Is Michael the Angel of the Lord?

by tracysdad 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pomegranate

    The term "physical" was meant that he was BODILY removed from heaven and you know it. Why the nit picking Aaron?

    >>Rather than Michael bring a judgement against him<<

    Jude does NOT record "judgement against him" as you continue to cloud the truth, he records "slanderous accusation." Where do you see judgement being mentioned? Judgement was never mentioned or even insinuated. Michael would not SLANDER and ACCUSE Satan.

    Jude 9
    9 But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"

    There is NO SURRENDER above. None. There is NO JUDGEMENT above. None. You make up your own teaching by rewriting Jude's words.

    If Michael surrendered, there would have been NO WAR after the "surrender." Again, surrender isn't mentioned or insinuated in the context.

    >>Michael would not bring judgement against him, he surrendered that 'decision' to the Lord.<<

    Judgement??? You write your own words into Jude again and again. "Judgement" is never mentioned AT ALL in this text. AT ALL. You continue on with a false teaching. Michael would not SLANDER Satan...but he sure as well could and DID rebuke him verbally.

    There is no surrender and there is no judging mentioned AT ALL.

    A rebuke is a VERBAL "bashing"...What's a matter Aaron, you don't know metaphor when you read it?

  • kes152


    May you have peace!

    Here is the 'rebuttal' of the paper you sent me. plz forgive me if its legnthy, but the paper itself is legnthy.

    He said:

    He tells them that their physical and/or spiritual
    ancestors, the ancient Israelites, were led out of
    Egypt by the Messiah.

    Uh, not quite. God's Son followed them out. Michael led the nation out.

    He then quotes:

    EXODUS 14:19 And the Angel of God, who went before the
    camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the
    pillar of cloud went from before them and stood behind

    This event only occured once while they were on their way to the sea. Michael was used to divide and protect Israel from their adversary. No doubt at this time, Christ who was following them moved in front of them and went before them. When the angel returned to the front of the nation, Christ returned to the rear of the nation. Thus both sides are guarded by the Father.

    He says:

    the name YHVH, found over 6,800 times in the Old Testament, was applied to God the Father (Deu. 18:15; Psa. 110:1), the Messiah (Exo.
    13:21; 19:20; Num 21:6), and even to angels (Gen. 19:18, original Hebrew text).

    The scriptures given with reference to the "Messiah" was actually Michael, not the Messiah.

    He says:

    However, Judges 2:1 confirms that it was the Angel of the LORD (the Angel of God) who led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.

    Yes, Michael led them out, the Son followed them out.

    He said again:

    According to Paul (I Cor. 10:4), this Angel of the LORD was none other than the one who later became Yeshua the Messiah!

    Paul says that Christ FOLLOWED them out, not led them. Paul was speaking of Christ. Not Michael who LED them out.

    He next says:

    Just as the Angel of the LORD was God's messenger to the people of Israel, Christ was also a "messenger" of God the Father in the New Testament. Regarding his role, Yeshua said "I have not spoken on my own authority; the Father who sent me has told me what to say and what to speak" (John 12:49).

    Here's where the 'fun' begins. My Lord said to direct you to Phillippians 2:5-9 and pay CLOSE attention to verse 7.

    "But he EMPTIED himself and took the form of a SLAVE and, came to be in the likeness of men."

    In the household of God, there is the Father, his wife, his Son who is the "true heir" and "workers" or "messengers." Jesus said "The slave does not remain in the household forever, BUT THE SON REMAINS FOREVER." Jesus carried the 'glory' of a Son, not a 'messenger' in the household. It was not until Jesus demoted himself into the form of men that he BECAME a slave and a "messenger." He was made 'a little lower than the angels.' He was not just demoted to the level of angels, but LOWER than angels. so during his time on earth, as quoted in John 12:49, he was a messenger.

    He says:

    In I Corinthians 10:9 Paul again clearly identifies the YHVH who accompanied the Israelites in their desert sojourn as Christ.

    Yes, Christ was there and also his angel Michael was there.

    I CORINTHIANS 10:9 Nor let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted [Christ], and were destroyed by serpents;

    The Lord said:

    "If you see me, you see the Father. He that hates me, hates my Father also."(So if we put Jesus to the test, we put his Father to the test also.)

    Whenever Israel complained against Moses, Moses said "It is not us you are complianing against, but you are complaining against God." (Ex. 16:8). Hence, if we argue with Michael, we are not arguing with Michael, but with God. Michael is not involved at all. If we argue against Jesus, because Jesus is our LORD Is is the EXACT same as arguing against the Father. Christ takes it personally, and so does the Father. If we argue against Mi'chael, Michael does not take it personally. He's just a 'hear and obey.'

    He said:

    Both the Old and New Testaments show that this YHVH was the Angel who acted as the primary spokesman for God the Father.

    Actually, Moses and the angel were not involved. It was a murmuring between Israel, and the Father and Jesus. Moses and Michael were just "there to witness it."

    Here is more proof that the 'angel' is not Christ. The Father said:

    " Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for He will not pardon your transgressions; for My name is in Him. "

    Jesus pardons our sins. The angel doesn't.

    More later... I'll let you respond to this first.


  • Francois

    Tracysdad, pay no attention to those bible thumpers who refuse to thump this verse: "For all who are lead by the spirit of God are the children of God."

    I dare say that angles are led by the spirit of God.

    That would make them the children of God, wouldn't it?

    Thump that!!


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • kes152

    Hi pomegranate,

    you asked:

    "Where do you see judgement being mentioned?"

    Answer: In the Greek from which your English "mis-translation" came from.

    Judgement was never mentioned or even insinuated.

    you have been misled my dear. Go read the Greek.

