The birds are getting ready to eat us?

by santacruzchick 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Vulture Vulture Vulture Roger that,the WT$ sez:"there are 7 birds for every human"I know a lot of "bird jokes" Duck 2 More on Jehovah's Witnesses and the "birds".

    I was just wondering.....When born again christians reject the message that jehovah's witnesses bring to their home.Do the JW's still say? "they'll be born again as bird dung" or "they'll make good born again bird food" [Rev. 19:18] of course all jw 'truths' are bible based in scripture.

    I knew of a MS( Jehovah's Witness deacon ) who would often lament his concern," I sure hope Jehover dosen't put me on;"bone raking detail in da new system,cause dat wood really suck".

    How do you say demented demonic f**ks? Well I just said it.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    HOT DOG! I FOUND IT Dead bodies will be everywhere-from end to end of the earth... Ungathered, unburied, and unwept for, the bodies will be like so much fertilizer on the ground..."

    "Worms will not stop swarming over the millions of bodies until the last body is eaten up. Birds and beasts also will eat their fill of human flesh until nothing is left but white bones." p. 207-210 From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained

    The book goes into great detail describing how Jehovah will murder every man, woman, boy and girl on the face of the earth except good Jehovah's Witnesses. The god of the Watchtower only spares those who attend the Kingdom Hall regularly, go from door to door, and study Watchtower books.
  • bull01lay

    This irrational fear of Armageddon must be more prelevant than I thought - I still get occasional nightmares about the big A, and panic attacks when I see things on the news that I would've associated with Imminent Armageddon when I was a dubbie. I never realised so many others have the same / similar distressing thoughts and feelings about it.

    I just hope the bird with my name on it isn't my friends cockatiel..he does eye me up suspiciously sometimes...!!!! It's a savage creature that would put the fear of birds into most bird lovers!! LOL

    He used to let it out occasionally, until it started attacking the poor cat. The cat was asleep in the middle of the living room carpet. Dale (the cockatiel), perched on the picture rail, eyed the cat for about 10 minutes, then flew down and hit the poor unsuspecting moggie (which has epilepsy) at full pelt, screeching at the top of his voice!! The cat appeared to instantly levitate and then fly for about 6 or 7 feet across the room. We were in fits of laughter. Dale triumphantly flew back to a high perch, bobbing his head and squawking as if to say "I'm the man, I'm Hard!!" The cat eventually re appeared form behind the armchair, then abandoned all caution and ran at top speed into the kitchen!! Poor thing!


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Yah'll got me going....Randy Watters describes the,"self terminating cliches" of the borg.

    I s**t you not.My JW elder dad's catchphrase for when I was a bad boy,was three words...."The birds danny"Vulture Vulture Vulture "Think about the birds danny"

  • Mary
    My mom..........commented today on how the birds in the neighborhood have been acting more aggressive lately. How they've been taunting and divebombing our cat, being loud and obnoxious, etc.....

    Dat's nuthing new........

    t2.gif (2200 bytes)Tweety World

    I tot I taw a puddy tat!!

  • Lehaa

    Now I know the reason why I've always been scared of birds. From a very young age they have been swooping me. Does that mean that i was never giong to make it.

    The thought of armagedon does not scared me cause i'm worriedabout me, i'm scared for my kids. Oh well, just in case it does happen, at least I've got lots of JW family to help make them through. He he.

  • Satanus

    Well, birds are nuts this time of yr, when they have eggs or chicks. A little bit later, when the baby birds get around better, the parent birds settle down again.

    Have you made any efforts to deprogram her?


    Btw, that is really sad for your mother; never good enough. At least when she died, she was likely feeling a bit better about herself. I think that is a good thing.


  • Emma

    If your mom is still a "believer" and is afraid of the big A, yet won't go back to the kh, could she be feeling guilty over something? She may not have a "clean conscience" about something truly minor but that the jw's would judge her on. It would be a terrible place to be in.


  • iiz2cool

    As long as the birds confine their eating to the area around my midsection we'll get along fine.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    First and foremost, to Corvin: I'm at a loss to convey how much your mom's story affected me; words fail. Re this business about an increase in the carrion bird population just prior to the Big A is a long-standing JW urban legend. I've heard variations of it for 40 years or so.

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