Latest Watchtower study... Still discouraging higher education!!!

by Doubtfully Yours 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freein89


    You are right now that I think about it, many JW's do have a decent standard of living. But it is still easier to control someone that does not have an education. But I think the fear of poverty still hangs over their heads because it it only through "Jehovah" that they have anything. They give all credit to their God who of course serves up his blessing through the GB. JW's are constantly bombarded with the message that their lives will go to hell in a hand basket it they are not following the mandates of the GB, so the people must be kept ignorant.


  • cb4391

    we need to learn critical thinking skills. We need to understand how to study and process information in a free wheeling college class room environment. It's true some can make a living and do well without a college education, but it is quite unreasonable to push this as an unwise choice for a young person.

    It's like saying..."We don't trust our teaching and example is written on your heart and you'll bolt at the first chance."

    I think some of these college courses I've taken have really helped me spiritually, practically, and just made me a more well rounded person. I tell EVERYONE I KNOW to value their youth and get an education.

    I remind my 10 yr old daughter often that she needs to complete her education by getting a bachelors and then it is up to her from there if she wants to pioneer, etc.

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