SURVEY: How Long Have You Been Out Of The "Truth"?

by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    16 years in November for me..


    District Overbeer

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    began the slow fade ( unbeknownst to me) in 1977 when I enrolled in college. Back then it was called "falling away".

    It came to a "head" in 1982 ( when I graduated). I never stepped in a KH again and to this day want nothing to do with Jehovahs Witnesses. The JW relatives I have who shun me are of no effect or influence on me; my response to them is " !#$%)&!!. you"

    I try to keep an open mind since that time. It is not always easy.

    I have now reached a point in my life where I have been a non JW LONGER than the time I was a JW. What an odd refernce point in ones life!

  • blobby

    Its been interesting to hear how you all "faded" away, this is something my wife and I are trying right now. We`ve just had the first bull sh*tting call (home visit) 2 weeks ago and agreed to try harder and be more regular....and to go on the service etc....but the intention is to do what many off you have done......fade away.

    Our eldest child lives away from us and is still in the Org, happy and engaged, doesn't know of our plight...should we tell he/she how we feel and if so how ?......This is our biggest dilemma. Would really appreciate your advice.

    If we tell he/she it could ruin their happy life or even worse damage our relationship.

  • Sassy

    well I haven't been to the KH since Memorial of 2003 and only one meeting earlier that month before that.. so only two the whole year of 2003...

    but Officially I decided June 27, 2003 that I would never return to the KH again

  • ApagaLaLuz

    5 years, and I dont know a date because I'm terrible at remembering dates

    edited to change the unintentional inuendo, so Val's comment wouldnt make sense

  • Valis

    CHEVIES what about on dates?


    District Overbeer

  • Sassy

    the only reason I know is we had a company party the day before I made that decision.... and that is on my calendar electronically at work.. I remember after the party that night I agreed to meet this guy from the net and we had a night of awesome sex..

    after I did that, I knew that I was either going to have to deal with my guilt and come clean with the elders, or say f**k them..

    and I decided to say f**k them... I hadn't been able to bring myself back to the hall because of the way I had been treated any way (before I did anything wrong).. so I figured no turning back.. Armegeddon or no Armegeddon..

    Thanks to all you guys here AFTER I made that decision and eventually joined up here.. I realized I could be out .. w/o guilt because it was all a lie

  • minimus
    minimus Sassy, it was because of awesome sex that you left the "truth", huh??

  • Deleted

    The last meeting I attended was in August 1998. I consider the date I left to be January 5 1999 when I started seeing a therapist, a lovely man named Tad Achord who was a registered Adventist deprogrammer. My Adventist neurologist suggested him.

  • minimus

    We're savoring every day!!!!!!

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