Is Michael the Angel of the Lord?

by tracysdad 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kes152

    Aaron teaches Michael did pass judgment.

    Find the post where I said that. Please. lol


  • pomegranate

    >>somatos, o'uk 'etolmesen krisin epenegkein
    of body, not he dared judgement to bear upon<<

    You stressed it in bold NOT me. Judgment is a wrong translation of krisin which you support by saying it means judgment. If you support it, you teach it. It is a false teaching and a mistranslation.

    I will end my rebuke to you, in the hope you acquire good fruitage. If not, so be it.

    Prov 15:31-33
    31 He who listens to a life-giving rebuke
    will be at home among the wise.

    32 He who ignores discipline despises himself,
    but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.

    33 The fear of the LORD teaches a man wisdom,
    and humility comes before honor.

    Prov 17:10
    10 A rebuke impresses a man of discernment
    more than a hundred lashes a fool.

    Prov 30:5-6
    5 "Every word of God is flawless;
    he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
    6 Do not add to his words,
    or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.

    Eccl 7:5-6
    5 It is better to heed a wise man's rebuke
    than to listen to the song of fools.
    6 Like the crackling of thorns under the pot,
    so is the laughter of fools.

    So long Aaron.

  • kes152


    LOL, READ what you quoted..

    I said Michael did NOT pass judgement.

    >>somatos, o'uk 'etolmesen krisin epenegkein
    of body, not he dared judgement to bear upon<<

    You said I said Michael passed judgement. I said Michael did NOT pass judgement. Once again you did NOT read what I said but read what you THOUGHT I said.. You have been warned about this ALREADY

    Read what I 'say' and QUIT assuming. You call me a liar and say I said something I DID NOT SAY. Re-read my post. YOU are the liar, not I.

    You said:

    Aaron teaches Michael did pass judgment.

    That is a lie, the 'truth' is:

    "Aaron teaches Michael did NOT pass judgement."

    Learn to read...

  • pomegranate

    LOL...he continues on!!! Here after the following last post from me, you can have the last word. Please, teach us yout truth.

  • pomegranate

    >>Aaron teaches Michael did pass judgment.<<

    Pass judgement means to EITHER do it OR PASS on it and hand it over to someone else (you know, your "surrender" flim flam doctrine)as you are teaching. You teach and insinuate Michael PASSED judging or PASSES on judging (bringing up "krisin" as a red herring) and surrendered it to the LORD. That would mean he would have had the opportunity to judge, WHICH HE NEVER EVER HAD. That is a lie either way. Michael verbally rebuked Satan in Jude (Did NOT pass judgment OR pass it on, as he NEVER had the authority to do it) and bodily warred and removed Satan in Revelation. Period.

    You not only twist the Bible's words but also mine with your strange teachings and smoke blown logic.

    So, show all the nice people HOW Aaron does teach where Jude shows Michael passed/passing (surrender) judging to the LORD, from the simple phrase, "The LORD rebuke you?"

    Because the word "krisin" accusation/judgment is in the Bible passage? (Which is in the NEGATIVE sense) What false convoluted logic.

    Your teaching isn't there in the Bible, only in Aaron's false doctrine mind.

    PS. Your the one claiming the Bible is mistranslated (another lie)here NOT me...LOL...

    you asked:

    >>"Where do you see judgement being mentioned?"

    Answer: In the Greek from which your English "mis-translation" came from.

    >>Judgement was never mentioned or even insinuated.

    you have been misled my dear. Go read the Greek.

    >>You make up your own teaching by rewriting Jude's words.

    Actually .. your "translators" did that.

    you said:

    >>>Judgement??? You write your own words into Jude again and again.

    Uh, nope. that would be your dear "translators."

    >>"Judgement" is never mentioned AT ALL in this text. AT ALL.

    That's cuz you got the wrong 'text.' Go back to the Greek, dear.

    Yeah, the above supports both your false doctrine and obvious deficiency in language, both English and Greek. Teach me The Way Aaron.

  • kes152

    Here's the Way:

    He says to you, pomegranate:

    "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; NO ONE can come to the Father, unless by me."

    You want "the Truth?" I, by holy spirit, am DIRECTING you to the Lord Jesus who has been ANOINTED with HOLY SPIRIT and POWER. I send you go directly to him and hear it from him, IN HIS OWN LITERAL VOICE. May you have the 'faith' to hear it, as our brothers did.

    Peace to you!

  • pomegranate

    Why would Aaron not explain his teaching? Why does he not qualify his claim that the Bible is mis-translated and only he knows that.

    Aaron teaches that Michael, in Jude by his words "Lord rebuke you" is Michael handing over judgment to Satan. That cannot be true.

    Why? Because Satan's judgment had already been made way earlier by Christ and the decision was condemnation:

    John 16:7-11
    Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; 10 in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

    Satan was already judged. Nobody is judged twice. Not even Satan.

    Aaron's teaching is incorrect as clearly shown by the Bible. Yet Aaron holds on to the lie and disseminates it as the truth.

    That is NOT the way of God. That is the way of condemnation.

  • kes152

    Aaron teaches that Michael, in Jude by his words "Lord rebuke you" is Michael handing over judgment to Satan.


    I didn't say (teach) that either.


  • pomegranate


    You know what I meant. That was a typo. "to" should be "of."

    Michael surrended NO JUDGING to the LORD regarding Satan as you teach, and you know it. The judging was already done.

    Still haven't answered the mistranslation lie.

  • kes152

    Still haven't answered the mistranslation lie.


    What part of:

    "You want "the Truth?" I, by holy spirit, am DIRECTING you to the Lord Jesus who has been ANOINTED with HOLY SPIRIT and POWER. I send you go directly to him and hear it from him, IN HIS OWN LITERAL VOICE. May you have the 'faith' to hear it, as our brothers did."

    ... did you not understand?

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