Why many do not hear the holy spirit...

by kes152 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    I consider posts like Aaron's to be direct insults. He says I am a dirty sinner and in need of the same emotional crutch as he uses. He urges me to mumble out loud to the same imaginary friend he relies upon. I find that insulting. I find it insane.

    This is not ad hominem. If the man does not want to be chuffed off, he needs to stop telling me I am dirty and in need of a ritual cleansing via his approved delusional method.

    I don't give a rat's ass about 'appearing intelligent'. Appearances can be deceptive,as certain allegedly intelligent posters prove daily. If the man doesn't want to be discarded with his idiot message, he needs to change his approach and quit insulting anyone not buying his brand of cheese.

  • Francois

    Mommie Dark: I wish I'd said that.


  • Prisca

    Well said BugEye!

    It is a common problem on this board that people are attacked, rather than the message they are conveying.

    I don't agree with Aaron's message, but I believe he has every right to say it, just as athiests have the right to post their thoughts.

    Mommie Dark - I really do think you are taking Aaron's message way too seriously. He always speaks with dignity and respect - I am yet to see him call anyone "braindead" or to infer others are insane!

  • JanH

    Amusing, Prisca.

    Calling someone "braindead" or using another non-no word is obviously very bad. But writing a message telling that we who don't hear his pet "holy spirit" are wicked and need to cleanse usselves from our immorality is not?

    Free speech is also free speech to criticize. There was never a free speech right to not be opposed and criticized. And that includes the right to criticize that someone else used their right to free speech in what is perceived as an inapporpriate way. That it's your right to say it, does not mean it is a good idea.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • trevor


    This sheep and Shepard thing may have worked 2000 years ago but the world has moved on a bit since then.

    God does not have conversations with us in fact he never did. Not one word in the Bible was actually written by Jesus and we have not had even one letter to us directly from God for 2000 according to the reckoning of Christians. The imaginary conversations in the Bible that God is alleged to have had with Adam & Eve, Moses, Abraham, and so on are just part of the imaginative writings of many men.

    God does not speak through words. He expresses him/herself through the miracle of nature. You can only learn about an invisible artist by studying the work produced. Nature is and has always been the expression and visible demonstration of the existence of intelligence at work in the universe.

    Fully mature humans take full responsibility for their actions. As we sow we reap. Turning to an invented personalized God and simply believing all will be well if we ask for forgiveness, is a cop out. We alone can make a difference our destiny is in our hands. We take the credit and the blame for this state of this planet. God is not a scapegoat and I do not believe that he makes any judgement.

    There is no evidence at all to suggest that he interferes of alters anything at all in a direct way. Like all living creatures we develop and adapt and as we do so the life force works along with us.

    You should clear that leaven from your head, abandon book reading and look at the progress of nature. All the truth in the universe in evidenced there. When we study nature and work for the good of life, then we are listening to and responding to what you would call, Holy Spirit. Just talking to thin air believing that God is listening achieves nothing.

  • proplog2


    Nature tells me that eggs are expensive and sperm is cheap. Nature tells me that I should get as much of my sperm to as many eggs as possible before I die. Nature tells me if I do that then I will leave more of my DNA on this earth and I will have become a biological success. Nature tells me I should bully my way to the top of the male social hierarchy because It will give me first place at the kill and give me the pick of fertile females. Nature tells me that my brain and other organs are valuable to the extent that they allow me to exist and reproduce. Nature tells me that I am omnivorous and have teeth and a digestive system that is adapted to a varied diet of fruits, vegetables, meat and insects. Is that what the spirit should be telling me through nature?

  • RunningMan

    Sorry, but,
    I don't read the National Inquirer,
    I don't see aliens, and
    I don't hear the holy spirit.

    Although, I do smell something fishy.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    "- I really do think you are taking Aaron's message way too seriously. He always speaks with dignity and respect - I am yet to see him call anyone "braindead" or to infer others are insane!"

    I think you're wrong, Prisca. This guy goes around saying there is something wrong with out hearts, he judges us as filthy, deceitful, etc. Why? Because he thinks we are not hearing the same voices as he!

    If that's dignity and respect, I'm a beauty queen!

    That inherent judgmental arrogance is hatefilled. Just because he isn't ranting and railing doesn't mean he's not operating out of blind and stupid prejudice.

    His 'message' is braindead. If he wants to be viewed as rational, he should try keeping his religion in his pants and stop spraying everyone with its byproduct.

  • Skeptic

    The most likely reason that most people do not hear the Holy Spirit is that Holy Spirit does not exist.

    I see posts like yours from time to time from various individuals.
    The strange thing is, Holy Spirit tells contradictory things to these different individuals. Is Holy Spirit lying? If Holy Spirit is lying, then why should I listen to it/he/she?

    And if Holy Spirit is not lying, then why can't it make it more clear to everything that Holy Spirit is speaking and that a person is not nuts?

    If Holy Spirit exists, then why don't all of those who have Holy Spirit speak to them get together and present a unified message? While Holy Spirit is at it, why not throw in something that is testable and verifable that it is truly Holy Spirit speaking and not something else. Several brain problems give similar symptoms. Surely Holy Spirit can say something that would prove to all that we are dealing with a message from God and not a message from a fruitcake.

    Not hearing Holy Spirit has little to do with one's heart condition and more to do with one's ability to think rationally. Oddly enough, the more one keeps his/her emotions in check and evaluates things rationally, the less "Holy Spirit" speaks to them...


  • Spartacus

    huh, because we are not Bi-Polar. LOL

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