Why many do not hear the holy spirit...

by kes152 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • kes152

    "A man had two sons.

    He went up to the first son and asked him, "Son, go please and bring in my sheep from the pasture. For it is getting dark and it would be dangerous to leave them out at night."

    So the son goes out and brings in the flock, because his heart was on obeying his father and he wanted to care about the same things his father cared about. Because he loved his father.

    The next day the father said to his other son, "Son, go please and bring in my sheep from the pasture. For it is getting dark and it would be dangerous to leave them out at night." But this son upon hearing this was too concerned about doing what he wanted to do that he left off unconcerned and did what pleased him.

    The father after looking outside said in his heart, 'It is dark outside and my son has not brought in my sheep, for he is busy doing his own thing. I will go to my first son and ask him to bring in my sheep, for he will listen to my voice.'

    So the father asked his first son to bring in his sheep, and the son brought them in safely.

    The next morning, the second son began to notice his father spoke more to his brother than to him. Being filled with jealousy he rivaled his brother demanding to know why his father spoke more to him.

    The father seeing this answered: "My son, I in good faith kindly asked you to bring in my sheep last night for I did not want them to be brought to ruin. I asked your brother and he obeyed my voice because his heart was set on me rather than himself. You however, because of the abundance of your heart's desire to do what YOU want to do... you did not obey my voice but completely ignored me. So why are you hot with anger because I speak more with your brother than with you?

    Why am I to speak with you, when your heart is not set on my words at all? What is the purpose of speaking if you will not listen? Start in your heart first, clear out your leaven and set your heart on my words, and you will hear. If you leave the leaven... then I will let you do your 'own' will.. just as you desired."

    Such has been the case with all on this board. Because the abundance of your HEART'S desire to "do your OWN will" you all have not heard the holy spirit. When that spirit "speaks" to you.. you ignore it "going about your OWN lives" as if nothing happened.

    Start in your hearts FIRST. Clear out your deciet, wicked reasonings, rivalries, contentions, lack of faith. If you don't think there is anything in your heart.. APPROACH the Son.. He will SHOW you your 'defect' that is SEPARATING you from him.

    This is what is stopping you all from "hearing the holy spirit." Cleanse your hands and purify your hearts and you will "hear his voice," his REAL voice. And after you hear it.. it is UP TO YOU which 'son' you will be about it.

    Peace to all,

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Delusional wishful thinking from another braindead fundie. Empty your heart and mind, and what you will have is an empty head and cold heart, ripe for picking and ready to accept any hallucination as god-given.

    I'm not defective and your insistence that we all are deceitful, wicked sinners is repugnant to normal SANE people. Nothing wrong with ME mate; if YOU feel inferior maybe a course in self-esteem is the way to go, rather than grovelling to some imaginary Skydaddy and its Holy Spit.

  • Cautious

    I'm sorry, but I don't get that "peace to all" dribble as a follow on from the tirade of negativitiy . Is that a new fundie way of getting converts? I think you need to wipe your chin more often, or stop all that dribbling.

  • larc


    Have you ever been a Jehovah's Witness? If so, please explain your experiences as one. If you were not a Jehovah's Witness, do you consider it your special calling to save us? I suspect that you were never a Witness and you consider this to be your special calling. Son, you are wasting your time, and I fully understand Mommie Dark's reaction to you. As a group who left a subculture, we don't take kindly to the kind of guilt trip you try to lay on us. That simply imflammes us.

    Now I will listen to a Christian that came from our subculture, someone like Ros. She is one of us and she understands us. I might disagree with her, but I respect her. I have no respect for you. I suggest that you move on.

  • JT


    I find your illustration pretty good, but a few weeks ago a Black Muslum- a member of the NATION Louis Farrakan follwers made the exact same argument the difference was it was in behalf of his Belief System

    quick question i often ask believers like yourself-

    If I or any other person rejects your Belief System what will happen to me at death or the quality of my life be while alive?