    You make up your own teaching by rewriting Jude's words.

    Actually .. your "translators" did that.

    you said:

    If Michael surrendered, there would have been NO WAR after the "surrender."

    If Michael surrendered ... what? surrendered himself? surrendered Satan? surrendered his trumpet? what?

    you said:

    Judgement??? You write your own words into Jude again and again.

    Uh, nope. that would be your dear "translators."

    "Judgement" is never mentioned AT ALL in this text. AT ALL.

    That's cuz you got the wrong 'text.' Go back to the Greek, dear.

    STILL wishing you PEACE!

  • kes152


    hehe. Angels ARE spirits. They don't need to be led by God's spirit because they ARE God's spirits. We are not God's spirits. Thus, those of us who are 'led by God's spirit' are God's sons.

    Peace to you,

  • tracysdad

    It was said "the name YHVH, found over 6,800 times in the Old Testament, was applied to God the Father (Deu. 18:15; Psa. 110:1), the Messiah (Exo.
    13:21; 19:20; Num 21:6), and even to angels (Gen. 19:18, original Hebrew text)."

    Aaron, you said "The scriptures given with reference to the "Messiah" was actually Michael, not the Messiah."
    Numbers 21:6 IS referencing Jesus Christ, as 1 Corinthians 10:9 states.
    I'll need some time to study your rebuttal. Thanks for responding.

    ps. Can you explain Daniel 12:1? Is this talking about the second coming of Christ?

  • pomegranate

    >>Answer: In the Greek from which your English "mis-translation" came from.<<

    >>you have been misled my dear. Go read the Greek<<

    >>Actually .. your "translators" did that<<

    >>That's cuz you got the wrong 'text.' Go back to the Greek, dear<<

    These are BLATANT lies. I know my Greek well enough son and the word renderings in this verse of the NIV are very accurate. There is no mistranslation. As a matter of fact Aaron, why don't you enlighten us on which Greek words have been mistranslated! Here you go:

    9. Ho de' Michaeel ho archangelos hote too diaboloo diakrinomenos dielegeto peri tou Moouseoos soomatos ouk etolmeesen krisin epenengkein blasfeemias alla eipen epitimeesai soj Kurios.

    There is NO Greek word anywhere around verse 9 nevermind contained within verse 9 that remotely HINTS at Michael "judging" or "surrendering" as you have been falsely teaching. There is NOTHING mistranslated in the NIV rendering from the original Greek.

    You are a liar.

    You are a false teacher.

  • kes152


    Thank you for pointing that out. I missed that scripture in Numbers. I was also 'heard' that in Exodus 19:20, Christ AND Michael were present. Father spoke the Law to Christ who gave it to his servant Moses by the hand of his angel, Michael.

    Peace to you,

  • kes152


    Here's your Greek:

    'O de Mikhael 'o arkhaggelos, "ote to diabolo
    The but Mikhael the arkhangel, when to the Devil

    diakrin'omenos dielegeto per'i tou Mouseos
    contending he reasoned about of the Moses

    somatos, o'uk 'etolmesen krisin epenegkein
    of body, not he dared judgement to bear upon

    blasphemias, a'll'a e'ipen 'Epitim'esai soi Ku'rios.
    blasphemy, but he say May rebuke you the Lord.

    This is the Greek translations that I compared with two Greek Bibles. In case you didn't notice.. you just TOLD on yourself. You also quoted "krisin" which means "judgement." You will see "krisin" ALSO in JUDE 6. I guess you'll be speaking with the NIV people.

    Peace to you!

  • pomegranate

    You just told on yourself liar.

    You DO NOT know your Greek (or English for that matter), and you are a lying false teacher. You also have taken a word directly out of context. You have also contradicted the whole Bible with your false teaching.

    The complete phrase is, with the descriptive adverb SLANDEROUS (blasfeemias) ACCUSATION (krisin).

    From your copy work you pull your own pants down:

    somatos, o'uk 'etolmesen krisin epenegkein
    of body, not he dared judgement to bear upon

    "NOT he dared judgment to bear upon" This is saying MICHAEL DID NOT JUDGE and yet Aaron teaches Michael did pass judgment. Liar.

    All you have done is copy out of Strong's word for word which is a King James Bible tool. What a fake you are.

    The context is very plain. Accurate translators did not translate "blasfeemia" as blasphemy, because blasphemy is against God, but in your illiterate Greek translation copying, you just made the same King James mistake. "Blasphemy" is wrong, as accurate translations use "slanderous" as the correct translation of "blasfeemia" from Michael as it would have been directed toward Satan not God, if he committed that wrong action. NOT BLASPHEMY!! The blind Strong/King James just led the blind Aaron into the pit.

    Regarding "krisin" (accusation/judgment) with the light of texts such as these:

    John 5:22
    22 Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted ALL JUDGMENT to the Son,

    Jude 5-6
    6 And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home-these HE (Christ) has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.

    If the FATHER judges NO ONE, and Christ does the judging on the great Day of all spirit creatures, Michael could not and would not even have ANY TYPE OF "judgement" on his mind PERIOD. But you teach otherwise. Liar.

    Which is why ALL translations DO NOT use judgement AT ALL in translating. Besides, if "judgement" is used in the phrase SLANDEROUS ACCUSTAION/JUDGEMENT, Michael would be guilty of lying AND judging. HE DID NEITHER.

    But in your trek of false teaching and lies, you say Michael did pass judgement while the text plainly states HE DID NOT PASS ANY JUDGEMENT AT ALL, slanderous or otherwise. All he did was verbally REBUKE the Snake.

    2 Peter 2:1
    2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.

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