What are some of the worst movies you've seen?

by doodle-v 128 Replies latest social entertainment

  • doodle-v

    Here's my MOVIES that SUCK list

    Battlefield Earth (What was John Travolta smoking when he made this film?)

    Mission to Mars (I should have known)

    Beloved (I thought it was going to be like "Roots" or "The Color Purple"... it wasn't. I nearly walked out. Maybe if i had read the book it would have made more sense)

    Starship Troopers (stuuuuuupid)

    Biker Boyz (I thought it was going to be like "The Fast and the Furious"...it wasn't)

    So what movies are on your Suck List?


  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Van Helsing


    Battlefield Earth (waited till it came out on cable. I refuse to give money to cults )

  • Nosferatu

    All the Austin Powers movies

    The Matrix

    The Flintstones

    Scooby doo

    Island of Dr. Moreau

  • skittles4u

    forget paris


    random hearts

  • Stefanie

    Kung Pow!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    "High Crimes" with Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman. I thought it would be a thriller, it was poorly acted, the plot was predictable and tired, and everyone that I went to see it with in the theatre fell asleep except for me. TERRIBLE

    "1000 Corpes" By Rob Zombie. I enjoy scary movies with macabre undertones. This movie is sooooo incredibly over the top with unbelievably pointless and grusome gore. I walked out on this movie with 45 minutes left and sat in the lobby waiting for my crack head friends to finish watching it. This movie, by the way is the ONLY movie I have EVER walked out on in a theatre. And teh ONLY movie that actually made me feel sick and ill watching it. BLAH!

  • Jasmine

    Mars Attacks

    Eye of the Beholder

    Speed 2

    Little Nicky

    The English Patient

  • doodle-v

    Yes Scooby Doo was terrible, I can't believe they made a sequal.

    The Incredible Hulk was dumb, too. Whey did he move so freakin fast?? Ang Lee was the wrong director I think for that movie, he had the Hulk leaping through the air like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, it was ridiculous.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Stef! Kung Pow was funny because it was sooo stupid

    Worst movie by far: Torque

    You thought biker boyz was bad...............

    When the 'hero' is driving his 'helocopter turbine powered street bike" 200mph in downtown rush hour traffic I about threw my soda at the screen. F-in lame moving. Worse than Gigli.

  • doodle-v

    LOL you guys! why do we put ourselves through such torture??

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