Sometimes I Hate Being The Father Of Teenagers . . .

by Corvin 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    Wow. Corvin. Okay, you posted this on a discussion board, and before we can discuss it you need to know what I think... but if ya don't like what ya get, ya's the one who bought it up and have to take the bouquets with the brickbats. You must have had some curisoity over what other people thought; looking for validation maybe? I don't know you well enough to guess why.

    If my JW parents had pulled one like that I would have been incandescent with rage and would likely get the album again, but would have made sure they you didn't find out about it.

    As a 38 year-old with a 14 year-old daughter I feel the same way. I feel even more uncertain about the correctness of your actions (from my POV) with a 17 year-old involved. Treating a young adult a year away from legal majority as though they have no rights is a dangerous thing to do.

    I'd feel I wasn't respecting her. Yeah, she's my kid, and under this scenario it would be my house, but I've always found that 'you're my kid and you'll do as I say when you live under my roof' to be so close to an non-argument as to make no difference. It's more of a threat than anargument. You may as well say 'might is right' and have done with it.

    Anger is part of the tapestry of emotions that make up our life. If my child was immersing themselves in anger to the exclusion of other emotions I would want to talk anbout it. I might comment on some songs.

    But I'd give her my opinion by means of discussion, not by means of diktat, and probably, especially with an older teenager, respect her right to have a different opinion to me.

    Also... angry... 'Killing in the Name of' is angry ... you thrown out Rage yet? Man, I suppose NIN and NIrvana is going in the trash too... I think, actually, a lot of Dylan shpould go to... 'Masters of War' for example. And 'What's Going On' is full of anger, even though there's no shouting.

    There's an AWFUL lot of asthetic opinion in what you've done. Reading the riot act for ACTIONS, yeah, I can understand that. But raeding the riot act for someone having different TASTE to you. Heavy.

    Do you censor her reading material as well? Books can be just as angry as songs, albeit quieter (except on the inside of your head)). And books HAVE actually started revolutions, whereas songs have been mere accompaniments to them.

    Where do you go with your response if she actually does something bad? I mean, that's a heavy reaction to a few words and some music. I'm curious to know your reactions to things that were a more clear and present danger to her than a song.

  • Paradise Found
    Paradise Found


    "Suicide Is painless It brings on many changes. And you can take or leave it if you please" The words to the Music of the T:V series M:A:S:H. Written by a 14 year old Kid

    "I think In Jesus we all find out we are messed up in different ways" The Waterboys

    The" SEX PISTALS" were every mothers nightmare (in England) when I was a kid the music was In there opinion "Negative, Destructive and Damaging" To the growth of there kids.

    My advice Is not to trush the music. Share the music with Your music. Good music survives the Generation Barriers. When I Introuduce my child to the "WHO" " The Stones" or "Guns & Roses" " Bowie"ect ect we will have great fun .(It was trashed by my parents but now they love It and my dad is 73. I even like I cant remember the names of my Dads music..but the point Is we listern to it together.( And It has to be on Gramaphone...If I got the same songs for my Dad on CD we couldnt share it")

  • calamityjane

    I hear ya Corvin. We too have had our share of upsets with our kids and we still have a way to go. Our 12 year old son is pretty much easy going right now but our 14 year daughter, well she is giving me gray hairs.

    I too feel that we are pretty liberal parents since now we have left the chains of the borg. I think sometimes when our daughter does give us attitude, I wonder why , when she has less restrictions and more freedom than us when we were growing up as teens.

    I believe I would have probably done the same thing, break it and throw it in the garbage. I think if she didn't give you attitude and "the look" and God I know that look, you probably would have given her another option to get rid of the cd.


  • catlady

    I went to the Dead Poetics website & I quite the music! I'm actually sitting as I type letting it play in the background. I don't know, I just can't see the 'angriness' in it, I thought must have been at the wrong page. They're really just heavy rock, they're not even metal & I think it's more 'angst' than 'anger' in the music. Sure, most of the lyrics are about loss & sorrow but haven't most people been through that stage in their life where they're thinking 'oh cruel world', I think it is just a part of teenage angst.

    Guns n Rose, Nirvana, Sonic Youth, et al (who I was listening to as a teen) were way angrier but anger in music is not necessarily a bad thing. As other posters have mentioned, teens (& adults!) go through so many mood swings sometimes it helps to be able to express it through music. Also, I know that when I went through an incredibly bad time in my life (depression and bulimia) in my early 20's I listened obsessively to songs about depression, suicide, life sucking, etc but actually felt better for it because I'd think 'well, at least I'm not the only one, other people feel like this too'. I just felt so isolated so to hear songs about the stuff I was thinking in my head (and thinking I was crazy for thinking it) was reassuring.

    I was reading the lyrics of the Dead Poetics songs and I think these are quite pretty. Maybe you just walked in on a 'bad' song Corvin?

