. So we left. Our elder called in the morning and said that they had to write to the WTS for help with the decision. He said they would not write to DF or not DF but the would write either scriptures of Mercy meaning not to DF or scriptures of judgment and keeping the congergation clean which meant to DF.

    That is when I decided to get online. For the 1st time ever I logged on to an "apostate" site. Freeminds.org.

    While waiting for over a month to hear from the society the elders made one very upsetting visit to me and I decided I did not and could not go through it again. I sent a letter of DA. The elder that was trying to get me DFed asked me to wait to decide until the WTS letter was returned and he would tell me what it said and I could decide how it was to be read. The letter came back to DF me. I asked that It be read as a DA because I thought if it was a DF people would think I cheated on my husband. I don't know how they read it as my family was not there on the night it was read. But people still thought I cheated on my husband.

    Funny thing is as soon as that day was over I felt a stone had been lifted from me. I felt better than I had in all my life. I felt that I was on the right track.

    If I had it to do over It sure would have been different though. I would not have let them bully me and make me cry and beg for their mercy.....

  • proudassmonkey

    i wrote a letter to DA myself. if i could do it over again i would have been at the meeting where it was announced (only it would have been in NY and i now live in CA) just so i could show them all that i'm not ashamed of the desicion that i made.

  • gitasatsangha

    I hadnt been to a meeting in quite some time, and I lived in a new city. I just wrote a letter stating that I did not want to be considred in any way connected with the organization Jehovah's Witnsses. I never heard back from an elder, and I honestly never expect too. At the last congregation I ever attended, they barely knew my name (even thought I attended pretty regularly and went out in field service for awhile). (Probably wasn't rich enough) I have sometimes got a chuckle wondering what their reaction was when they got the letter:

    "Ohhh.kay.. does anyone remember who this guy was? Oh.. that guy. Well allright He'd wormfood at armageddon. Make an announcement on Thursday, will ya, Brother Foster. Next!"

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Wow. What a story. Thank you for sharing Gladtobefree. I'm so sorry you had to experience such terrible actions from those who are supposed to be leaders of the flock.

  • iiz2cool

    What a story Gladtobefree! Sorry you had to go through so much!

    I wasn't raised as a JW, but became one as an adult. Before that I ran with a pretty rough crowd, but I never saw the sort of abuse, deceit, comtempt and hatred that I saw in the org. And they do it with a suit, tie, and fake smile. To this day I wonder how it is that I didn't beat some of those bastards into bloody pulps for the way they are! They would never last out in the real world, and I'm sure they count on that.

    It's all a power trip with them. They jockey for power in a worthless congregation that's part of a worthless organization. Why? Because they're too incompetent and stupid to make something out of themselves in the real world, so they actively seek out "sheeplike ones" to prey on.


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