Steve Irwin attempts to justify feeding croc with baby in hand.....

by desib77 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    Although I love the show , I do not like the way that child is put in dangerous situations that I don't even want to be put in .If he were an american the child protective agency would be all over him . Krikey I never thought that guy would do something like that .

  • desib77
    Second, by all appearances he's a good dad. I mean you can see just how much they hate having all those animals around them as they grow up.

    No one has a problem with the cute and cuddly harmless animals....dangerous animals are another story. They are not pets regardless of how much he would like to think they are.

  • BeautifulGarbage
    Y'know you could have memory loss ?!

    Just kidding with ya ... the comments just made me smile

    Actually, there are those occasions when the "horse-kick-in-head-memory-loss" thing could come in quite handy.

    To my daughter "Huh, wha? I don't REMEMBER promising to buy you a ________________ (fill in the blank)

  • BeautifulGarbage

    I just reread my comments on first post.


    I didn't LOVE getting injured, but I loved the time I spent caring for, and tending to the animals.

    Granted there are certainly degrees of risk, but when dealing with ANY animal there is a chance of being hurt. Even with the cute and cuddly ones.

    My sister had a horrible encounter with a cute cuddly little kitten. Problem was, unknown to her, it was part of a feral litter born in a hay barn several weeks before. When she picked it up, went to pull it up close when it attacked. The critter went crazy and she couldn't get it off her at first because of it's little sharp claws. She had several deep scratches and needed a couple of stitches in her hand.

  • desib77
    Granted there are certainly degrees of risk, but when dealing with ANY animal there is a chance of being hurt. Even with the cute and cuddly ones.

    I agree with this but the chances are greater with the more dangerous animals. The chances that a person won't survive an attack by a croc. are much higher than that they wouldn't make it through an attack by a koala bear.

  • wednesday

    He was on Regis and Kelly last week, and showed a pic of his 2 month old(i think) baby with a huge snaked wrapped around the baby. I about choked and the audience did too. I am sorry, snakes and wild animals are different than horses and dogs. Those are domestic animals . Snakes and crocks and all that are not..

  • Cassiline
    I am sorry, snakes and wild animals are different than horses and dogs.

    I couldn't agree less. I do believe dogs are more responsible for death and maiming than snakes here in the states, that would be unexpected death...cute cuddly little furry things opposed to scaley 'slimey' long nasty things ripping the faces off 4 year olds and killing women in hallways of apartment buildings while the owner cheers the dog on. Then look at Christopher Reeve, a horse did him.. Superman..and it didn't help a bit.


    Edit to add:

    As for the PM I just received, it?s what we are taught to respect. Children are not taught to be afraid of furry dogs... they are of snakes for the most part. And IMO (although I can?t stand the man, Steve Irwin) he teaches one respect for what he shows on this program while most do not respect the power of furry dogs and pretty horses.

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