    BURY THE DIFFERENCEBury all the differences between us. When I still can't find the air,
    You keep the toxins flowing for me,
    And I'll bury all the differences between us.
    And I still can't help but care for moving mountains,
    But your, your head's held high again.

    You will find me out. You will find everything. We all, we just battle ourselves. We just battle ourselves again.
    Bury all the differences between us, that same mechanic sound.
    That keeps on ringing for days and days.
    And you're standing like a clueless titan falls.
    And everything around falls right down on you.
    With your head held high again.

    You will find me out. You will find everything. We all, we just battle ourselves. We just battle ourselves again.And there's a storm cloud waiting over,
    On the land that's sinking at the,
    At the bottom of these buildings again.
    With your head held high again.

    You will find me out. You will find everything. We all, we just battle ourselves. We just battle ourselves again.

  • Stefanie
    She copped an attitude because I took exception to the kind of music she brought into my house. I again offered her the option of a compilation CD. She gave me that snotty "I hate you" look and told me that all the songs were like that. I said, "oh, OK."

    I can see where Corvin is coming from. Maybe if she wouldnt have copped an attitude the situation would have turned out differently. I have a 12 going 13 yr old, and I hate the "look" , it drives me up the wall!

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Hehe. I've listened to my fair share of Eminem and all that stuff. Only the violent kids are violent off those songs.

    I don't know it's prolly my teenage side talkin for me here but I wouldn't have broke it I would have actually talked about the whole thing and say don't play it in my house. Oh so many times my mom got rid of stuff and I went into even angrier moods than the music would have ever put me in. Lol one time she took away one of my games cause it had "Magic" on it when it really wasn't magic at all and I went into a suicidal mood for like 2 weeks. I know I was sad.

    I dunno This will all prolly change when I'm a parent. I'll probably be worse than any of you so I can't hate. Good parenting lol.

    And just a while ago my mom made me take off a picture with an ogre looking thing calling it demonic and everything. My God I was mad for the longest. I was like, "Ok I'll through it away." Yet she was still trying to get the whole family to see it with her to justify her actions. So crap. That's prolly why I got mixed feelings about parenting cause of what my psycho parents did. Oh well.

    That picture never made me want to kill anybody except after it was taken away. Weird.

  • avishai

    I appreciate seeing at least SOME parents with boundaries. Way to go Corvin, etc.

  • unbeliever
    I took the CD and broke it, then tossed it into the trash can where it belongs. I am sorry she lost her money on that CD, but she knew what the rules were when she bought it. Sometimes I hate being the father of teenagers.

    Oh man if my mom did that to me the fireworks would have gone off. Oh wait she did do that to me and the fireworks did go off. I went back out and bought the same music again and kept it at my dads. I made sure she knew it too. What was she going to do, spank me? I don't think its a very good idea to do that to someone who is so close to being an adult.

  • detective
    Rap music is not allowed in my house. I don't care if the artist is black or white, it is not allowed. I want my daughter coming home and saying "hi, how was your day" not stuff like "yo dog, whas up!" I do not approve of improper English and rap is full of it.

    I hear ya, copsec, but rap isn't the only form of music chock full of the bad engleeesh. Jazz music and swing music, as examples, are full of improper English, slang and oodles of innuendo. Country music? Yikes. Spirituals? Forget about doing a jig to an traditional Irish tune...

    I fully appreciate your right to choose whatever music you would prefer not be played in your home. However, if improper English were really the issue, your house would be pretty darn quiet!

  • Corvin
    You must have had some curisoity over what other people thought; looking for validation maybe? I don't know you well enough to guess why.

    LOL, Sometimes we are just stressed and we vent. I have been through hell, not because of my kids, but for my kids.

    If my JW parents had pulled one like that I would have been incandescent with rage and would likely get the album again, but would have made sure they you didn't find out about it.

    I am not a JW parent, and have not been one for 14 years. If you were my son, your incandescent rage and repurchasing of the same album would have gotten you an ass-kicking. I am not a spanking dad, but I am not above knocking hell out of my 6-3 son should he ever think he can disrespect me or his mother.

    As a 38 year-old with a 14 year-old daughter I feel the same way. I feel even more uncertain about the correctness of your actions (from my POV) with a 17 year-old involved. Treating a young adult a year away from legal majority as though they have no rights is a dangerous thing to do.

    A young adult (in this case, only 5 months) away from legal majority has the right to be loved and kept safe, fed and clothed, nurtured and taught. That's where her rights end. The rest is PRIVELEDGE. She gets to exercise all other rights when she is paying the bills.

    I'd feel I wasn't respecting her. Yeah, she's my kid, and under this scenario it would be my house, but I've always found that 'you're my kid and you'll do as I say when you live under my roof' to be so close to an non-argument as to make no difference. It's more of a threat than anargument. You may as well say 'might is right' and have done with it.