    The reason i ask is in my exp and you may correct me, but almost ALL Belief Systems require that it's followers like yourself, be it christianity or another belief system look upon those who don't accept your belief system as:

    1. some how lacking in thier life
    2. We have the inside track to God you don't
    3. If you don't accept my belief system my God will Kill you after all is said and done= or at least something bad will happen to you at the hands of my God

    so i just would like to know do you beleive that unless i follow your beleif system somehow you are much better off than I.

    i have no problem with you believeing that in fact MOST belief systems require that of thier followers so you really have no choice in the matter-

    so let me know

    thanks for considering my post


  • proplog2

    I know why I don't "hear" god/spirit. It's because he doesn't talk into the ears he gave me to detect "sound" in a "language" he gave mankind so they can communicate. If he's using some agent he ought to give them a few miraculous tricks to perform so you can be a little more sure that the person who claims to hear god isn't just the common variety schizophrenic.

  • kes152


    I do not consider it my "special calling" to save anyone for that is not why I am here nor is it why I am anywhere. I was given that "parable" to help explain to people why they don't hear the holy spirit. This has NOTHING to do with getting converts... just explain why many people don't "hear." If anyone wants to "hear" all they have to do is go inside their heart and get rid of the 'leaven' and all the other unclean things that reside there and then, they will "hear" also.

    They don't need me at all. This is simply between the individual and God. Yes, I was a Witness at one time and I knew many of you would take what I "said" offensively, as did the younger son. But knowing you take offense at it now, who am I to say that maybe sometime down the line, you'll see that it wasn't offensive and actually "get the sense of it?"

    If anyone does "get the sense of it" they will not need to look for me at all, they can simply start working to hear the holy spirit for themselves. And whatever that holy spirit tells them. it is THEIR decision whether they will obey it or not.


    If I or any other person rejects your Belief System what will happen to me at death or the quality of my life be while alive?

    I am not promoting any "belief system" I'm just sharing how you can personally hear the holy spirit for yourself. If you don't listen to what that spirit tells you, then the quality of your life will be whatever you make of it. As regards what will happen to you at death, your flesh will return to the dust and your spirit will "return to the true God who gave it."

    1. some how lacking in thier life
    2. We have the inside track to God you don't
    3. If you don't accept my belief system my God will Kill you after all is said and done= or at least something bad will happen to you at the hands of my God

    James, If you choose not to listen to the holy spirit, then you don't have to listen. You will know why you don't listen and why you don't hear and you will also "know what to do" if ever you decide you want to "hear."

    It is not my place to say what will happen to you, just to let you know, "if you want to hear holy spirit," this is how. I do not know what will happen to "you" for God is full of compassion and mercy. And with him "all things are possible."

    This is why I bid "peace" to everyone on this board.

    As regards: proplog2 Cautious Mommie Dark;

    I understand where you are coming from and take no offense to your comments. You have your choice and I totally respect that. Not wishing any ill will and I apologize if I offended you.

    Still wishing "peace"

  • Kent

    This is what is stopping you all from "hearing the holy spirit."

    Just to remind you of a simple fact. You did forget one other possibility - maybe the holy spirit doesn't exist?

    Most people hearing voises are called a lot of things - normally "christian" isn't the first word that comes to mind - but maybe it should be :)

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Francois

    Kes, simple questions.



    I suppose your nominal dedication to #1, causes cognitive dissonance when faced with #2. So in order to avoid CD, you ignore truth at that cost of intellectual integrity.

    So sorry for you.


    My $0.02

  • BugEye

    Mommie Dark and Cautious

    It is obvious that Kes is not only entitled to his opinion but is also entitled to post it on this board. I for one dissagree with most things that he says and I have had several conversations with him lasting hours before I decided what to do with his information.

    You seem to simply discard the man and use ad-hominum in doing so. It seems that attacking is what some people do best and on the supposition that warfare is a tool of evolution, then I suppose that it might be a useful trait. However, most people attempt to get on with others, so it may also serve you well to ignore discussions that you do not agree with rather than attack the person.

    If you have any argument with his reasoning, then by all means argue the point, but you would appear much more intellegent if you refrain from ad-hominum.

    Cautious, since you are relatively new here, may I suggest that you get to know someone before feeling obligated to attack and abuse them?


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