    The one thing I have tried to teach my daughter is that no matter where she is, no matter how old, how smart, how rich, she will always have to follow somebody else's rules. There are laws she will have to abide by or pay the price. My rules are not designed to make her life miserable, but to prevent each one from driving the other nuts. Again, I am no prude, and they have alot of freedom and priveledges under my roof . . . but kids will push and test the boundaries at that age. I am not about to let ANYONE living under my roof, including myself, bring any element into the abode that would be offensive or inconsiderate to another. The music is not just offensive to me.

    Anger is part of the tapestry of emotions that make up our life. If my child was immersing themselves in anger to the exclusion of other emotions I would want to talk anbout it. I might comment on some songs.

    Anger is a secondary emotion to hurt. As was talked about in previous posts of this thread, it was suggested that music is born of the composer's mood or states of mind. The band or composer in question seems to be dealing with his/their hurt by using anger a bit too much . . . to the exclusion of other emotions. There are many songs that communicate the composers hurt, fear, anger without such destructive attitudes and the disposition to lash out at women, mothers, fathers and those not sporting Dickies and Converse. Songs do not have to be reality based to get my approval, but they do need to reflect the "artist" has a little more upstairs and in their heart than just anger and hostility and hopelessness.

    But I'd give her my opinion by means of discussion, not by means of diktat, and probably, especially with an older teenager, respect her right to have a different opinion to me.

    I am musician. She does not care for my particular preferences and I do respect that. My wife, Mary, likes country, but I don't really care for what country has come to these days, but I don't have anything to say about it. Some of the songs written in the country industry are just too stupid for words, but whatever. From the day she (my daughter) discovered she had her own taste in music, we have had many lengthy discussions, and again, she has lots of lattitude with regard to her choices and I have listened to all of her choices and actually like most of it. There are times when young adults living anywhere will have a lapse in sense and good judgement. I, as a father, get to give reminders and help adjust their reasoning. If you oldest child is only 14, you have yet to learn that sometimes no amount of discussion or reasoning or respect can get through their to them and when all else fails, taking control and in this case, trashing an offensive CD is all you can do. Sometimes, pointing out to the child, and a 17 yo with no means of supporting herself is still pretty much a child, that their only other option is to get their own digs and paying the bills is just the ticket to straighten their punk asses out.

    Also... angry... 'Killing in the Name of' is angry ... you thrown out Rage yet? Man, I suppose NIN and NIrvana is going in the trash too... I think, actually, a lot of Dylan shpould go to... 'Masters of War' for example. And 'What's Going On' is full of anger, even though there's no shouting.

    I do not discount any band based on one or two songs, but give them (the children) an option of CD compilations that omit offensive material that panders to the unstable states of mind a teenager goes through.

    There's an AWFUL lot of asthetic opinion in what you've done. Reading the riot act for ACTIONS, yeah, I can understand that. But raeding the riot act for someone having different TASTE to you. Heavy.

    Not the case here . . . hippy, lol jk

    Do you censor her reading material as well? Books can be just as angry as songs, albeit quieter (except on the inside of your head)). And books HAVE actually started revolutions, whereas songs have been mere accompaniments to them.

    As a matter of fact I do take exception to reading material that encourages her to have an unrealistic viewpoint about her looks and body leading her to feel like she doesn't measure up to some bullshit standard . . . a standard that she will never be able to attain simply because of genetics. Material that gives out bad or bullshit advice about love and relationship gets tossed too. I get to teach my kids about those things and I get to say who else gets to teach them about those things. My daughter came home from school one day a little disturbed about her Life Management teacher. This is a class that teaches kids about condoms, pregnancy, STD's, mental health, stuff like that, but she showed me a URL he had given the class to go to for homework assignment research. Turns out this teacher is the follower of a religeous guru and incorporates this guru's cultish philosophies into his courses. As I read this guru's website I became incensed as did my daughter. I payed a visit to this teacher's class room and was astonished to find posters on the walls and other crap espousing the guru's mantras. Turns out this teacher makes the kids go through ritualistic ceremony each day in class based on this guru's teachings. We are talking gongs and magic conches, white tunics and bonfires. I raised hell with the looney teacher, then went to the Principal and raised hell. Turns out this teacher's curriculum more than slightly deviated from the standard given him to teach the kids, and the school heads were not aware of it until I brought it to their attention. I got my kid away from the kook and get to do the same thing with regard to the kooks who push their bullshit philosophies and way of thinking on her through their so-called music.

    Where do you go with your response if she actually does something bad? I mean, that's a heavy reaction to a few words and some music. I'm curious to know your reactions to things that were a more clear and present danger to her than a song.

    It is an appropriate reaction to someone who knew the standard and deliberately violated that standard. It's not like she didn't know what would happen. She had been given ample warning and was reasoned with extensively, she tested the boundaries again, and again it was my place to reinforce what those boundaries are. I would remiss in my duties as a father to let her get away with thumbing her nose at rules put in place for her well-being and protection, rules that also protect and respect the sensabilities of the others that live here.

    I do not need validation, I was venting. If you have not yet raised a child through their teen years up to young adulthood, you may yet have to understand what quite a few other parents already know. Good luck

    Best Regards,


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